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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. That means your flash drive doesn't have enough space for the GUi update, you can still do it manually.
  2. Not unless you have a backup of the vdisk, or you try some deleted file recovery util.
  3. -Stop the array, click on the now empty disk and change filesystem to reiserfs. -Start array, format the disk -Stop array, click on the same disk and change the fs back to xfs -Start array, format the disk -Done
  4. Nothing obvious spamming the log, is it already filling up?
  5. That's from a bug a few releases ago, you need to empty the disk(s) with unbalance or manually, re-format and copy the data back, it won't require a rebuild.
  6. Like mentioned just formatting a disk won't trigger a rebuild, but since the diags are after rebooting we cannot see what happened, disk5 errors are not logged as a disk problem and SMART looks fine, check/replace cables (both) or slot and try the rebuild again.
  7. IO wait basically it the CPU waiting for the storage system, so it's not really using the CPU, hence the lower clockspeed.
  8. Unraid will still boot, just mcelog won't load, the unsupported CPU message is just about that, LT already mentioned that in the future mcelog will be replaced wit rasdemon, that one also supports newer AMD CPUs.
  9. Then it suggests either it's not compatible with that board or the PCIe slot is not working correctly, it's not being detect on a hardware level, it's not a software problem.
  10. NIC is not being detected, try a different PCIe slot if available, or try it in a different PC to make sure it's working.
  11. Please post the diagnostics when this happens.
  12. That doesn't apply to you, it's for a btrfs formatted disk, no idea why it was posted here, post the new diags so we can see best way forward.
  13. Create a new test share, set it to cache yes, leave all remaining settings as default, then create a file: touch /mnt/user/test_share/file Then post new diags.
  14. This looks like a filesystem related issue, check filesystem on all drives, also docker image is detecting corruption so you should delete and recreate.
  15. Yes. You can. Yes, obviously parity would need to be done first.
  16. Delete and recreate the docker image, if you keep getting filesystem corruption without any reason you might have a hardware issue, like bad RAM.
  17. FYI this won't cause sync errors. Running a Ryzen server with overclocked RAM like you have is known to corrupt data, respect max officially supported speed for your config and see it it helps. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=819173
  18. Please use the existing support thread for the plugin:
  19. I would just replace the disk, SMART cannot detect all issues.
  20. Since btrfs is detecting data corruption recommend starting with memtest.
  21. Yes, profile is not checked, for now it assumes raid1 when there's more than one device.
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