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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Docker images shows write errors, these could be hardware related your not enough space on the device where the docker is: It's also advisable to uninstall both the preclear and the S3 sleep plugin as they have known issues with v6.4
  2. See here: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/65494-unraid-os-version-640-stable-release-available/?do=findComment&comment=619388
  3. Is the docker still stopped since rebooting? It appears to be working on the diagnostics posted.
  4. Please post your diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics
  5. Sometimes during these last updates, not sure exactly which one, load in watts is not displayed anymore, UPS is an APC Back-UPS Pro 900:
  6. If you don't mind sharing post how many files were corrupt when you finish checking them, just out of curiosity, since that disk looks to be in really bad shape. Good luck!
  7. Definitely, ddrescue is a last resort attempt only, since some/many files will be corrupt when it skips the read errors.
  8. If no backups are available most just copy what they can mounting the disk normally, any file that won't copy because of a read error would be corrupt if copied with ddrescue, others use dd with conv=noerror,sync, still ddrescue is optimized for reading a bad disk and can be a valid solution for some cases, hence why I said it would be a good addition to the nerd tools.
  9. I'm still not clear on what you are doing and what disk is having errors, whatever it is there's something very wrong, you could post your diagnostics. They replace the failing disk with a new one and let it rebuild, even for large disks it should take less than a day, e.g., my server with 8TB disks takes around 15 hours to do a rebuild.
  10. Is that 75 days rebuilding to a new disk? If yes you have other issues, if you're trying to rebuild to a known bad disk don't.
  11. Firefox here. Pretty sure I've seen this before the spam invasion.
  12. At first I though I might have imagined it but It happened several times now, I usually click the Unread Content link and start reading threads, then click the browser back button to go back to the unread list, the last thread clicked won't be on the list no more, this is good, now I usually leave threads I believe will take more time to read/reply for the end and the problem is that sometimes, one of these threads will disappear from the unread list without me reading it, this has happened at least 5 or 6 times and makes me wonder if other threads are masked ar read without me noticing, I know this is probably hard to diagnose but I'm sure there's a problem, I'm not crazy
  13. You can request for it in the Nerd Tools thread, don't know if it can be easily added but it would be a good addition.
  14. Yep, just bent them a little so the fan sits inside, on some rare occasions I can get a small vibration, but since it's very seldom didn't try to improve it yet.
  15. Sorry, wasn't clear, I meant one 200mm side fan on each tower, they also have one 120mm exhaust on the rear, one 80mm for the extra bottom storage and currently one is with 4 x 5in3s with 92mm fans and the other has 4 x 4in3s with 120mm fans, all non hot swap , yeah I'd like hot swap but they are very expensive to source in Europe and I already spend more money than I should on my servers.
  16. hmm, still not getting any hits with "mfi" " darco" or "darco/mfi-controller "
  17. I'm trying to install the mfi docker but can't find it on the appstore, docker hub search is enable, it's this one: https://hub.docker.com/r/darco/mfi-controller/ Or this one apparently more recent, but can I install a docker fro github? https://github.com/darconeous/docker-mfi-controller
  18. It's fixed, I used a 3 in 2's I had unused for each case, they are fixed to the PSU holes using old PSU parts, and have a single 80mm fan, I usually only put two drives max in there, partially because the cooling isn't very good, partially because I like even numbers more, next time I open one of the cases I'll take some pictures Left it alone, don't have fans there. I have a 200mm input fan on each, mostly for cooling the HBA and/or expanders. A little double sided tape and the cables (power/reset/leds only) go in through the top fan opening.
  19. ? I have two of those, with a small adaptation where the bottom power supply should go for 3 additional drives, so they can take 23 drives max.
  20. Besides possible performance issues, USB is much worse at error handling, you should get an HBA.
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