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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Sounds like an alarm, possible high CPU temp, as it's rather higher than normal, check cooling. As for the unresponsive array, you're using reiserfs on all disks, that would be my #1 suspect, you can confirm by converting only your cache to XFS, disable the mover temporarily so that all writes are limited to cache, test for a few days and if it works convert the remaining disks. PS: mover was run during the parity check, this should be avoided as it will slow down both operations considerably.
  2. Currently the automatic parity check after an unclean shutdown is no correct, so stop it and start a correcting check.
  3. JorgeB

    VM FAQ

    How do I keep my sparse vdisk as small as possible? How do enable trim on my Windows 8/10 or Windows Server 2012/2016 VM? NOTE: according to this post by @aim60virtio devices also support discard on recent versions of qemu, so you just need to add the discard='unmap' option to the XML. Still going to leave the older info here for now just in case. By default vdisks are sparse, i.e., you can chose 30GB capacity but it will only allocate the actual required space and use more as required, you can see the current capacity vs allocated size by clicking on the VM name, problem is that over time as files are written and deleted, updates installed, etc, the vdisk grows and it doesn't recover from the deleted files. This has two consequences, space is wasted and if the vdisk in on an SSD that unused space is not trimmed, it's possible to "re-sparsify" the vdisk e.g., by cping it to another file, but this it's not very practical and there's a better way. You can use the vitio-scsi controller together with discard='unmap', this allows Windows 8/10 to detect the vdisk as "thin provisioned drive", and any files deleted on the vdisk are immediately recovered as free space on the host (might not work if the vdisk is on a HDD), and this also allows fstrim to then trim those now free sectors when the vdisk is on an SSD. On an existing vdisk it's also possible to run Windows defrag to recover all unused space after changing to that controller. Steps to change an existing Windows8/10 VM (also works for Windows Server 2012/2016): 1) First we need to install the SCSI controller, shutdown the VM (For Windows 8/10 I recommend disabling Windows fast Startup -> Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Power Options\System Settings before shutdown, or else the VM might crash on first boot after changing the controller). Then edit the VM in form mode (toggle between form and XML views is on the upper right side), and change an existing device other than your main vdisk or virtio driver cdrom to SCSI, for example your OS installation device if you still have it, if not you can also add a second small vdisk and chose SCSI as the vdisk bus, save changes 2) Start the VM and install the driver for the new "SCSI controller", look for it on the virtio driver ISO (e.g., vioscsi\w10) 3) Shutdown the VM, edit the VM again, again using the form view and change the main vdisk controller to "SCSI", now change view to XML and add "discard='unmap'" to the SCSI controller: Add after cache='writeback', e.g. before: After: 4) Start the VM (if you added a 2nd vdisk you can remove it now before starting), it's should boot normally, you can re-enable Windows fast startup. 5) Run Windows Defrag and Optimize drives, check that he disk is now detected as "Thin provisioned drive" and run optimize to recover all previous unused space. From now on all deleted files on the vdisk should be immediately trimmed. Note: If after this you edit the VM using the GUI editor these changes will be lost and will need to be redone.
  4. It's an old bug, speed is reported according to parity size, so when the cleared (or rebuilt) disk is smaller speed is incorrect.
  5. Yes, with SSDs PCIe 2.0 can easily became a bottleneck during simultaneous access.
  6. Only if using SAS3 enterprise SSDs, speed will be the same with SATA SSDs, also make sure it works with unRAID as not all newer LSI models are supported.
  7. It's not an unRAID problem, it's a Linux problem with most Marvell chipsets, and 4 port controllers are mostly Marvell based, if you want a new controller you can get 2 or 8 ports, 2 ports go for Asmedia, 8 ports there are new LSI controllers that work out of the box, e.g., LSI 9207-8i.
  8. Works fine for some, but the important thing is to try a different one, or restarting in safe mode.
  9. This is a common issue, one or the other solution from the FAQ should fix it:
  10. It's not in the FAQ, maybe it should?
  11. Your cache disk has been acting up, probably because of the pending sector.
  12. NVMe devices are supported since v6.2
  13. As long as the disk isn't going to be used as an array disk you can partition it with the UD plugin.
  14. Your CPU should support at least vt-x, if it does enabled it in the bios. Other option is to disable the VM manager by editing the file domain.cfg on your flash device (config folder): Change SERVICE="enable" to SERVICE="disable" and reboot.
  15. I'm having a couple of issues with the editing feature, I'm not able to consistently reproduce them but both things happened more than once: -after editing one scrip and canceling without any changes the previous script appears when I editing a different script -the + is removed from one my scripts in the date variable, (date '+%Y%m%d') becomes (date ' %Y%m%d') in all instances in the script If I find a way of consistently reproducing this I'll post again.
  16. LSI 9207-8i supports trim, it uses the SAS2308 chipset, other models based on the same chipset should also work, 9211 and all others SAS2008 based won't work.
  17. It works on any pcie x1/x4/x8/x16 slot.
  18. Without trim write speed will deteriorate a lot, as low as 20MB/s, it's also bad for the SSD endurance but if write speed is not very important you can live without it. A cheap 2 port Asmedia controller supports trim, e.g.: https://www.amazon.com/IO-Crest-Port-PCI-Express-SY-PEX40039/dp/B005B0A6ZS
  19. Is the 9211 the only controller, i.e., is it connected to an expander? That controller doesn't support trim on most SSDs (it only trims SSDSs that support deterministic read after trim (read zero) like most Samsung Pro).
  20. Yes, this is what I use also, though KVM still launches a java window it works great, never liked using the browser, that is kink of buggy, I believe my X11 already uses HTML5 instead of java, still IPMIView is the best option.
  21. Didn't try it yet, as the java based one always works great form me, with 4 generations of boards, X7/8/9 e 11.
  22. Move the SSD to the onboard or another AHCI controller.
  23. If you need to recover data see the FAQ to try and mount read only or use btrfs restore, if data is not important might as well format it.
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