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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Sorry, didn't notice this before: Dual Parity - Pentium G2030/8GB/22HDD(2TB)/SAS2LP+Adaptec 1430SA Dual Parity - Celeron G560/8GB/14HDD(3&4TB)/LSI9211-8i Single Parity - Celeron G560/8GB/14HDD(2,3&6TB)/SASLP+Adaptec 1430SA Dual Parity - Celeron G570/8GB/8HDD(4&8TB)/Adaptec 1430SA Dual Parity - Pentium G4400/8GB/30SSD(64,80,120&256)/LSI9207-8i(with expander RES2SV240) + LSI9211-8i Dual Parity - Pentium G2030/8GB/22HDD(2&3TB)/SAS2LP+Adaptec 1430SA Single Parity - Xeon E3-1220/32GB/5HDD(3TB)/Asmedia 1601
  2. Autofan changes fan speeds according to the highest HDD temp, in doesn't care for MB or CPU temps.
  3. There was talk at the time that maybe setting it to 8 could have negative effects on other operations, likes normal writes, etc, as far as i know no one ever reported any issues.
  4. Unless you're one of the users that had the parity check slowdowns on the SAS2LP's. Then nr_requests has a significant effect. Yes, that's why I said to always set it to 8, it benefits SAS2LP users (also a little SASLP users) and doesn't make any difference for LSI and other controllers, all my servers are set to 8, most don't have SAS2LP.
  5. From my tests, and yours appear to agree, nr_request=8 never performs worse than default, same or faster, so you could always set it to 8 for the tests, in the end you give the best results and it's up to the user to take all values, or change all except nr_requests. This would cut the number of combinations to test significantly.
  6. +1 On v6.1 you could change the md_write_limit manually on disk.cfg, and I did several tests at the time and never noticed any difference in write speed, maybe the setting was needless and that's way it was removed, AFAIK Tom never explained it, nor how stripes vs window works. I find that I get best results with md_num_stripes set to aprx. twice the md_sync_window value. nr_requests is not an unRAID tunable, it's a Linux setting, it was a workaround found to fix the SAS2LP issue before the md_sync_thresh tunable was added, it's possible that changing it affects write performance, though I believe nobody ever noticed any issue, it can still be useful, e.g., if a server as both a SAS2LP and a LSI controller setting nr_request to 8 and md_sync_thresh close to md_sync_window gives the best performance.
  7. Great to see you working on the script again. A lot has changed since 5.0, the biggest difference being the addition of a new tunable: md_sync_thresh, you can read Tom's explanation here. This tunable was added to improve the parity check performance some users were having with the SAS2LP, IIRC, you controller uses the same chipset, basically the SASLP and SAS2LP work faster if this value is approximately half the md_sync_window value, other controllers like most LSI based ones, work faster with a md_sync_threash just a little lower than md_sync_window. Hope you can include testing for this new tunable in your plugin.
  8. Working great, many thanks! Would it be easy to have the sleep repeat in case of drive activity, i.e., call the sleep script again and wait another xx seconds, until there's no activity and shutdown.
  9. Disks are always spinning when I execute the script, because it's just a few minutes after turning the server on and copying a few GBs to the cache, usually once or twice a week.
  10. Thanks! No rush, I'll try this one tomorrow.
  11. If you're doing the other one I would still prefer it, avoids the server being on for an extra 15 minutes unnecessarily, the least you can set to spin down.
  12. Thanks, the easy way would work for me, but like I said I'm totally clueless with scripts, how do I add a line to check if they're all spun down? This is my current script: /usr/local/sbin/mover /sbin/fstrim -v /mnt/cache /usr/bin/sleep 180 /usr/local/sbin/powerdown I'd like to replace the sleep line with the check for spun down disks.
  13. I'm trying to make a very basic script for one of my servers, and wonder if anyone can help as I'm clueless with them. This is the scrip I need: 1-run mover 2-trim cache 3-check for array inactivity (monitor reads/writes?), if inactive for say 60 seconds go to 4 4-powerdown 1,2 and 4 are easy, any ideas how I can do 3?
  14. I was comparing your findings on one of my servers and it appears preclear beta uses much less RAM than on yours, I have the array started doing a dual disk upgrade and preclearing two disks at the same time, this server has 8GB of RAM. EDIT: Just though of a reason that can explain the difference, since these are previously used disks I'm skipping the pre and post reads, so the pre read can have higher memory utilization than the zeroing.
  15. Never tested as I only have 1 Intel expander but I would expect these speeds: using a PCIe 2.0 HBA the bottleneck is the PCIe bus, max speed ~110/125MB/s using a PCIe 3.0 HBA the bottleneck are the SAS2 links, 2200 * 2 / 24 = 185MB/s This configuration is not possible, you can't connect the same expander to more than one controller.
  16. Well, since v6.1 allows trading slots I assumed it would also allow to change the slots used, guess I was wrong, in that case you'll have to do a new config. Don't forget to check "Parity is already valid"
  17. Yes, if you're running v6.1 there's no need to do a new config, though never tried adding a new disk at the same time, so sort new order first, then add the precleared disk. There's also no problem if you're running v6.2 with single parity but you do have to do a new config and trust parity, if you have dual parity you can't change order without invalidating parity2. Parity check after is not required but always a good idea.
  18. Recently (starting with 6.2beta?) if array auto start is set to yes array starts even when there's a missing disk, IMO this can be dangerous when upgrading a disk, I'm used to upgrade a disk while leaving auto star ON, unRAID would detect a missing disk and wouldn't start the array, I just assign the new disk to begin the rebuild. Now, if say while upgrading a disk I bump a cable to another disk in a server with dual parity it will start the array with 2 missing disks, so besides the upgrade I'll have to rebuild another disk. If you want to keep this behavior then please consider setting another option for enable auto start: Always Yes, if there aren't missing disks No
  19. Should be OK, I recently connected one of my UD disks to a different controller and it was detected as usual.
  20. No, I haven't had time yet. But when I do it will just be low, medium, high for all fans. You you need help with testing feel free to ask, I have the X9SCM-F and X9SCL-F
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