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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Anyone tried this: https://ransomfree.cybereason.com/ Free and supposed to stop 99% of ransomware strains.
  2. That probably means you have a hardware problem, I used the script to move TBs of data without any issue, in one of my servers it worked for 48 hours straight. How much RAM your machine have ? This happens only when some big files are moving.. I think it has to do with low RAM...4GB ? what ya think ? Now I have 8 but at the time I used it I had 4GB.
  3. That probably means you have a hardware problem, I used the script to move TBs of data without any issue, in one of my servers it worked for 48 hours straight.
  4. You can't format a disk with the plugin and then use it on the array, it will appear as unmountable.
  5. They do get pretty hot, max operating temperature is 55C, there's no sensor, just make sure you have some airflow around it.
  6. You don't need to wait, v6.3-rc already has them.
  7. That was the parity build (sync), now you can do a non correcting check to make sure all is ok.
  8. You can, you'll need to let parity2 sync first, the you can do a non correcting check, at any time in the future you can unassign it and go back to single parity.
  9. Starting the array with any disk assigned as data with a non unRAID supported filesystem will destroy the existing partition, it shouldn't be very difficult to recover but you'll need to use data recovery software.
  10. I think you could add that the disk slot swap only works with v6.0 or v6.1, not with v6.2.
  11. One of my unassigned devices didn't unmount on array stop, had to start the array again (disk wasn't exported) and stop a 2nd time to unmount, there were no files open on that disk at the time of the 1st stop. tower7-diagnostics-20161201-1618.zip
  12. Like trurl posted changing the share to prefer and running the mover will do what you want.
  13. How do I replace/upgrade my single cache device? (unRAID v6.2 and above only) This procedure assumes that there are at least some dockers and/or VMs related files on the cache disk, some of these steps are unnecessary if there aren't. Stop all running Dockers/VMs Settings -> VM Manager: disable VMs and click apply Settings -> Docker: disable Docker and click apply For v6.11.5 or older: Click on Shares and change to "Yes" all cache shares with "Use cache disk:" set to "Only" or "Prefer" For v6.12.0 or newer: Click on all shares that are using the pool you want to empty and change them to have the pool as primary storage, array as secondary storage and mover action set to move from pool to array Check that there's enough free space on the array and invoke the mover by clicking "Move Now" on the Main page When the mover finishes check that your cache is empty (any files on the cache root will not be moved as they are not part of any share) Stop array, replace cache device, assign it, start array and format new cache device (if needed), check that it's using the filesystem you want For v6.11.5 or older: Click on Shares and change to "Prefer" all shares that you want moved back to cache For v6.12.0 or newer: Click on Shares and change the mover action to move from array to pool for all shares that you want moved back to cache On the Main page click "Move Now" When the mover finishes re-enable Docker and VMs
  14. What are the current device limits for each license? These are the current limits for unRAID v6.2 or above: Basic - 6 total Plus - 12 total Pro - 30 array (28 data + 2 parity) + up to 35 named pools, of up to 60 storage devices each + unlimited unassigned
  15. See the post for some expander tests, both single and dual link: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=43026.0
  16. I only have two free PICE slots and need to connect to 24 drives. I can possibly leave 8 drives on the PCI controller now and move the others to PCIE. I am using one of the TAMS servers if that helps. Or I could change the backplane as well. What do I need to do that? You can also use one HBA + Expander
  17. For the initial transfer I think it would be faster by disabling cache and enabling turbo write, even for large files.
  18. Supported on 6.3-rc http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=53003.0
  19. You can edit the first post, add [solved] to the title or change message icon to solved.
  20. Your pool is not balanced, but since you're going to remove a device it doesn't matter now: If not yet done backup your cache. Use the console or SSH into your server and run: btrfs balance start -f -dconvert=single -mconvert=single /mnt/cache This can take some time, progress can be watched by clicking on "cache" on the main page and checking "btrfs balance status": When it's done type: btrfs device remove /dev/sde1 /mnt/cache Again this could take some time, when done, stop array, unassign removed cache device, re-start array and you're done.
  21. You can try removing it on the console, but before that, click on cache to go to the cache web page and post the contents of "btrfs filesystem show" and "btrfs filesystem df"
  22. Then there's a problem, does It mount if it's reconnected and reassigned?
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