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  1. JorgeB's post in Server Crash 6.11.3 was marked as the answer   
    Enable the syslog server and post that if it happens again.
  2. JorgeB's post in UNMOUNTABLE: NOT MOUNTED (SOLVED) was marked as the answer   
    If xfs_repair - v asks for -L use it.
  3. JorgeB's post in [SOLVED] USB likely failing during update to Unraid 6.11.1 was marked as the answer   
    Backup current /config folder and recreate the flash drive using the USB tool (with v6.11.1), if OK restore the config folder, if it also fails replace the flash drive.
  4. JorgeB's post in 6.11.1 - SSD in cache pool on permanent standby was marked as the answer   
    Stop the array, unassign cache2, start array, stop array, re-assign cache2, start array, post new diags.
  5. JorgeB's post in Something really wrong went on during getPopupDescription was marked as the answer   
    In this thread please:
  6. JorgeB's post in ASA-70165H and UnRaid was marked as the answer   
    Not familiar with those shelfs but post the diags to see if the HBA is being correctly detected, also make sure for now you only connect one cable from the HBA to the 1st module on the shelf.
  7. JorgeB's post in Help with Partial OS Freeze on Version 6.11.1 was marked as the answer   
    Install the tips and tweaks plugin and set vm.dirty_background_ratio to 1 and vm.dirty_ratio to 2, that's been known to help for servers with a lot of RAM.
  8. JorgeB's post in Autostart not working in a test license was marked as the answer   
    It's not a limitation, it's a bug , it's already been fixed and v6.11.4 should be available soon.
  9. JorgeB's post in 求助:硬盘无法挂载 was marked as the answer   
    It's a known problem with v6.11.2, upgrade to v6.11.3 and try again.
  10. JorgeB's post in BTRFS ERROR ON NVME CACHE DRIVE was marked as the answer   
    If the current issue is limited to the log tree like that log snipped appears to indicate it might be solved by zeroing it, but first, and if backups are not up to date, recommend first using option #1  here to backup anything important, then try:
    btrfs rescue zero-log /dev/nvme0n1p1  
    If it works and since btrfs was detecting some corruption
    you should run a scrub after mount.
  11. JorgeB's post in Misconfiguration of the cache drive for appdata was marked as the answer   
    Set appdata to cache=prefer, disable docker service, run the mover.
  12. JorgeB's post in Hardware Upgrade Old Disks not Visible was marked as the answer   
    Are these shucked drives? If yes they might have the 3.3v issue, you can test by connecting one of them using a molex to sata adapter. 
  13. JorgeB's post in Can't format new drive in array was marked as the answer   
    Known issue with v6.11.2, update to v6.11.3
  14. JorgeB's post in Unmountable wrong or no file system + missing another disk! :( was marked as the answer   
    Still in maintenance mode type:
    xfs_repair -vL /dev/md7 and post output
  15. JorgeB's post in Kernel Panics on version 6.11.1 was marked as the answer   
    Yes, that should help since the logged call traced appeared to be related to macvlan.
  16. JorgeB's post in (SOLVED) Unmountable: No pool uuid was marked as the answer   
    Without rebooting since the last diags but with the array stopped type:
    wipefs -a /dev/nvme1n1p1 Then start array and post new diags.
  17. JorgeB's post in [Solved] Installing Windows 11 VM without network was marked as the answer   
  18. JorgeB's post in Unraid 6.11.3 and Dell H310 LSI 9211-8i was marked as the answer   
    As long as the LSI is in IT mode it's plug and play.
  19. JorgeB's post in (Solved) 2 hdd from 2 unRAID servers with data inside into new unRAID was marked as the answer   
    Using user shares it will only show the 1st copy of any duplicate files.
  20. JorgeB's post in Unmountable Drives - Formatting Issues was marked as the answer   
    First lets try and fix the pool, looks like one the NVMe devices dropped offline in the past and it was never synced, stop the array, type:
    wipefs -a /dev/nvme0n1p1 then unassign both pool devices
    start array
    stop array
    reassign only the Sabrent NVMe
    start array
    post new diags.
  21. JorgeB's post in Wanted to store my new post as draft, so used "Hide topic" but now i cant find it. was marked as the answer   
    You can then hide again if you want, or just edit.
  22. JorgeB's post in Just started rebuilding Disk4 due to drive upgrade and now "Disk1 in error state" was marked as the answer   
    Looks more like a power/connection problem but since the disk dropped offline there's no SMART, check/replace cables and see if it comes back online, then post new diags.
  23. JorgeB's post in Formatting after drive replacment was marked as the answer   
    If there's data you can rebuild the disk again after updating to v6.11.3 and you won't lose any data, if there isn't you can just format the disk since it's much faster.
  24. JorgeB's post in Upgraded to 6.11.3, consolidated cache/pending move back / reboot disabled 1 disk. was marked as the answer   
    SMART looks OK and since the emulated disk is mounting and assuming contents look correct you can rebuild on top.
  25. JorgeB's post in Docker Service failed to start. was marked as the answer   
    Delete and recreate the docker image, that does not require you to start over.
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