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  1. JorgeB's post in Drive not recognized in bios, works as external was marked as the answer   
    Make sure it's not the SATA 3.3v pin issue, google that.
  2. JorgeB's post in USB Died on reboot was marked as the answer   
    If you don't have a key backup (or the email) you need to contact support, you can then replace the flash drive, to recover the array see here.
  3. JorgeB's post in All Array Disks show unmountable: Unsupported partition layout and Cachepool btrfs shows unsupported or no file system after reboot was marked as the answer   
    With single parity you can only emulate one disk at a time, if the emulated disk doesn't mount check filesystem on it and post the output.
  4. JorgeB's post in 6.12.3 stops responding - have to reboot to work again was marked as the answer   
    2023-08-08T19:24:04+10:00 Tower kernel: macvlan_broadcast+0x10a/0x150 [macvlan] 2023-08-08T19:24:04+10:00 Tower kernel: ? _raw_spin_unlock+0x14/0x29 2023-08-08T19:24:04+10:00 Tower kernel: macvlan_process_broadcast+0xbc/0x12f [macvlan] Try switching to ipvlan (Settings -> Docker Settings -> Docker custom network type -> ipvlan (advanced view must be enabled, top right)).
  5. JorgeB's post in Nvme drive write errors was marked as the answer   
    The NVMe device dropped offline, this can sometimes help:
    on the main GUI page click on the flash drive, scroll down to "Syslinux Configuration", make sure it's set to "menu view" (top right) and add this to your default boot option, after "append initrd=/bzroot"
    nvme_core.default_ps_max_latency_us=0 pcie_aspm=off e.g.:
    append initrd=/bzroot nvme_core.default_ps_max_latency_us=0 pcie_aspm=off
    Reboot and see if it makes a difference, if it doesn't best bet it to replace it with a different brand/model device (or try a different board).

  6. JorgeB's post in 2 disks unmountable was marked as the answer   
    Disk1 issue appears to be USB related, we don't recommend USB devices for pool or array, cache was never formatted because of this:
    Jul 26 09:05:40 Tower root: wipefs: error: /dev/nvme0n1: probing initialization failed: Device or resource busy  
    Reboot, try to format again and post new diags.
  7. JorgeB's post in can´t unmount unassigned disk was marked as the answer   
    It should not cause an unclean shutdown, disk is already offline.
    Disk already dropped so it won't be any worse, but after manually disconnecting it won't likely allow the disk to be remounted before a reboot.
  8. JorgeB's post in Parity upgrade problem (I messed up a bit) was marked as the answer   
    Either one will work, you can just unassign both parity drives, start array, stop array, then assign new 20TB disk as parity and start array to re-sync, once that's done you can add old parity as a new data drive.
  9. JorgeB's post in Unmountable: Unsupported or no file system was marked as the answer   
    This may help if the log tree is the only problem, type in the CLI:
    btrfs rescue zero-log /dev/sdb1 Then re-start the array
  10. JorgeB's post in Tons of disk errors from all hdd simultaneously was marked as the answer   
    It's the Marvell controller, they are known to have issues, don't use or replace with a different one if possible:
  11. JorgeB's post in Disk Errors - Do i need to replace this drive? was marked as the answer   
    Test passed so disk is OK for now, replace/swap cables to rule that out and run another check.
  12. JorgeB's post in Network connection loss every few hours - 6.12.2 was marked as the answer   
    It solves them, to suppress it's a different flag.
    That look more like a hardware caused issue, run memtest.
  13. JorgeB's post in [6.12.3] Unable to access network setting page on Web UI was marked as the answer   
    Try renaming /boot/config/network.cfg and reboot, settings will go to default DHCP, then reconfigure.
  14. JorgeB's post in Please Help i/o errors and file system corruption was marked as the answer   
    Yes, click the check filesystem link.
  15. JorgeB's post in Verifying bzfirmware checksum hangs was marked as the answer   
    Check that the USB port is using 2.0, not a slower speed, or try a different port.
  16. JorgeB's post in Looking to upgrade my hardware was marked as the answer   
    It's usually plug and play if no RAID controllers are involved, if using VMs with passed-through devices they will likely need adjusting.
  17. JorgeB's post in WebGUI won't load when PCIe 1x slot and M.2 in use was marked as the answer   
    Aug  8 09:25:35 xephyr kernel: ahci: probe of 0000:06:00.0 failed with error -22  
    Controller is detected but it's failing to initialize, try this:
  18. JorgeB's post in general troubleshooting unraid was marked as the answer   
    That's not a filesystem error, it's a bad disk that should be replaced.
  19. JorgeB's post in Adding SSD Cache Later was marked as the answer   
    You can add another pool at any time.
  20. JorgeB's post in How to add a disabled disk and do not rebuild disk data, because this disk not have error? was marked as the answer   
    You can try to force enable disk1 to rebuild disk2, depending on the filesystem you are using it may work but need a filesystem check:
    -Tools -> New Config -> Retain current configuration: All -> Apply
    -Check all assignments and assign any missing disk(s) if needed
    -IMPORTANT - Check both "parity is already valid" and "maintenance mode" and start the array (note that the GUI will still show that data on parity disk(s) will be overwritten, this is normal as it doesn't account for the checkbox, but it won't be as long as it's checked)
    -Stop array
    -Unassign disk2
    -Start array (in normal mode now) and post the diagnostics
  21. JorgeB's post in Brand new to Unraid, brand new server still struggling with stability was marked as the answer   
    There's nothing logged, suggesting a hardware problem, you can also try using just one DIMM at a time, if both crash alone (with XMP disabled) it basically rules out a RAM issue, memtest doesn't catch everything.
  22. JorgeB's post in Intel I7 12700k Single Core 90% utilization was marked as the answer   
    Does it stop doing it if you disable the Deluge container or the VM?
  23. JorgeB's post in Internet/local connection issues when setting up unraid server was marked as the answer   
    Not that I know of, and I'm not certain the driver is the problem, 
    with the current connection.
  24. JorgeB's post in Disk Shares not showing on Shares tab GUI was marked as the answer   
    You need to set them to yes, not auto, also make sure you are aware that you cannot copy from a user share to disk share or vice versa.
  25. JorgeB's post in Multiple Call Trace Issues, General protection fault, CPU Stalls was marked as the answer   
    Try updating to latest stable, also look for a board BIOS update and/or test with just one stick of RAM at a time.
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