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Everything posted by opentoe

  1. Same thing happens to me. Even though I've been using unraid for several years and work in the IT world you'd think I'd be an expert with unraid and all it's functions and abilities. NOT. It is actually a praise towards unraid in a way. Since I really never had issues with it, I never really needed "support" with it. Unraid has been the only thing I have ever purchased that I feel comfortable support is really only via forum message board. The knowledge and patience the moderators have here is truly amazing. I know they probably see the same questions over and over. Maybe there is a new 2015 FAQ for the new version, with just about every kind of question and answer? Would be really nice, can search for it. Can add XFS check filesystem information. I had to look that up on another site.
  2. Seasonic makes several Corsair models. Channel Well is a real big manufacture also, but not as good (I don't think) as Seasonic. I can't find a more updated list, but this is a good guide to see who makes what. Since some Corsair's are made by other manufacture's that don't use good Chinese capacitors I would just stick with Seasonic all the way. I've had several high-end Corsairs blow on me that never should have. Corsair even said their whole RM series had some flaws, and they replaced all my RM series PSU's I had with their better HXi series for free. I had 6 RM-1000's and 4 of them died early. Corsair replaced them all for free for their HXi 1000 model which did me right. http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/power-supply-oem-manufacturer,2913.html
  3. I have been slowly switching over to XFS. Just been a slow process and time consuming, but that's how it is...and I'm also an impatient person. I read pros and cons about all the file systems and had no real reason to switch over to XFS but I wanted to give it a try from hearing it may be a little more efficient then rieserFS. I hope! Anyway, I'm using MC to MOVE files to a temp folder and once done, reformat empty drive to XFS then MOVE back. Would a copy perform better you think, then delete manually? I'm asking now since I'm about halfway done with a 12 hour copy and I don't want to stop it. I did forget to use screen this time, but if it disconnects I can just restart the move.
  4. Yep, that's a corrupted Reiser file system. Whenever you start up, it's going to mount it normally, until you do the particular file I/O that touches the file system corruption, then it's going to remount it read-only. Please run Check Disk File systems on Disk 4. Also note that file system corruption is not necessarily related to hard drive failure. Got it. Like a Windows checkdisk. I only copied less then 20 MB and it failed every time. I guess there is no harm in doing at least just a --check on all the disks....because I want to make sure my source filesystem is good too. Not being able to copy just 1 TB with MC I never had a problem with. I even opened the box up, checked all connections, tested my PSU, ran a long smartest on the same drive. All good. Now I'm afraid to even try to copy again. Next time I'll try a block of files first, maybe I can boil down where it fails. Very hard to figure out since it doesn't output anything in the syslog, except AFTER the filesystem is flagged bad and then set to read only. EDIT: Found 1 corruption. Fixing now. I hope it will tell me what was corrupt. EDIT 2: Fixed.
  5. You should probably check the syslog. If file system corruption is detected, the file system is changed to read only. You may want to check the file system on the destination drive you were copying to. This is disk 4. bitmap block corrupted? This drive went through hell with HD Tune on my PC. Multiple LONG sector by sector erases/writes/erases/clears then over again. I'm %100 positive this drive is %100 solid. Next test would be to randomly pick another drive and see if the same thing just happens. If it happens for all the drives, then there could be a bug with my system when trying to copy with rsync. May 8 00:05:01 SUN avahi-daemon[1953]: Service "SUN" (/services/smb.service) successfully established. May 8 00:37:01 SUN kernel: REISERFS error (device md4): reiserfs-2025 reiserfs_cache_bitmap_metadata: bitmap block 308248576 is corrupted: first bit must be 1 May 8 00:37:01 SUN kernel: REISERFS (device md4): Remounting filesystem read-only May 8 00:37:01 SUN kernel: REISERFS warning (device md4): clm-6006 reiserfs_dirty_inode: writing inode 4666 on readonly FS May 8 00:50:42 SUN kernel: mdcmd (59): nocheck May 8 00:50:42 SUN kernel: md: nocheck_array: check not active Only thing I can find, but I think it is wrong. It also get stuck in a loop cycle trying to unmount: After booting back up normal those READ ONLY turn into normal and I'm able to delete them. So when Rsync fails, there are serious bugs that pop up. Almost makes me want to just do everything with Window clients instead. I use to move big blocks of data with MC all the time on 5.0.6, V6 seems very unstable with moving files within disk shares. 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  6. Gave a real quick try before bed. Found two drives. Was going to move all the data off the one drive into a folder named "mike" using Midnight Commander. Within 2 minutes it would fail and tell me file cannot be created. Something about read only file system again. I use to move loads of files via MC all the time and never came across this, so this may be something new. Maybe when they are created they automatically turn into read only. And of course I'm signed in as root in the terminal. Just have to figure out why it is doing that, because I can copy the data off a drive pretty quickly and get this XFS going pretty quick. Then I couldn't even delete the files that were copied. Only way I could do that was reboot the system, which made them NOT read only. Must be a flag somewhere telling unraid to make newly created files within the shell to a readonly or something related to that. I'm seeing doubles now. Maybe not such a good idea to keep tinkering.
  7. If you're really thinking about new hardware, be sure to consider virtualization capabilities of unRAID v6. Not all CPUs and mobos will work for some VM uses. Thank you. I will definitely make sure to consider that.
  8. Of course I have insurance on my home and vehicle. I don't put my TV shows and movies on the same value level of my home and living, that's why I only save the files I can't live without. It only comes to about 2 terabytes, which is nothing but that data has a great value to me and I'll make sure I never lose it. I'm willing to risk the other files which just consists of my ripped movies, TV shows and misc files. Having come back from the dead and getting back into the groove of things here makes me want to build a new box, a larger one, like 100TB or so and give it a good try. I have a small OCD problem where I have to research hardware until I'm completely exhausted of all hesitations, which drives my girlfriend crazy. So it takes me a long time to purchase new hardware, but once I get started it keeps on going. First of course is planning out what hardware to start off with. They do not currently make the case I have now, but will be checking out what's available out there and works. I assume I'm going to need a stable mainboard with a ton of SATA ports and compatible add-on card(s) for even more SATA ports. Sounds like fun and feels like full circle. But it really would be sweet to build a 100TB box. Looks like I might be selling some of my bitcoin. Here we go again....
  9. I've been a lucky camper so far. Always had one unraid box, never backed it up since 2010. Went through many bad drives, never lost one file so far. I don't believe in superstition or anything like that and I'll just keep trucking with what has been working for me for over 5 years. I have thought several times of making a duplicate unraid server but the financial cost I couldn't do since I have more important obligations and financial priorities. While some may dump $1k into another box, I'd rather put it towards my mortgage and bills. My very important files, like pictures I can never get again, MP3 (music), financial documents, tax stuff, etc are all backed up to Crashplan anyway. And I have had to use Crashplan for several system restores and it works great. The only thing I do not backup and will lose if I have a catastrophic fail is all my TV shows and movies. I would be able to live without TV shows and movies. That's why I never spent money on another box. Of course I do pay Crashplan fees, but I feel comfortable with their service enough to not worry about my files. We all have our opinions on what is the perfect backup and since I've never lost a single file since I started with my Commodore C64 and Amiga 120 years ago I must be doing something right.
  10. I'd love to keep a backup of my UNraid server and the OP's original suggestions made sense but by the time I'm done finishing doing a complete back up of all my 30-6=24TB on DVD's I would be a very old man. If I really wanted to do it right, I would just make a duplicate UNraid server and sync them together with some kind of automation process. I have been lucky to only lose single hard drives at a time.
  11. I have a 14 disk unraid server all with 7200 rpm drives. I only use a Seasonic X660 which is perfectly fine and using a meter on it I idle around 135W. I think in normal use (copying/streaming) it only pulls down 230+W. I love the Seasonic power supplies and the only thing is I wish they would drop the fancy packaging and lower their prices. Once you install the power supply in the case what are you going to do with that felt bag?
  12. Virus/Trojan/Malware detected. Remove the hard drive. Install it as a slave in another computer or just use an USB adapter. Copy the most essential files you need. Reformat hard drive.
  13. Don't be cheap on your power supply. I have an Seasonic X660 and has been the best power supply I have ever purchased. I bet it is the most important component in a build.
  14. Looks like Black or Enterprise drives. Ok, where do you get your money? Nice paying job I bet.
  15. Yea, Symantec/Norton, same dues. While Symantec is geared more for corporate it still has hogging software. Not nearly as much as Norton though. Norton has to be the worst I have ever seen.
  16. I heard ESET is pretty good, but that yearly plan thing makes me feel like I'm buying a cell phone contract. Whatever happened to the good old perpetual software? Where you just buy it and it works until it is obsolete? Who ever uses ESET, does it use or hog up resources like Symantec stuff does? Right now I'm using Mcafee 8.8 but it is the Enterprise version which runs quiet and doesn't need attention much.
  17. Quiet power supplies from Cooler Master. http://www.coolermaster-usa.com/landing/sph/home.php
  18. The iStarUSA cages I use have an aluminum handle. I guess they make ones with plastic also.
  19. At least in my world most servers are stuck in closets, back rooms, and those creepy places people usually don't visit. I would recommend you install an email alert upon bootup, and then somehow another one to let you know that SAB loads.
  20. opentoe

    PC in a Desk

    WOW, what is your electric bill? Is that rack full of stuff?
  21. From re-reading some posts it seems the problem is some people say the cage fans that sit behind the hard drives are sucking in (into the case) air and then some people are saying the cage drives are blowing air out. If the cage fans are sucking air INTO the case then all that air heated up by the hard drives in coming into the case. You really need to have good exhaust fans to expel that hot air. If the cage fans are blowing out, then you are sucking air in from the inside of the case which isn't fresh cool air, it probably is warm air. I think in the end I guess since the hard drives is what will heat up the most is to make sure my cage fans are sucking air into the case which would be fresh air. Then have good exhaust fans at the rear and/or top.
  22. If the rear is blowing outward and the hard drive cages are blowing outward then there is no air flowing through the case. Would this be ok for like a 15 drive system? I guess if the CPU has a good fan it should be ok.
  23. Sorry for top posting, but it is a quick question. Does anyone know which way the exhaust is flowing through the chassis? Assuming the 5 in 3 fans are blowing out, is the rear fan also blowing forward?
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