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Everything posted by ljm42

  1. That really is an amazing price, as long as you keep in mind the difference between syncing and backups. Syncing does not keep multiple versions of your files, so if you are hit with ransomware your system will dutifully sync the encrypted files to Amazon Drive and everything will be lost. Crashplan keeps past versions of your files, so you would be able to be able to restore the unencrypted files to your system. I guess it all depends on what you are trying to protect your data from.
  2. Thanks for the heads up. I can really only remove it from the repo. I added a test for it in FCP to avoid any possible dependency hell situations FCP is warning me about inotifytools in 6.3.0-rc6, but Nerd Pack won't let me uninstall it because it is needed by the dynamix.file.integrity plugin.
  3. You probably need to give CP more memory. See the first post in this thread. Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
  4. Thanks for all of the work you have put into this RobJ! I think the new additions are great!
  5. Is this wiki page: https://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php/Upgrading_to_UnRAID_v6 about upgrading to 6.0 or is it about upgrading to 6.current? If it is for 6.current, then here are a few ideas: Settings -> Docker Consider changing the image location from /mnt/cache/docker.img to /mnt/user/system/docker/docker.img and removing the warning for /mnt/user/ More Tips rather than edit the syslinux.cfg file manually, use the TipsAndTweaks plugin to set the CPU Scaling Governor Plugins Recommend installing Fix Common Problems to proactively warn of issues Unassigned Devices should link to dlandon's version The preclear section is a little outdated, no need to install the original or faster preclear scripts manually, everything you need comes with the plugin. Note: preclear is on the page twice I don't think overbyrn's plugins are compatible with 6.2? Is it time to move Powerdown and SNAP to the Obsolete section? the ntfs-3g plugin hasn't been updated since March 2015, so it may be obsolete as well. Other packages Might be time to remove the "or download it from..." sections and just have people use NerdPack UnMenu There are several references to unMENU. Am I wrong or is is the current advice in the forum to remove it unconditionally? If so, might simplify things to recommend the same here.
  6. I converted from aptalca's Letsencrypt container over to this one today, thanks aptalca and the rest of LSIO for all your work on this! A few questions: 1) In the old container, I could docker exec into it and run nginx -t to have it check the config. But in the new container I have to specify which config file to test: nginx -c /config/nginx/nginx.conf -t Is there any way to make this the default? 2) In the old container I could restart nginx with "service nginx restart". How do you restart nginx in the new container, without actually restarting the whole container? 3) In /etc/init.d/nginx, the pid is defined as /run/nginx/nginx.pid. I think that should be /run/nginx.pid? Hmm, when I try to exec that script it says: /sbin/openrc-run: bad interpreter: No such file or directory Is /etc/init.d/nginx even used then? 4) Since most people are using this for reverse proxy and not hosting a public website, it might make sense to drop a basic robots.txt file in the default www directory to keep search engines away: User-agent: * Disallow: /
  7. Sorry for linking to the initial checkin and not the latest! I didn't realize it had been updated. Thanks for sorting it out
  8. Should have gone with squids_parse_ini_file... anyone can have my_parse_ini, only you can have squids
  9. Well I was going to write about how cool it was to have 1 million bait files but then I started updating other plugins. Turns out there is a conflict with the 10.29 version of Ransomware Protect and the 10.29c version of Dynamix Bleeding Edge: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare my_parse_ini_file() (previously declared in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/Helpers.php:243) in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ransomware.bait/include/helpers.php on line 88 Also see https://github.com/limetech/webgui/commit/ca7c521ca25804df46c5e309913b7a2f33f7450c
  10. Hi bonienl, I am running 6.3.0-rc3 with the Dynamix Bleeding Edge plugin. I updated my Crashplan Docker and got this error message in the popup right after the RUN command: The command finished successfully! Warning: array_map(): Argument #2 should be an array in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 942 Removing orphan image: d38532084cdc Successfully removed image 'd38532084cdc' Done Line 942 on my system is: $c["Tags"] = array_map("htmlentities", $obj['RepoTags']); Maybe $obj['RepoTags'] wasn't defined for some reason? I saw that DockerClient.php was updated by bleeding edge, so I thought I'd report it here first.
  11. I don't recall seeing those exact errors, but if you were successfully backing up before and now CP crashes, it is likely that a recent upgrade wiped out your RAM setting. Try this: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=33864.msg505234#msg505234 Regarding the black screen problem... I personally don't have a black screen, but when I view the CP interface via the web it does freeze. I just use a different VNC client on port 4239 and it works great.
  12. Just click the "ignore warning" button. FCP highlights things that tend to trip people up, but if you know what you are doing then ignore the warnings that don't apply to your situation.
  13. True. So as not to scare anyone away, here's the full workflow. I like that it is so simple: [*]run the scanner to look for problems [*]fix any issues, then "Rescan" to confirm the problem is fixed and remove it from the list [*]OR click the "Ignore" button if you don't want to be notified about a particular problem in the future. You can reverse that by clicking "Monitor" if you decide you do want notifications about that issue after all. The only exception I know of is the "unclean shutdown" detection. Since there isn't really a way to fix it, you need to click the "Acknowledge" button (or reboot) to remove it from the list.
  14. Just rescan for errors. If you've fixed the problem it will be removed from the list. Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
  15. Was actually thinking of the imperial march LOL I was subtly trying to steer you away from that since I already use it to signal when UD has finished copying files off a camera card But I can find something else if you decide to use it. It would be pretty appropriate here.
  16. A beep is no big deal to do... But, in case of an attack its not going to be a slowdown in networking speeds to an open stream. It'll drop the stream immediately (minus whatever the client has buffered). The network will be unavailable for up to a minute... Of course, most people will just restart playing over again, but not much I can do about that... This is a good idea, an option to beep out something ominous (taps?) so that the user knows there is an issue and can potentially find the infected pc faster. Although if your phone is nearby, the built-in pushbullet notifications should do the trick too.
  17. Thanks for building this! I really like the direction you are taking it. The only part that concerns me a little is that the files are recreated on boot. If that will block the array from starting, can you drop a "starting ransomware protection" note on the console? unRAID does not give good feedback on the plugin portion of the boot process.
  18. Yep, that took care of it. No more vsftpd references in the log and no more long delays at boot. Thanks! And no more orphan lines in the syslog! Sorry for using the "s" word
  19. Sorry, at bootup line 53 throws a similar error for a similar reason: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/tips.and.tweaks/scripts/rc.tweaks#: line 53: [: ==: unary operator expected Thanks! The VM boots without errors on the console now
  20. Thanks. I pushed the wrong plg file. Updated again. Perfect! Thanks, the VM boots without errors on the console now
  21. Sorry, at bootup line 53 throws a similar error for a similar reason: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/tips.and.tweaks/scripts/rc.tweaks#: line 53: [: ==: unary operator expected
  22. Sorry, now I'm getting this: /bin/bash: line 34: [: too many arguments /bin/bash: line 34: [: missing ']' I uninstalled / rebooted / reinstalled / rebooted to confirm it was the ipmi plugin that was throwing the error.
  23. I installed the Tips & Tweaks plugin on a 6.3.0-rc1 unRAID VM, where "/usr/bin/cpufreq-info -d" doesn't return anything. The plugin throws this error on the console: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/tips.and.tweaks/scripts/rc.tweaks#: line 188: [: !=: unary operator expected Adding quotes around $value on line 188 seems to take care of it: if [ "$value" != "" ]; then
  24. This page shows how to pipe stderror somewhere: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2342826/how-to-pipe-stderr-and-not-stdout so something like this might let you use logger rather than directly appending to the syslog: inotifywait 2>&1 > /dev/null | logger (my assumption here is that "logger" will automatically strip the line feeds. If not you might have to pipe to "sed 's/\\n/ /'g" first ) Then again, this might not even be a problem Response time. Agreed, this is awesome! VM Startup time. I have the plugin configured to add files to the "Root ony of shares", so it doesn't seem like it should add 2 minutes to the boot time. This feels like a timeout of some kind because the array hasn't started yet, or maybe something to do with vsftp. I'm leaning toward vsftp, since those extra lines appear in the syslog. The specialized bait shares sound like a great idea!
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