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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Reading them, compare them to logs from other Unraid systems, google things that aren't clear, mainly just spend time looking at them. After a while your brain will notice patterns, and something that's out of the ordinary will stick out. Could be relevant, may not be, google and see if it appears elsewhere, and what it indicates. I don't know of a shortcut to learning how to read diagnostics, you just have to immerse yourself, and after a while you start to feel like you can see the girl in the red dress in the lines of code.
  2. I haven't investigated, but I suspect some of the issues with the USB creator tool is that some USB sticks have the raw drive formatted, vs having a single partition. Creating said single partition manually could be a workaround.
  3. You are right, I missed that. Very strange symptoms. Either the description is off, or the equipment (UPS or PSU) is failing in some way.
  4. Yep, I looked up your specific model, and all outlets should stay live. Are you pulling the supply plug of the UPS, or switching off the outlet power? Reason I ask, is some battery backups don't behave well if they lose their earth connection. Try testing the UPS functionality alone, plug a medium load like a small heater or a powerful incandescent light, or something that draws about 200 watts or so, and turn off the power to the UPS and see if the load stays running. Bonus points if you have the server on a separate outlet that stays live with the USB signalling cable in place, that way you can see if the server starts an orderly shutdown when the UPS loses power. My bet is that the battery in the UPS is completely dead, regardless of what the UPS thinks the status is.
  5. Are you positive you are plugged in to the correct row of outlets? One row is battery + surge, one is surge only.
  6. Please clarify, does the server instantly start and complete a safe shutdown while on battery, or does it lose power without going through any shutdown?
  7. That PSU tester (I have the exact same one) only tests at idle current, it does not put any load on the supply. Similar to the memtest, it only can confirm a failure with a negative result, a pass by either memtest or that style of PSU tester just means it passed under certain conditions, not all conditions.
  8. Screenshot in first post shows no parity. Would building parity after the fact work?
  9. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/79530-support-ich777-gameserver-dockers/?do=findComment&comment=801672
  10. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564306
  11. You will need to add a mapping with host side having the Unraid path, and the container side set to whatever folder you want to point deluge to. Docker containers can only access mapped paths, they have no way to get out of their own sandbox otherwise.
  12. Put a whitelist rule in your firewall and only allow known IP's to traverse the firewall.
  13. Looks like that one has 2 internal ports, the entire purpose of this thread is breaking out drives into a separate tower. I assume if you don't want to use 2ea external to internal adapters with the appropriate external cables it would be better to have at least 1 external SAS connector. Perhaps the local prices make it more advantageous to use internal -> external -> external -> internal with 2 sets of internal cables, 2 internal external slot adapters, and 1 external cable?
  14. No, because I am not experienced with virtualizing Unraid. All my experience is bare metal. I don't understand why you would want to pass multiple small virtual disks, I assume (perhaps wrongly) that your actual disks are much larger, and you are just carving off small bits to pass through. Performance is likely to be terrible.
  15. Probably because it's the only storage drive available to Unraid for the docker and virtual machine image files. I'm assuming you enabled the docker system with default settings, creating a 20GB virtual disk image file to store the downloaded container layers.
  16. That one only has internal connections, so would need ANOTHER adapter to use external cables. If you have plenty of empty slots in your main tower, that might be an option. The HP Proliant H222 Host Bus Adapter listed I believe might work, but I don't know which cable to use and which adapter on the disk tower side. @JorgeB?
  17. Post a link. The only result a google search for that part number came back to an 8i version. The ASM are SATA, not SAS. To work with an SAS expander you must get an SAS controller. That's why I said look for LSI. I didn't mention ASM, they won't work. Intel RES2SV240
  18. Port mappings only apply if the container is bridged to the host's (Unraid) IP address. Since you assigned a specific IP to the container, all ports are open on that IP, so any changes need to be made in the container app config.
  19. https://www.howtogeek.com/671422/how-to-use-tmux-on-linux-and-why-its-better-than-screen/
  20. After using both, I prefer tmux. I believe either is available in nerdtools. https://www.howtogeek.com/671422/how-to-use-tmux-on-linux-and-why-its-better-than-screen/
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