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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. 1. Reboot and check to see if anything comes back. 2. Do a file system check on all the participating drives to make sure things didn't get in a strange state. 3. Overwrite with new data to remove the ability to recover using file system undelete tools. a. How many drives in the array had that share on it? b. How big are those drives? Truly permanently deleting just a subset of data on a drive is tricky, it's easier to erase entire drives if the data is very sensitive.
  2. What bonding methods are supported by the smart switch you are connecting through?
  3. Not relevant to cable count. Every added drive on a single feed drops the voltage available to all drives on that feed by a small amount. If you reach a point where that voltage sags enough during simultaneous drive spinup, you will see communication errors on those drives at that point. The amount of voltage drop on a feed is effected by the thickness of the wire and the length, also any connections like the slip fit between adapters and the modular connections on the PSU.
  4. Especially since it doesn't effect all hardware or software combinations, so it's not been possible to figure out a cause, let alone a fix.
  5. Have you read through the link he posted? If so, what parts of the instructions are you having issues with?
  6. I can't really be of much more help, I use binhex's vpn containers to route other containers, and he has extensive documentation on what they need. I can't find anything on the nordlynx that describes what is needed, so I just took a shot in the dark that they might be similar. The machine you are trying to connect from is connectable to the subnet, right? My networking isn't as strong as it should be, but that looks a little strange to me. I'm not used to people using 192.168.x.x with a mask, typically if you want that many ip's you use 10.x.x.x
  7. Nope, has to be a USB memory stick with a unique GUID. Unraid is meant to be run bare metal, there is no official support for running it as a VM, so my best advice is to read around this Virtualizing Unraid topic and see what other users have made work.
  8. That's a no go, as the USB is used for Unraid's licensing.
  9. Try adding a host and container port of 7878 to the vpn container. You have a variable there now, you need a port. Also, specific to that VPN container, it may need another variable to allow that port you add through the firewall, but that's something that would be specific to that container, not general support.
  10. Depends. Could be catastrophic if you move the case and forget it's loose. Maybe zip tie through some of the existing holes to secure it? Best case would be to drill a couple new holes, but if you do, be very careful where the metal shavings go. Lots of sticky tape and careful cleaning. Another thought, maybe a large bit of double stick foam tape? If the surface is clean, that stuff can hold a lot of force. Regardless, I'd figure out a way to keep it from sliding loose, hard drives weigh enough to tear components off the motherboard if you aren't careful.
  11. All those should be in the backup of the USB, if it was current.
  12. Currently custom networks are only kept in the image, so yes, you will need to redo the custom networks BEFORE you restore the Previous Apps that are looking for them. Custom variables should be in the templates, and so should container specific changes. If, however, you don't have the apps set up properly so all their appdata is stored external to the image, you will lose those settings. Docker containers are supposed to be set up so all customization is done to mapped paths outside the image.
  13. The little rubber band drive belt is getting old and hard. When not used, it takes a set, and forcing it to a slightly different position with the manual open lets it get a grip on a different piece of rubber, then after a few cycles, the same hard curved bit settles around the drive pulley and it just slips again.
  14. Do you have a recent backup of your boot USB? I'm not seeing anything except a failure to read the USB, suggesting it may be failing.
  15. As the message says, "Post your diagnostics in the forum for help"
  16. What does it show if you plug it back directly to a sata port? Some USB docks don't pass the drive through properly.
  17. If you are ok with losing the data on it you could use the diskspeed container.
  18. AFAIK yes, as soon as you mount one, the rest will mount along with it.
  19. That's a very old SSD, are you sure it's healthy?
  20. Try cutting back the memory to 8GB and the CPU to a single core and see how it performs.
  21. Yes, but the drive doesn't have to be precleared, that's only useful to determine if the drive is healthy, and it doesn't have to be in the same slot on the same controller. Unraid tracks drives by serial number regardless of port or controller. You will need to select the new drive in the parity slot dropdown where it will show the removed drive as missing.
  22. Except for this part, sounds fine. I'm not parsing what you are trying to say here. In general, new config allows you to assign any drive to any logical slot, and drives assigned to parity slots will be totally overwritten, drives assigned to data slots will mount and be usable if they are recognized as having a valid formatted partition. Unrecognized drives in data slots will have the option to format them, regardless of content. Sometimes previously valid drives will not be recognized until you manually set the desired format type in the disk slot settings. So bottom line, as long as you don't put a drive with data you want to keep in a parity slot, you should be fine. No need to rebuild the removed drive if you don't need the data in that slot.
  23. cache : no means mover doesn't move anything. Click on the question mark at the top right of the GUI to toggle the help text, it explains what the different settings do. stopping the containers and the VM's isn't enough, you need to disable the docker and vm services in settings, you will know you got it right when the GUI tabs for docker and vm's are completely gone from the GUI page. Theoretically if your current cache pool is a healthy BTRFS redundant array you could swap the drives out one at a time, but I've seen people lose data trying it. @JorgeB could tell you if that should work in your situation if you attach diagnostics to your next post in this thread.
  24. I threw together a little script that if run at array start should fire a GUI notification when a ping to fails. YMMV, no warranties, this is worth exactly what you paid for it. If someone sees something wrong with this, please say something. I can't really test it right now. If run at array start using user scripts plugin, it should ping that address every minute, until the ping fails, then it fires a warning and exits, waiting for you to stop and start the array.
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