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Everything posted by spazmc

  1. Your budget is a little different than mine . I would use a nvidia graphics card for transcoding in plex with the nvidia build. I don't think AMD is supported in docker. Assuming your going to use Docker for above apps.
  2. You should reed this. Not sure about coordinates. But you have to add a minecraft user ID
  3. Is this the ip of your offending Docker? Not my area of expertise. Good luck. .
  4. I don,t think I would recommend usb hard drives. But if you have a PCI slot you could add a sata controller card, up to 4 sata ports. Would recommend a SSD for cache to run Docker. MiniDLNA or Jellyfin would be my first choice. Plex or one of the many other media servers. I don't use transcoding. only native streaming locally.
  5. I know. At one time it was even available as a Docker.
  6. 1. Multiple Array Pools A easy way to move data from one disk to another. To allow you to grow or shink array. So one could remove a failing drive and shrink array. And add replacement disk later to grow array.
  7. This is amazing. Great job A local directory in the container to add images would be amazing. Container = /watch / x86 /watch / x64 /watch / iso host = /watch
  8. The only guy cheaper than me. I would look at used i5's desktops on ebay.
  9. spazmc

    DNS services

    DNScrypt docker. piehole docker using DNScrypt docker DNS.
  10. 8 TB on 4 drives of various sizes and models with Parity. 22% utilized. And a 120 GB SSD cache.
  11. Thanks for the update to this docker. I have since installed the NVIDIA plugin. And purchased a GT720 video card.(in PCIE 4 slot) Working very well. Happy unRAIDer. Card does not support NVENC!
  12. spazmc

    Robo calls

    What do you do to stop robo calls? Anyone familiar with JCblockAT or NCID Perhaps NCID in a Docker?
  13. It still works but and update would be great.
  14. Sycnthing docker would be easy to setup. Not shure about versioning. Duplicati maybe a good option. https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/56610-support-linuxserverio-duplicati/
  15. Not always. The phone app connects every time though. You can thy a different browser. Just connected to mine. Used firefox. I think my router or browser has something to do with this. Used to connect to server @ 192.168.1.**:7396 Now changed to (server:7396) Chrome based browsers block everything (Midori) Sometimes I reboot this docker and then connect with firefox. Hope that helps.
  16. LOL. nothing it works. Looking for most recent version. Not shure how often this sort of thing gets updated. The program I was using stopped working. And Webgrab+plus is a major pain to setup.
  17. How hard would it be to convert from tobbend"s webgrab+plus to yours? This program is a pain to setup.I still do not have it fully functional. Can I keep existing config or save the Few modified file and drop them in?
  18. I'm not sure why or what your changing in the config.xml? "<cpus v='4'/>, but also tried: <cpus v='0,3,4,7'/> " ? is this a config modification I limit resources with Docker "Extra Parameters" Here is mine. "--cpuset-cpus=1 --cpu-shares=2 --cpu-period=100000 --cpu-quota=30000 --cap-add=SYS_NICE --memory="256m" --memory-swap="384m" --log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=1". --cpuset-cpus=1 [ sets number of cpus ] --cpu-shares=2 [ sets weighted priority of container ] --cpu-period=100000 --cpu-quota=30000 [ limits cpu max usage. this is 30% ] --memory="256m" --memory-swap="384m" [ limits memory usage ] --log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=1" [ controls log file size ] Here is a good reference. https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/ I'm no expert but hopefully this helps some using this container.
  19. As to the Zoneminder recordings. I am not using this container at this time,future project. See this post as to recording setup. https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=44545.0
  20. Nano worked like a charm and permission seam to be in order. Thanks . Your mysql docker work great too.
  21. I am having a problem with the config.php in the owncloud docker. my command line skills are not so good to say the least. when I change the config.php it changes permission and owncloud will not work. I am change the file threw samba file share.
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