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Everything posted by strike

  1. Try setting the DNS server 1 to ,server 2 to and server 3 to
  2. You need to use the :v4-preview tag as v4 is not released as stable yet.
  3. I just do this on every linux install I have, works like a charm: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=144997 I have saved the auto.sambashares file on my share so I only need to install the packages and put the file in the right place and I'm good to go, access to all the shares I want in a minute.
  4. Your mappings looks fine now. And you have restarted the container right? Have you tried a well seeded torrent like ubuntu or something?
  5. Yes, you should absolutely change to a endpoint that supports port forwarding
  6. Yes, but set the download to path to /data/Incomplete then you should be good and your downloads should start fine.
  7. Are you sure you've downloaded a new .ovpn file from your vpn provider? In your log I see mention of VPN remote server(s) defined as 'unraidunity.duckdns.org,' and: OpenVPN config file (ovpn extension) is located at /config/openvpn/client.ovpn I don't use mullvad, but usually a provider calls their ovpn file something based on the region of that endpoint. Like before you had CA.mullvad.ovpn or something which tells me you're trying to connect to Canada. But now your ovpn file is just called client.ovpn and the fact that you have named the remote line a duckdns domain tells me something might be off. See also Q17 here: what the repeating messages in your log means: https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/vpn.md
  8. The point is that a lot of people also have posters,fanart,subs and sometimes extras in the same movie folder. Why? Because they belong there with the same movie. it would be absolutely stupid to have all the movies in one folder along with all those files. Well, at least I think that would be stupid, hell it would be a nightmare. Most people use plex or emby nowadays which makes use of posters and fanart. In the old days I used DLNA serves on the ps3 or even my tv, but that would just give me a folder structure. If you're still using that then I would understand your point, because then you'd have to navigate a lot of folders and have no use for those extra files, but most people have moved on to better solutions.
  9. Most people have sonarr/radarr/medusa do the moving and post-processing. That's the easiest way to do it. You end up with the same result, incomplete on cache and complete where they should be on the array. If you do the volume mapping right. So I do not agree with you that is best to "set up new container paths". At least for new users, they should use the default until they are comfortable with volume mappings. This is also because users often use more containers from the same author and they tend to use the same container paths. So using the default is way easier then to make new ones for all of the containers. I don't see how defining new container paths gives you more control? They are just mappings to where you have your data. Your data will end up where you want anyway, if you do it right. Creating new ones will confuse new users even more then it needs to.
  10. Either update the .ovpn file or try a different endpoint, the one you're using seems to be down.
  11. In your downloads settings in deluge change the download to path to /data I also recommend having a complete an incomplete folders. So consider changing the download to path to /data/Incomplete and check the move completed to and add the path /data/Complete. Feel free to use any folder names you want, mine was just an example but /data is a must have since in your template have mapped /data to /media/Plex/Inprogress
  12. Probably misconfigured volume mappings. Please post your docker run command or a screenshot of your container template. Also post a screenshot of your downloads settings in deluge.
  13. Please post the full supervisord.log file, redact any username/pw
  14. What does the letsencrypt log say? it's located in your appdata folder letsencrypt/log/letsencrypt
  15. If it was working before and you have not changed the port forwarding it's probably because you're hitting the limit. Here you can see what the limits is: https://letsencrypt.org/docs/rate-limits/ Edit: Maybe check the let's encrypt log if it has any more info.
  16. Yes, I don't remember what the limit is but for testing you should enable staging then the limit will be much higher.
  17. @thestraycat Please post the full supervisord.log file in your next post (redact username/pw etc). And please also post your docker run command and a screenshot of the deluge downloads settings.
  18. Yes there is, you have to use lables. When you hare created labels you can right click the label and go to label options. There you set the path to Tv shows and Movies.
  19. I have no idea how the update check works, but maybe you're right. That would make it a bit easier at least.
  20. According to the article the image will be deleted if it hasn't been pushed or pulled for six month. Will a check for update do a pull?
  21. I maybe should have quoted my post too since that's the reason we are asking for this. But here it is: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/78060-support-linuxserverio-unifi-controller/?do=findComment&comment=930440
  22. Well, the LTS is outdated and latest is too bleeding edge so there should be a middle ground. But I understand that will involve more work and that is probably why you won't do it.
  23. What is lsio's response to this? I'll ping @saarg since he seems to be the most active lsio member here these days.
  24. Actually I have no idea, I'm no good at programing. But maybe this works: #!/bin/bash screen -d -m ssh -N -R 8000:XX.XX.XX.XX:8000 [email protected] & expect "Password:*" send "XXXXX\r" expect eof exit According to the screen manual the -d -m option: And just set user script to run at array start? If it works then you need some more commands to kill it when you want.
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