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Everything posted by FrozenGamer

  1. (Satisfactory) So.. Maybe i missed this in the thread.. I kept getting encryption missing error on trying to connect.. The answer was to use server manager to connect.. Not to just join ip address.. Then you go through the process of creating server etc as directed.. Now it seems to work. https://steamcommunity.com/app/526870/discussions/1/4845399560304886641/
  2. Can anyone let me know if these settings look good? I am going to unplug test it now.
  3. I have determined this is a 6 year old ups, did the simple unplug of wall to see how long it would run with just the 2 hard drive caddies and the ups shut off in 10 or so seconds, replaced it with a new ups (99 dollar CST135UC2 cyberpower from costco) and unplugged drive caddies only, says 23 minutes with that load.. So now that i know the ups isn't working right, i am hoping the new one will shut itself down after power down of unraid (but the 2 drive caddies cannot be shut off that i know of.) I had read that the old similar cyberpower ups was not cable of shutting itself off afterwards.. I assume this maybe degraded the ups? or just the 6 years of use? Looking into how to recondition the batteries, but i assume i should just buy a few more from costco and not worry about it, maybe even a separate one for the caddies (32 drives) and the box amd 5900x without a graphics card) Thanks everyone for all the assistance.. unraid is pretty amazing and the support in the forums is above and beyond. Edit- partial answers to my own questions.. unplug worked fine and shut down the desktop with unraid.. It also triggered the auto shutdown of the UPS which set to shut down in 59 minutes.. This will not work with 32 drives connnected to it.. Looking into how to change that shutdown time with https://www.cyberpowersystems.com/product/software/power-panel-business/powerpanel-business-windows/
  4. I can't promise it is not a hardware issue (as in memory etc), I really dont think it is.. but it may be a ups issue?
  5. Power went out or flickered again sometime while i was gone and server was off again.. I am starting to wonder if the power supply itself isn't able to keep the load of the entire server and 32 drives without powering down.. I say this because i use a similar costco UPS on my desktop and i have been coming home to see computer powered off a few times and ups down.. (not unraid server) this has never happened on unraid server as far as i know its been power outtages. I think desktop is lower power load, i just eliminated the ups from desktop.. If i was to choose to do a test by unplugging my unraid server ups from wall and seeing if it supports the load, i assume it would be best to do so when the server array was down and drives spinning still? So as not to damage file integrity? Any other ideas on how to test etc.
  6. I have had a decent number of unclean shutdowns for maybe the last 8 months.. (every power outtage even with UPS) All have taken place when power went out.. in the last instance, the power went out, and when my server was restarted it flagged as unclean and started the parity check.. I changed a few UPS settings, assuming it was this causing it.. sometime during the parity check the machine powered down and i don't know why.. Perhaps because i messed with the settings for ups shutdown... I do not believe there was an additional power outage because another computer was booted when i got home (i am gone a lot for work, long periods of time) As far as i can tell on the flash drive under logs - their is only a diagnostics which i created myself after i booted server again. I had my hard drive timeout set to 60, just changed it to 420 I do not have any VM's I did a test of the stop array command and it was maybe 30 seconds.. (but this is fresh boot of server if that matters) I put ssh,bash settings in case it was due to a terminal session being set.. which is a possibility. I am attaching my latest diagnostics, even though as far as i can tell it doesn't indicate shutdown success/failure.. But maybe it has important info. I am also attaching a screenshot of my latest ups shutdown settings for comments if something should be changed. Is there something i can do to help ensure that the syslog records the shutdown process during a power outage? Hopefully i didn't miss anything in the thread when i read through it. Thanks tower-diagnostics-20240427-1416.zip
  7. I should also mention i do not have a monitor attached since it is ryzen 5900 and doesn't have graphics. System has been running for a long time with no problems.. so this is new behaviour. 1. How do i get a copy of the logs or diagnostics to see what is happening before i shutdown 2. How do i cleaning shut it down via telnet from windows.. I have some connection to gui and can maybe initiate this but don't have a lot of confidence since most things aren't happening properly such as download diagnostics. 3. Can i try and shutdown the array via the gui and still retain pertinent data to see what is happening? 4. Should i create a separate thread to work on what caused the issue? I used compose manager and created a container with it that seemed to be working fine yesterday. from here - https://github.com/smkent/safeway-coupons?tab=readme-ov-file and i did one other thing. So it is likely something from this caused the problem. While i was typing this up the log finally responded well enough to show me this. See attached - completely out of memory. unraid crash log .txt Edit-update 1.. I have shutdown the array via the gui. I have been able to ssh into the machine and done the following. df -h / = only using 443M of 16GB on usb stick free -m - total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 32021 513 30358 663 1149 30343 Swap: 0 0 0 I still can't get it to finish the diagnostics (via gui) download. even though i let it sit for an hour. I feel like i could probably get it to shutdown via the GUI, but would lose information that might point to exactly why this happened. Edit-update 2 - i have got a diagnostics.zip done via command line (not anonymous) - the array shut down via gui. Using Gemini.google.com it would appear that my memory errors are related to a container. my error logs for var/log/nginx are about 40M in size. Not seeing any responses, i will reboot and then disable autostart on the safeway container. which is suspect may have caused the problem since it appeared the day after i setup the container.
  8. According to this site i have CMR.. happy since i bought 5 for 199 each at bestbuy.. thanks for your help! https://nascompares.com/answer/list-of-wd-cmr-and-smr-hard-drives-hdd/
  9. It is now just finishing the rebuild.. at 106 MB/S and started and stayed at about 57 MB/s.. Total time will have been 3 days 1.4 hrs, but i have 29 drives and really need to find a different caddy to store the drives with faster throughput i think.. eliminating the slower 8tb seagate smr drives will help. (3 more to get rid of) but those i think were just slow on the write and not so much on the read.. 3 days isn't a terrible overall time compared to my normal times though on the with 14tb seagate faster drives for parity, considering i am doing 4 more TB.
  10. Normally when i rebuild a drive it runs a bit slower until i get past the old 8gb seagate st8000dm004 drives which seem to limit me. then the last 6tb would be fairly fast. My old parity drives were 2 14TB Seagate (ST14000nm001g) which i believe were much faster.. Could this be my new WD parity drive doing the slowdown or is it a product of rebuilding 1 of 2 parity drives? If so i think i should order some faster seagate drives for parity?
  11. I am not sure what the actual error is with drive 2.. i have a UPS installed but it doesn't shut down the drives which are in a separate caddy.. Just the main box with unraid and then the ups eventually runs out of batteries and the caddies turn off. I am attaching my diagnostics. Of course this is happening when i am out of town (for another 4 days). I didn't notice anything about the drive being disabled when i remotely restarted the parity check after i had a friend reboot the server for me. The parity check was 25 percent through with a disk emulated and i shut it down.. what should i do next? I have identical spare 8tb drives i could replace the failed with.. I just ordered 5 18tb drives to shuck and replace the 8tb drives at some point but my 2 parity drives are 14tb. Should i just shut it all down and wait 4 days until i get home then rebuild the 8 with an old 8tb? 1st question - should unraid shutdown just the same during a parity check when ups tells it to via usb cable? it normally does just fine when not in parity check. 2nd question is what went wrong on 8tb (drive 2) 3rd- should i assume it is bad and just pull it and rebuilt to one of the several 8tb i have already pulled and upgraded to 14tb? 4th - how to introduce the 18tb drives into the array. but i think i am getting ahead of myself on that. tower-diagnostics-20231122-1658.zip UPDATE: Thanks Frank1940 and JorgeB, i rebuilt it on itself and its back up and running.. I would have gone with more conservative methods but only home for 4 days this month. Will introduce 18tb drives at a later date..
  12. Thanks Much.. would using windows machine to extract and copy those files vs terminal cause any problems with the install in appdata?
  13. How do i convert or find the linked threads.. a lot of my searching has dead ended because i can't go to the link... or are these links no longer applicable?
  14. How do i restore an individual container? I have a corrupt database.. I am not sure if the 1.2 month old backup will even be of a working database. And perhaps i have a bigger problem, as i noticed that i have 2 non working docker containers.. both radarr and nyzbhydra2 stopped working... It probably took me over a month to see that this had happened.
  15. Thanks everyone! Sorry if my question was not written clearly enough.
  16. So I should mark this as solved, but I am still not clear on the following example (which is my current situation. Let me know if i have it right. If i have done a previous parity check, a month ago with zero errors, i upgrade an 8 terabyte drive to 14tb in the array, the history of parity checks now says that it has done a parity check (from the data rebuild) with zero errors. I now have parity unless parity was lost in the 1 month between last parity check and the data rebuild which rebuilt based on inaccurate data? In which case it says i have parity, which i do, but my data may not actually be perfect.. Or i have parity, because i just completed a parity check when i did the data rebuild and my data should be considered accurate? I probably shouldn't worry about this, but i have been curious about this since parity checks are really slow on my machine and prefer not to bog the system down for 3 or 4 days until next month. Thanks for all the replies and help
  17. Perhaps you mean Highwater (recommended and default) instead of Fillup. Yes
  18. The parity check history calls this a parity check and labels parity as valid. If i did a parity rebuild to upgrade a drive from 8 to 14 is this effectively a parity check. Also what would happen to data if a parity was not valid and a rebuild was done of a failed drive or drives? I do have 2 parity drives. I do understand that if 3 drives failed i would lose the data on failed drives only, which would be kind of a bummer since i assume that the fill drive method has data scattered, ie incomplete collections/albums etc. Just curious. Thanks in advance.
  19. Ok thanks.. I am working remotely on a vacation.. I didn't see the share but after enabling it in a different settings than i originally did, it worked and i have solved the problem. I was pretty sure i was missing something somewhat obvious.
  20. The drive is straight out of the box wd 14tb, but i could format it.. preferably with a windows readable format. I would like to access this drive which is not in the array but unprotected from other windows computers on the network. Hopefully this question makes sense. I saw the remote smb share but it didn't seem like it was the right thing.
  21. I have identified a problem. I told it to choose disk 2 (sdab) and it is doing another disk which is not 8tb but 10. then it gets stuck at 90% every time.. SAS2308 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2: Scanning Disk 2 (sdab) at 8 TB 90% It appears to continue to read at 133mb/s so i assume that isn't the slow disk, if i have one. Seems to be continuing long enough that it isn't going to stop.
  22. I am attaching screenshot of my array.. It is my understanding that having drives so full is bad for an array? I thought i could use unbalance but that appears to be good to move data the other direction, to free up space on a single drive. Is there a simple app or way to fix my space issue? How big of a deal and what are the consequences of the array as i have it?
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