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Everything posted by steve1977

  1. Thanks. Let me switch the power and SATAA cable of disk 13 with a neighboring disk. Let's see whether the issue "moves on"... Will report back.
  2. Thanks. I thought all worked out well since changing the cable of disk 13. Unfortunately, just a few minutes after the array rebuilt completed successfully, disk 12 shows error messages / disabled. Do you see anything in the log? What about disks 9, 12 and 13? Or others? tower-diagnostics-20190824-1645.zip
  3. I was referring to the statement from March 28 (Musicbrainz do have thair own containers and this is how I’m running my own instance). So, this seems to work? You are right that it doesn't provide a fix though.
  4. Seems to be an issue specific to this docker. Some context here: https://community.metabrainz.org/t/picard-2-1-3-freezes-with-slave-server/422198 Any hope to see a fix?
  5. Got it, thanks! So, it appears that a cable issue of disk 13 caused disk 12 to fail and disappear. Disk 13 itself never showed any read or other errors (except in log). Is this somewhat explainable and makes sense? I remember you'd mentioned disk 9 also showing some issues earlier? Assume it may be worth to change the cable as well?
  6. Got it, thanks, done it. There seems some progress... Either because of second controller or because I changed the cable of cable 13. It is still very slow though in rebuilding the parity. May I ask you to have another look into the log file? Are the errors from disk 13 gone? What about other disks or anything else suspicious in the log? tower-diagnostics-20190823-1125.zip
  7. Here we go with updated diagnostic and also result from running repair -n https://pastebin.com/8v1h6pkJ tower-diagnostics-20190823-1113.zip
  8. I know I know... Sorry for unclear communication. It is the first time disk 13 shows visibly issues. Before. it doesn't show read errors in the GUI and shows as "green". Let me go to maintenance mode and make oit mountable again. Does the latest diagnostic still shows errors? I have changed the cable for disk 13 (but not for any other disk). Brand new cable!
  9. Even weirder... Now after the cable swap, it is the first time that disk 13 shows an issue. It shows that disk 13 has no file system. Shall I start in diagnostic mode and try to get it back? And funny enough, it started to rebuild the disk 12. Not very fast, but faster than before... So, it seems the cable change may have helped with something?
  10. Thanks, appreciate your help! Ok. Somehow disk 13 does not make trouble directly, but it could well be the root cause of something else. I have changed the cable of disk 13. Any improvement in the log? tower-diagnostics-20190823-1054.zip
  11. This is really odd. Disk 12 is clearly the problem child. It either doesn't show up at all. Or it show up as "unassigned". Error messages around drive not being ready. I am starting to think whether I should just replace disk 12?
  12. Just added a second controller. Issue remains that disk 12 facing issues. May I ask your help to look inside the log whether any new info? I am getting new cable tomorrow. Maybe this helps. tower-diagnostics-20190823-1001.zip
  13. I am not sure I'd call it "too hot to touch", but clearly very hot. Maybe I give it another try to use 2 controller cards (each with 4 disks). Not sure though whether Unraid will allow me to rebuild the array after changing controller connections.
  14. In anticipation of the heater issue being present after controller card change, I have bought the following fan. I haven't installed it as it seems more difficult than I anticipated to set it up correctly. A bit more than plug & play https://www.amazon.com/Titan-Adjustable-Dual-Cooler-TTC-SC07TZ/dp/B008A2TDC6/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Titan+TTC-SC07TZ(RB)+VGA&qid=1566294846&s=gateway&sr=8-1
  15. In anticipation of the heater issue being present after controller card change, I have bought the following fan:
  16. Thanks, very helpful. Have you ever experienced any heat issues with your controller card? Even if just plugged in for a few minutes, it gets incredibly got (if touching the heat sink).
  17. Got it. So, you applied it directly to the drives itself (where the sata cable connects to). First "red", then "gold" right thereafter. No drying or anything, just apply one after the after? It is a new thing that I haven't tried out yet. While I still suspect the over-heating of the controller card to be the primary issue, it's worth to give it a shot to rule out all options. Also, the over-heating may be even more severe since I added a meaningful number of 10Tb drives. I remember that a few years ago, I could solve the issue by only connecting 7 instead of 8 disks (or running two controller cards each with 4 disks). I believe this may have helped to reduce heat?
  18. Interesting, let me try this as well. You are referring to something like: https://www.analogueseduction.net/contact-treatment/cdeo[1].html Where do you apply this to? The mobo or the cable (both sides?) or the HD?
  19. Got it. Do disks 9 & 13 still show with cable failures? So most likely a cabling or controller issue. So, let me look for new cables and add a fan for the controller.
  20. You mean 9 and 13? The two on the on-board controller. Is 12 also ok? That's the one on the raid controller, which is the trouble maker (disabled, sometimes not even appearing at all, etc.).
  21. I am starting to think that this may indeed be a different topic. Maybe disk 9 is even faulty rather than my "common" controller / cable issue? I tried to run a SMART on disk 12, but failed. Any insights from the diagnostic on disks 9&13 or 12? Thanks! tower-diagnostics-20190819-2305.zip
  22. And here we go. The cables of disks 9 & 13 are indeed quite old. Disk 12 has rather new cables (disk 12 is disabled and connected to M1015). So if the issue now is disk 9 & 13, I will look into new cables over the weekend. Updated log attached. Thanks! tower-diagnostics-20190819-1837.zip
  23. Oh... Very interesting... I never had a single failed disk on a disk connected to the onboard controller. Also disk 12 is on the M1015. So, this is something different this time. Let me unplug and replug disks 9 and 13. Will get back with a new log shortly. If error remains on non-M1015 disks, I'll do the recabling. This is indeed new!
  24. Same old controller issue I am facing 😞 Thought it was solved, but seems it is back. I wish it was a cabling issue, but very unlikely. I just fail to get the M1015 to run stable. Will spend some more time on it over the weekend. Maybe a dedicated fan for the M1015 will help. It gets incredibly hot, which is what I believe is causing the unstable connection of disks connected to the M1015.
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