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Everything posted by steve1977

  1. I upgraded the docker and now (yet again) a different error message: 2019-03-01 22:02:40.538 CST [531] FATAL: database files are incompatible with serve 2019-03-01 22:02:40.538 CST [531] DETAIL: The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL version 9.6, which is not compatible with this version 11.1.
  2. It should be But not for those like me who have little clue how linux works. I googled and tried "chmod 700 -R pathto/data/dbase". Still not working though, but the error message is different: (node:278) Warning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 12 resolve listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
  3. Thanks. Just did this, but now receiving a new error message in the logs: FATAL: data directory "/data/dbase" has group or world access DETAIL: Permissions should be u=rwx (0700). Any thoughts?
  4. Thanks, clear. Any advice how to change the permissions and/or how to rebuild the database? Thanks!
  5. I had a working docker, but now did something wrong and it stopped working. I had moved the docker database from the array to an UD drive (NVME) to gain some speed and avoid constant writing to the array. Unfortunately, this did not go smoothly. Please see below error from the log. Any idea how to fix this or rebuild the database? HINT: The server must be started by the user that owns the data directory. FATAL: data directory "/data/dbase" has wrong ownership
  6. Ok, I went ahead and moved everything docker-related from cache/array to my second NVME, which is a UD. All has been successfully moved. "Fix common problems" reported that I should switch the docker mounts from "RW" to "RW slave", which I did. Sabnzbd docker seems to work, but shows "Cannot create backup file for /config/sabnzbd.ini.bak" everytime I start/restart the docker. Any thoughts?
  7. Would it be sufficient to move "incomplete" to the cache and keep "complete" on the array?
  8. Not enough space for an extra disk, but I can try moving the complete/incomplete/wanted folders to the NVME cache disk. Radarr is moving things to the array anyways after unpacking, so this may be sufficient to speed up and still contain the space. The other idea would be to use my second NVME disk (UD), but it's holding my VMs and sabnzbd activity may slow down the VM.
  9. Got it. Could this also explain download speeds or has any advantage? If not, I am not sure whether the advantage of faster unpacking outweighs the need for more space requirements on the cache disk. My cache disk is a rather small NVME disk.
  10. I am using the docker for a long time already. It is working very well, thanks for the development. There are two issues that I never bothered with, but they indicate that I can improve how to set things up: Context: Docker installed on an NVME cache disk. Isolated 4 CPU cores to the Unraid and all dockers and have at least 16Gb of ram assigned to it. Complete, incomplete and wanted folders are mapped to the array. Config path is mapped to the cache disk (next to docker). My two issues are as follows: 1) Unpacking files is taking a very long time period. Much longer compared to when I had it running inside a Windows VM (on NVME). I thought that this may be caused by the array just being slower than nvme, but starting to ask myself whether there is some other reason as it is really slow. Also, it seems to be even slower once several downloaded files queue up (show "waiting"). I am thinking what role ram or CPU may play? Or potentially the size of the docker image? Not sure anything is happening inside the docker image? 2) Download speed can be "spotty". It sometimes goes from 3mb/s to 0.3mb/s and then back to 3mb/s. I always thought this is just how it is due to bandwidth changes. Not sure it was the same when I still used it in Windows. But curious whether this could also be docker related?
  11. Thanks @SpaceInvaderOne for the guide. I just tried to shrink my Windows VM from 120G to 60G. Something is not working. I followed all steps and reduced the VM disk size. It shows correctly in Unraid in both "capacity" and "allocation" with the new 60G. Also, good news is that I can start the VM. So far so good. If I access "computer management", it still shows the higher amount of 120G (55G as my disk and 65G as unassigned). Any thoughts?
  12. @kaiguy, were you able to upgrade to v3 or was this for a fresh install? I have a "fully loaded" Sonarr docker and don't want to set up everything from scratch. Is v3 as easy as an update and things keep functional? Also, can I go back to the stable branch once v3 is released?
  13. I am trying to change my Plex account. I signed out from account #1 from the unraid docker and tried to sign in from my account #2. Somehow, this does not work and it does not allow me to use the existing database on the Unraid docker. I used to be able to do that, but forgot how I did it. Something around a message "PMS found an aborted database, do you want to adapt it". Not sure how I can trigger this though. Currently I am getting the following message after starting the server. Any thoughts? "Looking for servers" with spinning ball on top-left. In middle, "get your plexserver" and "download plex media server". Thanks!!!
  14. Hooray, thanks for your help! The permission change solved my issues. Now, all movies are playing well. Let me also switch the transcoding directory directory though. What's the default folder on the SSD to use? I know probably everything works, but I like to keep default (and not create unnecessary new folders if not needed).
  15. Let me give it another try. Attached the mount on Unraid command line. Also the docker run command below: root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='plex1' --net='host' -e TZ="Asia/Shanghai" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -e 'VERSION'='latest' -v '/mnt/':'/data':'rw' -v '/tmp':'/transcode':'rw' -v '/mnt/cache/Docker/PlexMediaServer/':'/config':'rw' 'linuxserver/plex' <removed> Unraid mount.txt
  16. Great, thanks. Will do and send. What you mean by upload? put in a word document and attach the link? I don’t think i map any disk in unraid. i’m mapping them individually in plex. I forgot why, but there was some advantage of mapping them individually rather than through one user share. Are you suggesting user share may be better. On separate note - i use ram to transcode, but realized this is drawing quite some ram. when transcoding two streams, this impacts my VM and leads to crashes. wanted to change it back to transcoding via ssd. how to do?
  17. I right-clicked on the plex docker and selected “console”. if that’s the wrong one, where can i find the right one?
  18. Thanks for your quick reply. I have entered "mount" at docker console. Is this what you suggested? Result: https://pastebin.com/mp9kKNRz
  19. Plex on ATV has been very unstable for me. The Plex developers have replied and it seems to be an issue of the docker or how I've set it up. Please see the reply from the develop below: I have asked for clarification, but also like to check on this forum as this may be easier to answer from a docker perspective. Thanks for your help as always!
  20. Great, you’re right, i got it fixed. Unfortunately, my database is now at the status it had before the permission error occurred. Will it eventually update over next days or do i need to do it anything for it to “catch up”?
  21. Some more logs below. Any thoughts what went wrong with the permissions and how to fix it? FATAL: data directory "/data/dbase" has group or world access DETAIL: Permissions should be u=rwx (0700).
  22. I am facing an issue with playing some movies in the web player. Did some research and it may be an issue relaxed to the linuxserver docker, while claimed to be working in the official plex docker. I haven't tried to switch to the official docker, but at least that's what they are saying in the plex forums. https://forums.plex.tv/t/eae-timeout-eae-not-running-or-wrong-folder/189661/3 and https://forums.plex.tv/t/error-transcoder-ac3_eae-0x2fd4f40-eae-timeout-eae-not-running-or-wrong-folder/189917/33 both state that it works with official docker. The issue is not with all movies, but with some. I cannot identify a pattern, which ones are working and which ones are not. For those it doesn't work, it does not work consistently. Snippet from the log below: Dec 02, 2018 09:25:33.948 [0x14e78ebff700] DEBUG - MDE: Movie (2018): media must be transcoded in order to use the dash protocol Dec 02, 2018 09:25:33.948 [0x14e78ebff700] DEBUG - MDE: Movie (2018): no direct play video profile exists for http/mkv/h264 Dec 02, 2018 09:25:33.948 [0x14e78ebff700] DEBUG - MDE: Movie (2018): no direct play video profile exists for http/mkv/h264/eac3 Dec 02, 2018 09:25:33.948 [0x14e78ebff700] DEBUG - MDE: Cannot direct stream audio stream due to codec eac3 when profile only allows aac
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