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Everything posted by trurl

  1. That seems an unlikely path for Unraid. Do you mean it is on a user share named "storage"?
  2. You should take a new backup anytime you make any significant changes in the webUI. It is especially important that any backup you use have the correct disk assignments. You can download a zipped backup of flash at any time from Main - Boot Device - Flash - Flash Backup.
  3. Of course, you should always have good (enough) backups at all times. But V6 will read (and write) your V5 disks. Your data should be fine, none of your plugins from V5 can be used. Just study the wiki linked earlier and ask if you have any questions. One thing you might consider, though, is your V5 disks are ReiserFS. Not recommended going forward, and you will ultimately want to reformat to another filesystem, XFS is the usual for the array. So, you will have to come up with a way to empty each disk so you can reformat it. If you have enough free space you can shuffle data from one disk to other disks so you can reformat it, rinse, repeat. Or you can add a disk to get additional free space.
  4. Do you know that SSDs in the parity array can't be trimmed and can't be written any faster than HDD parity?
  5. Might depend on how much less than 4TB it is and what filesystem the spare 4TB drive uses. I guess if it doesn't all fit you could use those other spares. Were you considering using the USB dock as an Unassigned Device? Another possibility would be to forget about rebuilding the ReiserFS disk onto the 8TB, and instead New Config and rebuild parity with the original 4TB ReiserFS disk back in place, then use the 8TB to upsize one of the XFS disks instead.
  6. Do you have good (enough) backups? You will obviously have to put the data from the 8TB somewhere outside the parity array so you can reformat it.
  7. The best approach is to post what hardware you are considering and see if anyone knows of any problems with that.
  8. I never do. And I use separate shares for different purposes, including for different types of media. This allows different settings for different things, though I will admit one of the main settings I take advantage of this way is Included disks. I never bother with Split Level, for example. So, as already said
  9. Just wondering why you let things get to where you had multiple disk problems.
  10. You might go to Settings - Scheduler and enable mover logging if it isn't already so we can see what is happening, but I doubt very seriously it will move anything to cache with everything set to cache-yes.
  11. This is almost certainly a problem with the way you have krusader configured and nothing at all to do with Unassigned Devices plugin. I will probably split your post and any responses to its own thread. Post your docker run command for krusader as explained at this very first link in the Docker FAQ:
  12. Have you set some RAID configuration in BIOS? Unraid needs to control each disk separately.
  13. According to your diagnostics, all your user shares are set to cache-no. Also looks like you rebooted since you ran mover so there isn't anything in syslog about that either. Note that mover can't move open files, so if you had the Docker or VM services running, it can't move those files. The user shares for that are usually appdata, domains, system. And, mover won't move duplicates, so if a file already exists on the destination, it doesn't get moved. Cache-yes is indeed the correct setting to get things move from cache to array. What made you think it was going the other way?
  14. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics ZIP file to your NEXT post in this thread.
  15. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics ZIP file to your NEXT post in this thread.
  16. You are better off rebuilding it since it's possible the USB affected it in other ways than just its identification.
  17. Not clear any need replacement. Which disk were you planning to replace? The entire new disk will be rebuilt from parity. The part of parity beyond 2TB will take care of making sure that additional 2TB is consistent with parity. I'm not sure there is a checkbox in step 6. After step 3 you should double check all connections on all disks before powering up. Bad connections are the most frequent problem with rebuilds.
  18. Maybe I missed something in this discussion but I got the impression that you might think you can convert filesystem while replacing a disk. You must format to change filesystem, and rebuilding a formatted disk results in a formatted disk. Just wanted to make sure you don't make the mistake of thinking rebuilding would get the files back on a formatted disk. Many have made that mistake.
  19. The one situation is when adding a disk to a new data slot in an array that already has valid parity. It clears the disk so parity will remain valid. A clear disk is all zeros and so has no effect on parity.
  20. One of the preclears is a docker. There is also a plugin, and various script versions floating around. Preclear is really only for testing these days, since Unraid will clear a disk without taking the array offline, in those situations where a clear disk is required (hint: there is only one situation). Some people like to preclear new disks to test and hopefully weed out "infant mortality". I don't bother with preclear.
  21. If cache didn't default to btrfs, then people would wonder why they can't add additional disks to the pool, and they would wonder this after they already had data on cache.
  22. Wasn't really suggesting you run it. I hope you didn't run it on appdata because some containers want different permissions for their "working data".
  23. Are you sure you didn't accidentally move the files? How are you viewing this?
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