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Everything posted by trurl

  1. One of many reasons RAID controllers aren't recommended
  2. How did you get a disk with 2 partitions into the array?
  3. No way to reset the count, it is recorded in the drive firmware. On the Dashboard page, click on the SMART warning for the disk and you can acknowledge it. It will warn again if the count increases.
  4. Your disks were assigned at the beginning of syslog, but near the end it seems to have lost them and now considers them all NEW. Oct 7 16:16:27 teletraan emhttpd: shcmd (952): modprobe md-mod super=/boot/config/super.dat Oct 7 16:16:27 teletraan kernel: md: unRAID driver 2.9.13 installed Oct 7 16:16:27 teletraan kernel: read_file: error 2 opening /boot/config/super.dat Oct 7 16:16:27 teletraan kernel: md: could not read superblock from /boot/config/super.dat Oct 7 16:16:27 teletraan kernel: md: initializing superblock Oct 7 16:16:27 teletraan kernel: mdcmd (1): label 0781-5583-8355-81071F2978D2 Not sure if that is a problem with flash or something you did. Did you do New Config??? I was afraid of that after seeing your screenshot. Really wish you had asked for help before doing anything at all, since you were obviously proceeding along the wrong path. Preclearing was and is pointless, but of course, it makes it impossible to get any of your data back from the disk itself. Normally, you would rebuild the disk from parity and all the other disks, but after New (or lost) Config it is wanting to rebuild parity instead. Stop preclear (pointless as already noted). It might be possible to force it to rebuild the data disk instead of parity. Don't do anything else without further advice. Can you tell us anything more about what you have already done?
  5. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics ZIP file to your NEXT post in this thread.
  6. SMART looks OK to me. Probably something else is the cause of those errors. Bad connections are more common than bad drives. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics ZIP file to your NEXT post in this thread.
  7. If you don't know which disks are parity then assign all disks as data. DON'T FORMAT anything. That should be enough to get you going to find your flash backup. All you need from the backup is the config folder.
  8. Not sure I understand but it sounds like you mean you have put your server on the internet. If so you are already being attacked. You must use VPN
  9. Did you reserve this in the router?
  10. Surprised nobody asked for diagnostics. That would tell whether or not you are using a SATA controller that isn't recommended.
  11. You must always double check all connections when mucking about in the case. What you experienced here may be the most common cause of disks becoming disabled. Parity is disabled again. SMART for that disk looks OK. Disk3 isn't disabled since parity was already disabled. SMART for that disk also looks OK. You almost certainly have connection issues with both of these disks. Check all connections, all disks, both ends, SATA and power, including any splitters. Disk3 and parity aren't showing as assigned in SMART folder. Maybe they both show up in the Unassigned area. I see no reason to replace (or remove) either and probably simpler if you don't at least until everything is stable. You can run extended SMART tests if you want but I expect they will pass. Your system share is the default location of docker.img and libvirt.img, and that is indeed where you have these configured, but since you moved it off cache and onto the missing disk, it doesn't currently exist. After getting your connections fixed, rebuild parity again, then a non-correcting parity check. After you confirm that you have no sync errors you can consider if you want to change anything, and get your system share back on cache where it belongs. Single parity is probably fine with so few disks.
  12. Go to Tools-Diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics ZIP file to your NEXT post in this thread.
  13. Probably have to pass soundcard to a VM as I already said in the other thread. Not sure why you created a new thread when you had already asked on that other thread. How are we supposed to coordinate responses when you post the same thing in different threads?
  14. I assume you would have to pass the audio to a VM since Unraid itself has no drivers for audio.
  15. You should always have a current backup of flash. You can download at Main - Boot Device - Flash - Flash Backup
  16. Just Nothing else needed, it puts it where it belongs
  17. You can drag / drop containers on the Docker page to change their startup order, and specify a wait time for each.
  18. In fact, not possible to update a container with the docker service stopped, and not possible to run docker service with the array stopped.
  19. Do you have Notifications setup to alert you by email or other agent as soon as a problem is detected?
  20. Parity isn't required in the array, and in addition to the array, you can have one (or more with latest beta) pool(s) which support various btrfs raid configurations.
  21. You shouldn't have to login to know you have a problem. Setup Notifications to alert you immediately by email or other agent as soon as a problem is detected. Don't let one unnoticed problem become multiple problems and data loss. On mobile now will look at Diagnostics later.
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