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Everything posted by trurl

  1. That is probably not enough to do the install from the webUI. Make a backup of the config folder from flash, prepare flash as a new install, copy that config folder back to flash. You may have to follow a similar procedure anytime you need to update Unraid since you have so little RAM.
  2. Maybe diagnostics would tell more. Perhaps the destination is readonly due to corruption, for example.
  3. Can't quite parse that but in any case, you haven't told us where plex is saving recordings. Is it within /media?
  4. As jonathanm noted, that sounds like a description of pfSense, so maybe you don't really need to bother with this docker at all.
  5. Like many, they probably don't even know they have a sig in this "new" forum software that was carried over from the "old" forum software, since one of the annoying things about this "new" forum software is that viewing sigs are disabled by default. @buxton click on the dropdown next to your username at the top of the page and go to Account Settings. There you can turn on sig viewing and edit your own sig. Also, your sig says you have 8G memory, so you shouldn't have had 100% memory used. You need to figure out what caused that.
  6. We would have to know where you have plex configured to store recordings, and whether or not that path is mapped to Unraid storage with enough free space. Post a screenshot showing where you have Plex storing recordings, and also post your docker run command as explained in the first link in the Docker FAQ: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/
  7. First link in https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/
  8. Updates (whether by this plugin or the other one) only happen if there is a newer version than the one you have installed.
  9. It has 64 pending. After replacement you can try to preclear it to see if those get reallocated and maybe reuse it for something but I wouldn't trust it in my array. If you look on the Dashboard it should show you that disk has SMART warnings. You shouldn't ignore these, and in fact, you should setup Notifications to alert you immediately by email or other agent when this sort of thing is detected. Are any of your other disks showing SMART warnings on the Dashboard? I notice you had an earlier parity check that had errors, but you didn't immediately try to resolve that problem and then get another parity check. The only acceptable answer for a parity check is exactly zero sync errors.
  10. Are you sure this isn't a browser issue? Have you tried clearing browser cache?
  11. Have you tried googling the errors your syslog is filling with? I don't know about those but seems to be hardware related and maybe something in the search results will apply to you.
  12. That is not the point. It is whether or not the mapping is actually a path to the specific disk, or it is a path to a user share. It is very common to have the appdata user share as cache-only, so it is all on a single disk. But if you have it like that, you could either refer to it as /mnt/cache/appdata, or you could refer to it as /mnt/user/appdata. Either way it is on a single disk, but some people experience problems when using /mnt/user/appdata. The hypothesis is that somehow the user shares break the database.
  13. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-545988 You might find other useful information in the FAQ also.
  14. When it happens again, and before rebooting, go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your next post.
  15. You mean like this post on this same page? https://forums.unraid.net/topic/51808-support-linuxserverio-letsencrypt-nginx/?do=findComment&comment=745607
  16. I hope this was a typo since that path is wrong no matter what else. /mnt/user is the user shares.
  17. The database is in your plex appdata so just delete it and reinstall.
  18. On the Dockers page, click on the docker to get to the Update Container page. Then
  19. Your appdata, domains, and system shares are all on cache where they belong. Your docker image is 35G, much larger than necessary. It is extremely unlikely to ever need even 20G unless you have something misconfigured. Have you had a problem filling it in the past? None of this is really about your question, though. I would say just make sure you have backups and if it isn't broke don't fix it.
  20. I think maybe my other questions and that link are the right direction:
  21. That share is also set to cache-prefer, as it should be. This means it will try to use cache for the files. Whether or not all files are on cache is another question. Mover will try to move cache-prefer shares to cache if it can, but any open file can't be moved. What often happens is people add cache after they have already enabled dockers or VMs, with the result that those files are always open and can never get moved to cache where they belong. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your next post.
  22. I think that screenshot means it is working. What "file explorer" are you referring to? How are you configuring which Plex docker to allow it to access? Have you seen this post in the Docker FAQ? https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564314
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