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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Not enough information for any help. See first link in the Docker FAQ: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/
  2. Here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/
  3. Why do you think it's a kernel problem? Are you trying to pass that device to a VM? I'm not familiar with that device, but from the web site you linked, I wouldn't expect Unraid to support it natively. Unraid is not one of the supported platforms, according to that website. Unraid isn't a general purpose Linux installation and won't include drivers for that device. It doesn't even include wifi drivers. You might try running Ubuntu in a VM and pass that device to it.
  4. Rebooting is almost certainly a hardware issue. Go to Tools-diagnostics and attach the complete Diagnostics zip file to your next post.
  5. Shows up on my Apps page. Are you sure your Community Applications plugin is up-to-date?
  6. Yes The config folder on flash contains your license and everything else about your configuration, including disk assignments. The license .key file can only be used with the specific flash drive it was registered with, but it can be used with any hardware. Many of us have moved our drives to new hardware.
  7. Copied from report to General Support. @lordfiSh Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your next post.
  8. Could you be more specific regarding each drive? Capacity, etc? Only 1 drive is required in the array, the mechanical drive would be a good choice for that. All others could be Unassigned Devices. Or some combination of Unassigned and cache pool depending on specifics. The main thing you lose by not having disks in the array is the ability to span folders, but sound like that isn't important since you want to work directly with the different disks anyway.
  9. Though not full now, the fact that you have a 50G docker image makes me suspect you have been filling your docker image and increased it trying to fix the problem. That won't fix anything, it will just take longer to fill. 20G should be more than enough if you have your applications configured correctly.
  10. Your docker run command as explained at the first link in the Docker FAQ: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/ Diagnostics might also be useful. Tools - Diagnostics, attach complete zip to your next post.
  11. Post a screenshot of Shares - User Shares from the Unraid webUI. Possibly you have accidentally created some user shares with disk names. I don't recommend even working with individual disks on the network. Best if you don't share any disks and just work with user shares. It can cause confusion and even data loss if you try to work with disks and user shares both.
  12. All. It will let you change any assignments before starting. You just need to change the disk12 assignment. Then it will rebuild parity (if you don't check the box) based on the new assignments.
  13. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=545988
  14. Are you absolutely sure you have that path correct? That is a nonstandard path for docker appdata. Usually it would be something like /mnt/user/appdata/dockername
  15. Go back one page in this thread and start reading.
  16. Have you done a speedtest in general? Are you sure you don't have a networking problem with your server? That speed seems similar to an ethernet connection that has degraded to 100 instead of 1000.
  17. Each array data disk plus the cache pool are part of the user shares. So any folder on any disk is ALSO in /mnt/user. If you created the folder on cache then if you look in /mnt/cache you will see it, but you will also see it in /mnt/user. The user shares are simply the aggregate of all top level folders on all disks. That is how Unraid allows folders to span disks.
  18. User Shares are at /mnt/user, so a User Share named "Shared Files" is at /mnt/user/Shared Files. Since you have included a space in the share name you will, of course, have to deal with that when at the command line so that space isn't treated as a separator between parts of the command.
  19. Google obfuscated and also google DMCA.
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