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Everything posted by trurl

  1. CA does not do docker compose. CA is basically just filling in the form of the Add Container page for you, and the Add/Edit Container page is just taking the inputs from that form to construct a docker run command.
  2. Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your next post.
  3. Did you try going to the Settings for System Temps and make sure the sensors were still selected?
  4. Since your plugins were so old, it makes me wonder. What version of Unraid did you upgrade from?
  5. I just looked at your diagnostics and it looks like all of your plugins are extremely out-of-date. Go ahead and try booting in SAFE mode.
  6. Are you sure nothing else on your network has the same IP?
  7. See if you can setup this plex docker from scratch, without trying to migrate anything. If that works, you can compare the plex appdata of that new install with the plex library you are trying to migrate and maybe get a better idea what needs to be done for the migration.
  8. On mobile now so haven't looked at Diagnostics yet. Do you have an adblocker? Have you tried a different browser?
  9. I believe I have heard that plex keeps its own backups of the db. You might check on the plex forum about that. Also, there is an Unraid plugin to backup your appdata.
  10. I mostly just wanted to get the new user straight on how to post diagnostics.😉 Your appdata and system shares have files not on cache. You should disable VM and Docker services, set appdata to cache-prefer, and run mover to try to get those all moved to cache where they belong. This often happens when you add cache after you have already enabled VM and Docker services. Since none of that is relevant to this thread though, we can take it to another thread if you need further instructions on fixing that. I don't use this docker application, but your issue reminds me of this post in the Docker FAQ: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/page/2/#comment-566086
  11. Are you sure your server networking is working correctly? Maybe try simplifying by using only one nic/port and checking to see if it is actually getting a GBe connection.
  12. I have deleted all of those individual file attachments. Please attach the complete diagnostics zip file as a single file instead. There is no reason to even zip them up yourself, because the diagnostics are already a single zip file. When you go to Tools - Diagnostics, the diagnostics download you get is a single zip file. If you think it is a bunch of separate files, it is because your computer or browser is configured to automatically open zip files. We don't want the separate things in the zip file, it is just a lot harder for us to work with, and you should try to make it easier for us to help you. Just go to the folder where the zip file itself is downloaded (probably up one level from where you see all the separate files) and attach that single zip file itself. Please only attach the complete diagnostics zip file in the future. Thanks
  13. There should be only one thing that needs changing from those latest screenshots. Hint: it is not the mappings.
  14. /tmp is a path in RAM, as already explained. You have mapped /tmp to /trancode. But you have not told plex to use /transcode, you have told it to use transcode instead. Any path beginning with / is known as an absolute path. An absolute path starts from the top of the filesystem to find the folder or file specified. Any path that doesn't begin with / is known as a relative path. A relative path starts from the folder you are already in to find the folder or file specified. This is pretty much the way absolute and relative paths work in most operating systems. Even Windows, except Windows uses \ instead of /
  15. That plex setting you have is a relative path, so I think it would wind up as a folder under your plex appdata.
  16. /tmp is just path, like any other except for the fact that it isn't using mounted storage, so it is in RAM and doesn't persist across reboots.
  17. I think you're the only person I ever recommended increasing docker image. Usually what I see is people increasing docker image to much more than 20G because they are filling it up. That is the wrong solution to filling docker image, it just makes it take longer to fill. If you ever find you are filling docker image, you almost certainly have some app misconfigured so it is writing to a path that isn't mapped. Let us know if you ever need help with that problem.
  18. Looks like it. I think that setting, since it is a relative path, would wind up putting your transcodes in a TRANS_DIR folder under your plex appdata folder. Do you understand how to fix the mappings and that plex setting now?
  19. Please don't ask the same question on multiple threads. You didn't even reference the other thread where there was already a discussion going on about your problem. Your problem isn't likely related to this plugin anyway. And you didn't give any more information than you had already given on that other thread, even though you were told there that you hadn't given us enough information. Crossposting has been considered a bad thing on message boards since long before the world wide web. How can we coordinate our responses when there are discussions going on multiple threads. It just wastes time and effort. Please reconsider if you think about doing this again. If you want I will delete your post and mine on this thread, or I can split them from here and put them back on that other thread.
  20. The plugin is actually a custom build of Unraid that includes nvidia drivers. If you upgrade Unraid, then you have removed the custom build. If you upgrade the plugin, you have installed a new custom build of Unraid.
  21. Maybe this is a stupid answer, but since they didn't mention an Unraid VM then I assume that Unraid is the host.
  22. how many times you will have to answer this same question.
  23. Your docker image is only 10GB. Try increasing it to 20GB. Why are you using such an old version of Unraid? You should upgrade to the latest stable.
  24. You don't want both, since it is 2 different container mappings for the same host volume, and the highlighted one certainly looks like a typo, but you should check the transcode path you have set in the Plex application to make sure it is using the right one also.
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