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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. may its also since the win 10 1809 update ... i just can say its more then before, but why i still guess unraid, open a media file from cache also likes to spinup all drives here meanwhile ... wich also never was like this. client can be kodi on windows, kodi on shield tv, plex on sammy tv, plex from shield tv, plex from web ... looks to me as unraid dunno directly where it really is and searches all disks ... i know this sounds strange ... but im happy it got better with cache_dirs, alot better ... specially the media playback issue
  2. all drives sleeping, then laptop booting up, i log in. then i "hear" my disks are spinning up ... got alot better with cache directories, but not completely solved as i would like to and my shares are all mounted like this, regular network shares in windows ... and im NOT accessing them, i dont even open the file explorer at all, just logging into my win 10 laptop, but as i said, alot better now with cache_dirs and i cant remember its been always like this, im pretty sure it wasnt like this before, cant remember exactly when this behavior changed ... but for me it definately changed, thats why i came to this plugin cause its disturbing me, and i use unraid for ~ 2 years now.
  3. i dont even open the file Explorer ... and as i mentioned, i guess its a unraid issue currently. Gesendet von meinem SM-G950F mit Tapatalk
  4. i dont have any parity and they spinned up when my laptop booted up (where the shares are mounted)
  5. ok, made a safe mode test now started with GUI safe mode, started the array, stopped all dockers, no plugins where running. spinned down the drives so only cache (NVME) and UA (NVME) was active. then started my laptop wich has the shares mounted. 2 of 3 times by only opening the explorer on the smb client the disks starts to spin up ... when it kept calm, entering the network share 1 of 2 will spinup the drives accessing media wich is in /mnt/user/Media/test ... and is physically on the /mnt/cache/Media/test ... will sometimes spinup the drives. so i NEVER executed or touched (opened) any file wich is really on one of my disks (disk 1 - 4). i guess that the smb accesses (even when "sleeping") from clients (VM´s, Dockers, Shield TV, Kodi, ...) are resulting in spinups, even there are no files executed or touched. and even when a file is executed from cache inside the same share where disk files are .. sample /Media/Show/Season1/Episode1.mkv <-- is physically on /server/disk1/Media/Season1/Episode1.mkv /Media/Show/Season1/Episode8.mkv <-- is physically on /server/cache/Media/Season1/Episode8.mkv when i now start Episode8.mkv on an plex client or kodi client, disk1 will most likely spinup ... so unraid (smb) doesnt really know where the file is in 1st case and look in all disks ... wich im pretty sure wasnt like that ... and shouldnt be like that. i think when i browse the shares in the webui from unraid i never get any spinups ... only when i really hit the file and a download or whatever starts then the disk will get spinup, wich is correct. thats just my thoughts. as i never saw any entries in syslog, file activities plugin, open files plugin wich could explain what is happening ... i made a diagnostic from the last test today morning, but i cant see anything, hopefully u can tell what could be the reason ... alsserver-diagnostics-20181101-0756.zip
  6. feedback here, yesterday during the day it seemed to be alot better then before with disk spinups, i could browse shares and almost never had any spinups. now today morning i turned on my laptop, wich has the shares mounted. just by turning the laptop on the disks started to run. this i assume is a current bug in unraid cause its following me since a little while, i hoped i can catch this also with caching. either way, its a huge improvement and thanks for this plugin
  7. urgs, no, of course i have set USE cache, so files stay in cache until mover runs and moves to disks in array, all good, my fault, USE cache, not PREFER
  8. update worked fine, and looking good in 1st views could browse some shares without spinning ... thanks for all the effort
  9. thank you, i attached the diagnostic from latest release, update went fine, no more chmod needed cache_dirs_diagnostics.zip
  10. @Alex R. Berg ok, changed settings now once more, also increased some timings, may my disks are too slow ... Stopping cache_dirs process 12039 cache_dirs version 2.2.2 Setting Memory ulimit to 50000 Setting cache_pressure=1 Arguments=-i Daten -i Media -i Temp -c 6 -X 300 -Y 120 -p 1 -u -l on -D 9999 Max Scan Secs=10, Min Scan Secs=1 Scan Type=fixed Max Scan Depth=none Use Command='find -noleaf' ---------- Caching Directories --------------- Daten Media Temp ---------------------------------------------- Setting Included dirs: Daten,Media,Temp Setting Excluded dirs: min_disk_idle_before_restarting_scan_sec=60 scan_timeout_sec_idle=300 scan_timeout_sec_busy=120 scan_timeout_sec_stable=30 frequency_of_full_depth_scan_sec=604800 Including /mnt/user in scan cache_dirs started 2018.10.31 08:22:35 Executed find in (0s) (disks 0s + user 0s) 00.31s, wavg=00.31s depth 9999 slept 0s Disks idle before/after 311s/311s suc/fail cnt=0/0/0 mode=2 scan_tmo=300s maxCur=9999 maxWeek=9999 isMaxDepthComputed=1 CPU= 3%, filecount[9999]=18750 ... is this a working feedback, i cant interprete the log correctly Disks idle before/after 311s/311s <-- idle ok or should be active ? suc/fail cnt=0/0/0 <-- 0 success ? 0 failed ? 0 count ?
  11. ok, 1 st real test today morning after some hours idle, i still get spinning up disks when accessing my shares. i guess my settings aint properly or does adaptive mean theres a learning curve ? i changed now from adaptive to fixed here from my log file now cache_dirs version 2.2.2 Setting Memory ulimit to 50000 Setting cache_pressure=1 Arguments=-i Daten -i Media -i Temp -p 1 -l on -D 9999 Max Scan Secs=10, Min Scan Secs=1 Scan Type=fixed Max Scan Depth=none Use Command='find -noleaf' ---------- Caching Directories --------------- Daten Media Temp ---------------------------------------------- Setting Included dirs: Daten,Media,Temp Setting Excluded dirs: min_disk_idle_before_restarting_scan_sec=60 scan_timeout_sec_idle=150 scan_timeout_sec_busy=30 scan_timeout_sec_stable=30 frequency_of_full_depth_scan_sec=604800 cache_dirs started then there are alot of thos entries ... 2018.10.31 06:55:59 Executed find in (0s) 00.09s, wavg=00.09s depth 9999 slept 0s Disks idle before/after 785s/785s suc/fail cnt=0/0/0 mode=2 scan_tmo=150s maxCur=9999 maxWeek=9999 isMaxDepthComputed=1 CPU= 3%, filecount[9999]=18753 2018.10.31 06:56:00 Executed find in (0s) 00.04s, wavg=00.06s depth 9999 slept 1s Disks idle before/after 786s/786s suc/fail cnt=0/0/0 mode=2 scan_tmo=150s maxCur=9999 maxWeek=9999 isMaxDepthComputed=1 CPU=17%, filecount[9999]=18753 2018.10.31 06:56:01 Execut..... should this be correct ? i only have 3 shares using the physical disks ... all with the setting to prefer cache (using scheduled mover). all other shares here are cache only anyway.
  12. chmod to 777 changed the status to running root@AlsServer:~# cache_dirs -L ################## PS ####################### PPID PID PGID %CPU %MEM TT VSZ RSS ELAPSED TIME RGROUP NI COMMAND COMMAND 1 15550 7898 0.2 0.0 ? 10312 5476 00:34 00:00:00 root 0 cache_di /bin/bash /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.cache.dirs/scripts/cache_dirs -i Daten -i Media -i Temp -p 1 -l on 14094 19639 19639 0.0 0.0 pts/1 8964 3348 00:00 00:00:00 root 0 cache_di /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/cache_dirs -L 19639 19641 19639 0.0 0.0 pts/1 8964 2588 00:00 00:00:00 root 0 cache_di /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/cache_dirs -L 19639 19642 19639 0.0 0.0 pts/1 2944 1784 00:00 00:00:00 root 0 tee tee cache_dirs_diagnostics_processes.log 19641 19646 19639 0.0 0.0 pts/1 5712 2028 00:00 00:00:00 root 0 grep grep cache_dirs\|find\|wc ################## PSTREE ####################### |-avahi-daemon(7870)---avahi-daemon(7871) |-avahi-dnsconfd(7880) |-cache_dirs(15550)---sleep(19586) |-crond(1868) |-dbus-daemon(1798) -- | `-smbd-notifyd(1885) |-sshd(7819) |-ttyd(7920)-+-bash(14094)---cache_dirs(19639)-+-cache_dirs(19641)-+-grep(19648) | | | `-pstree(19647) | | `-tee(19642) ################## TOP ####################### top - 22:31:36 up 35 min, 1 user, load average: 0.68, 0.89, 0.97 Tasks: 641 total, 1 running, 638 sleeping, 0 stopped, 2 zombie %Cpu(s): 23.7 us, 8.7 sy, 0.0 ni, 66.7 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 1.0 si, 0.0 st MiB Mem : 32112.6 total, 4553.1 free, 12987.4 used, 14572.1 buff/cache MiB Swap: 0.0 total, 0.0 free, 0.0 used. 17627.6 avail Mem PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 9658 root 20 0 9326140 8.1g 20528 S 337.5 25.7 22:52.54 qemu-system-x86 1 root 20 0 2444 1616 1512 S 0.0 0.0 0:08.35 init 2 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kthreadd 3 root 0 -20 0 0 0 I 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 rcu_gp 4 root 0 -20 0 0 0 I 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 rcu_par_gp 6 root 0 -20 0 0 0 I 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kworker/0:0H-kblockd 7 root 20 0 0 0 0 I 0.0 0.0 0:00.67 kworker/u24:0-btrfs-endio-write 8 root 0 -20 0 0 0 I 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 mm_percpu_wq 9 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.14 ksoftirqd/0 10 root 20 0 0 0 0 I 0.0 0.0 0:00.80 rcu_sched 11 root 20 0 0 0 0 I 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 rcu_bh 12 root rt 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.03 migration/0 13 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 cpuhp/0 adding: cache_dirs_diagnostics_processes.log (deflated 65%) adding: cache_dirs.log (deflated 91%) adding: syslog (deflated 86%) Generated cache_dirs_diagnostics.zip root@AlsServer:~#
  13. +1 here, i know i had the status "running" before ... and i enabled logs, but there where no logs at /var/log/ i now turned logs off and rebooted server again.
  14. thanks for the info, i start with 2 then now, i guess a update will always require a reboot.
  15. may another question, what would be the best setting to have the best cache experience ? use fixed depth of 10 ? cache pressure 0 ?
  16. Oct 30 21:05:18 AlsServer emhttpd: req (8): cmd=/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin&arg1=update&arg2=dynamix.cache.dirs.plg&csrf_token=**************** Oct 30 21:05:18 AlsServer emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin update dynamix.cache.dirs.plg Oct 30 21:05:18 AlsServer root: plugin: running: anonymous Oct 30 21:05:18 AlsServer cache_dirs: Stopping cache_dirs process 8271 Oct 30 21:05:19 AlsServer cache_dirs: cache_dirs service rc.cachedirs: Stopped Oct 30 21:05:19 AlsServer root: plugin: creating: /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.cache.dirs/dynamix.cache.dirs.txz - downloading from URL https://github.com/arberg/dynamix/releases/download/cache_dirs_2.2.2/dynamix.cache.dirs.txz Oct 30 21:05:20 AlsServer root: plugin: checking: /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.cache.dirs/dynamix.cache.dirs.txz - MD5 Oct 30 21:05:20 AlsServer root: plugin: running: /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.cache.dirs/dynamix.cache.dirs.txz Oct 30 21:05:20 AlsServer root: plugin: creating: /tmp/start_service - from INLINE content Oct 30 21:05:20 AlsServer root: plugin: setting: /tmp/start_service - mode to 0770 Oct 30 21:05:20 AlsServer root: plugin: running: anonymous Oct 30 21:05:20 AlsServer cache_dirs: cache_dirs service rc.cachedirs: Started: '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.cache.dirs/scripts/cache_dirs -i "Daten" -i "Media" -i "Temp" -u -l off 2>/dev/null'
  17. as of update today the script version is 2.2.1, i make a reboot now, thanks for the note.
  18. Hi, seems here came an update for cache dirs (temp fix), may a question. does it need -L as user option in fromtend ? and is a reboot required ? or may any way to check if its really running ? i enabled now the include user shares, when i started now the plugin all disks spinned up wich is probably correct for scanning ? and some cpu load for a short time ... thanks ahead for an advice
  19. ok, so on boot, i know that option. may will look on this tomorrow when i get some more time, but actually some other behaviors from my win10 VM accessing the same video files directly from win 10 with open in VLC /server/cache/Media/.... -> no spinups /server/Media/... -> disks will spinup after 2 or 3 files ... ALL tested files are physically in /cache, just accessing them differently ... now, im considering to split my Media Points so i always have 2 sub dirs, /mnt/cache/Media... AND /mnt/Media .... or even /mnt/cache... /mnt/disk1/... and so on, would need some scraping again then at least media access should be solved (wich is a workaround and no solution in my oppinion) same behavior also with other "apps", sample, yesterday recorded Walking Dead, opening AviSynth for cutting, disk spin up ... also in cache, the complete season 9 yet but i ll take a look tomorrow in safe mode. i just dont like to reboot cause boot time from my 10G NIC is insane long (2,30 min)
  20. and some more tests, when i playback files in plex or kodi for example wich are definately on the cache drive, also all disks spinup before the playback starts ... im pretty sure this behavior wasnt before, before when i played "actual current media" it started instantly (from cache), when i started playback after the mover turned in (was once a week) i could here playback started after the disk spinup like it should be ... now i always have disk spinups, nevermind where the media file is located ... just tested 10 files and always disks spinned up while all files where located at /cache ... i ll test some more, sadly i cant see anything accessing those disks in any logs ...
  21. well, when u mean safe mode from boot on, i never tested this yet. or do you mean by disabling all plugins, dockers and vm´s ?
  22. currently on 6.6.3, but this behavior is propaby since a few versions already here array disks keep not down even when they are not accessed. i cant get any reason (checked with several plugins to find reason, active streams, open files, file activity, cache directories) i have alot of spinups even there should be 0 activity, also, accessing a file on disk 3 for example (starting a old movie) all disks spinup meanwhile here, before i only had the used disk spinned up ... could it be together with smb 3.1.1 maybe ? what i just tried, killed all smbd processes root@AlsServer:~# smbstatus -u Samba version 4.8.6 PID Username Group Machine Protocol Version Encryption Signing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Service pid Machine Connected at Encryption Signing --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Locked files: Pid Uid DenyMode Access R/W Oplock SharePath Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- root@AlsServer:~# again 2 disks spinning up here, disk2 + 3 actually, smbstatus still empty ... here from the system log, i killed the last smbd process, made a manual spindown Oct 28 10:00:54 AlsServer emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/open.files/scripts/killprocess 30702 Oct 28 10:01:06 AlsServer emhttpd: req (100): cmdSpindownAll=true&startState=STARTED&csrf_token=**************** Oct 28 10:01:06 AlsServer emhttpd: Spinning down all drives... Oct 28 10:01:06 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (765): spindown 1 Oct 28 10:01:07 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (766): spindown 2 Oct 28 10:01:09 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (767): spindown 3 Oct 28 10:01:10 AlsServer emhttpd: shcmd (526): /usr/sbin/hdparm -y /dev/nvme1n1 Oct 28 10:01:10 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (768): spindown 4 Oct 28 10:01:10 AlsServer root: HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(standby) failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device Oct 28 10:01:10 AlsServer root: Oct 28 10:01:10 AlsServer root: /dev/nvme1n1: Oct 28 10:01:10 AlsServer root: issuing standby command Oct 28 10:01:10 AlsServer emhttpd: shcmd (526): exit status: 25 Oct 28 10:01:54 AlsServer emhttpd: req (101): csrf_token=****************&title=System+Log&cmd=%2FwebGui%2Fscripts%2Ftail_log&arg1=syslog Oct 28 10:01:54 AlsServer emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/tail_log syslog Oct 28 10:04:01 AlsServer emhttpd: req (102): csrf_token=****************&title=System+Log&cmd=%2FwebGui%2Fscripts%2Ftail_log&arg1=syslog Oct 28 10:04:01 AlsServer emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/tail_log syslog directly after that disks 2 and 3 are up ... im pretty stuck here.
  23. well, i also have to admit that a move by free space is probably the better user case instead of a cron job by time, im happy as i increased the crons to check and mover just will turn on when space is like this, even if still have to rely on my daily check. i setted my 1 tb cache disk to 85 %, so lower 150 gb it will move and im not in the user case that i ll fill more then 150 gigs / day, but i understand the question too and i also would prefer like described, this daily check could be lowered to an hourly job if i would think about going closer to the edge, but as im still old school and usually would say 20 % should be always free ... so i can live now perfectly with this helpful script. May a note, let it run 10 minute wise, then its almost like u want it ... and about impossible, my docker size warnings coming also frequently when im on the edge, so i d say its not impossible, its currently not designed to work with this argument (free space), so with this script its "tricked" todo so on the given cron´s.
  24. Hi, as im feeling i have alot more disk spinnups lately i try to figure what is the reason and may here someone has a hint cause im out of options ... so i hoped i could figure something out about this plugin but may i missunderstand ... as sample from the last ~ 3 hours here from the logs when i started the plugin, as u see i get some spindownds (the disks where up between) Oct 24 08:34:42 AlsServer ool www[6899]: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/file.activity/scripts/rc.file.activity 'start' Oct 24 08:34:42 AlsServer file.activity: Starting File Activity Oct 24 08:48:14 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (380): spindown 1 Oct 24 08:48:43 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (381): spindown 2 Oct 24 08:49:00 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (382): spindown 3 Oct 24 08:49:02 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (383): spindown 4 Oct 24 09:37:52 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (384): spindown 4 Oct 24 09:37:55 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (385): spindown 2 Oct 24 09:37:58 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (386): spindown 3 Oct 24 09:38:00 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (387): spindown 1 Oct 24 10:35:22 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (388): spindown 4 Oct 24 10:35:28 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (389): spindown 2 Oct 24 10:35:32 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (390): spindown 3 Oct 24 10:35:38 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (391): spindown 1 Oct 24 11:01:29 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (392): spindown 4 Oct 24 11:01:35 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (393): spindown 2 Oct 24 11:01:38 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (394): spindown 3 Oct 24 11:01:45 AlsServer kernel: mdcmd (395): spindown 1 in Fileactivity all i see are the real done accesses (unassigned device, cache drive, ...) File Activity ** Unassigned Devices Oct 24 08:36:40 OPEN => /mnt/disks/Samsung_SSD_950_PRO_512GB_S2GMNCAGB16552X/kodi-18.0-Leia_beta4-x64.exe Oct 24 08:36:41 OPEN => /mnt/disks/Samsung_SSD_950_PRO_512GB_S2GMNCAGB16552X/kodi-18.0-Leia_beta4-x64.exe Oct 24 08:36:41 OPEN => /mnt/disks/Samsung_SSD_950_PRO_512GB_S2GMNCAGB16552X/kodi-18.0-Leia_beta4-x64.exe Oct 24 08:36:43 OPEN => /mnt/disks/Samsung_SSD_950_PRO_512GB_S2GMNCAGB16552X/kodi-18.0-Leia_beta4-x64.exe ** Cache Oct 24 08:58:00 OPEN => /mnt/cache/Media/TVRIPS/Arrow/Season 06/Arrow (2012) - S06E12 - Pyrrhussieg.mkv so to me its all good ... there shouldnt be any spinups for disk1 - 4 now when i take a look parallel in the open files plugin, i see i have some smbd listed smbd 877 KILL 1 0 /mnt/cache smbd 2032 KILL 1 0 /mnt/user/Media smbd 15476 KILL 1 0 /mnt/user/Daten smbd 19816 KILL 1 0 /mnt/disk1 smbd 22894 KILL 1 0 /mnt/user/isos there are 0 /mnt/disk... or other /mnt/user... accesses wich could show a real access. may possible to figure where the smbd accesses are exactly from ? if thats the case my whole intense from cache drive is senseless, to me i keep actual "working" files or media in cache as long as possible to keep the storage down (best only for move), but as all actual endpoints (Laptop, tv, kodi clients, ...) are using the mounts ... they pretty much are always mounted, but then there should be 0 spindowns ? example, shield tv with kodi, needs the mount for accessing media. so may i can get some light what im doing wrong or if thats by design thanks ahead and sorry if should be clear ... current state from my disks as u see (and i hear ) all disks are spinning ...
  25. thought so already nvm, its great already anyway
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