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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. thanks for the info, would be great, otherwise a small scheduled user script has to do the job
  2. Hi, thanks for the grab docker, works fine. may i ask if you build in a siteini update mechanism or do they come via updates ?
  3. may a howto wich variables and configs to setup in unraid ? like config folder, parameters and so on. thanks ahead.
  4. yeah, i had todo this for apache, nginx has websocket included it seems ... only buffering was the issue left thanks again for the Tipp
  5. thanks for the reply, didnt change anything, but i forgot i changed from apache reverse proxy to letsencrypt ... so thats the issue, may anyone with letsencrypt and reverse proxyknows what could be the timeout reaon ? EDIT i guess i got it, buffering OFF in nginx preoxy conf ... my fault, sorry, seems working now again
  6. hi, may i ask if there where any changes wich could cause a fast timeout on all kinda connections ? i get a timeout on RDP, VNC, ... after ~ 5 seconds inactivity ... about high latency ... all telnet sessions doesnt work at all here anymore too, but thats not a big deal here. main start windows stays open, but all remote sessions just gets dropped off real fast ... on 2 different mashines here, different targets ... RDP to windows, VNC to container, ... any chance to manually revert back a version ?
  7. checked your filebot.conf ? # Run the UI in addition to the normal non-interactive behavior. The UI uses about 460MB of RAM, as opposed to about # 20MB of RAM. On my machine it uses .33% CPU instead of .03% CPU. RUN_UI=no
  8. i guess thats exactly what im looking for lets see if i get this working with my credentials, thanks for the tip. as im using a different provider and i need my own pem files i guess im out of luck here, but thanks anyway i stick now with the complete deluge container for now.
  9. exactly, is there a VPN container only with privoxy feature ? or only this one with torrent features ?
  10. Hi, as i was looking for an simple VPN connect docker as proxy i came across this docker, tested and its working as it should. may i ask cause i dont need the bitorrent client if the openVPN part is also available as standalone package with privoxy feature. i tested before the openvpn AS but there i couldnt figure out the config to use as outgoing vpn and internal proxy out. if theres a "lighter" way ... for an tip, thanks ahead.
  11. Hi, i switched also now from apache to letsencrypt, some smaller issues i dont understand. server is used as reverse proxy mainly. 2 sites i dont get proxied like before 1st one is cops config looks like this location ^~ /calibre { auth_basic off; allow all; # Allow all to see content include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; proxy_pass; } also tried proxy_pass without the /calibre ... no change all i get is either 404 or file not found error, nothing in the error logs, only access logs showing ... - - [11/Feb/2018:11:05:22 +0100] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 200 430 "https://my.domain.de/calibre/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.51 Safari/537.36" - - [11/Feb/2018:11:05:23 +0100] "GET /calibre/ HTTP/1.1" 404 200 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.51 Safari/537.36" - - [11/Feb/2018:11:05:23 +0100] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 200 430 "https://my.domain.de/calibre/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.51 Safari/537.36" - - [11/Feb/2018:11:15:16 +0100] "GET /calibre/index.php HTTP/1.1" 404 47 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.51 Safari/537.36" in apache it looked like this <Location /calibre> ProxyPass retry=0 # retry=0 => avoid 503's when restarting etherpad-lite ProxyPassReverse SetOutputFilter proxy-html ProxyHTMLURLMap </Location> RewriteRule ^/calibre$ /calibre/ [R] as the 2nd site is more or less the same error ... For any Tipps thanks ahead
  12. thanks, errors now gone now for further usage with other sites i check on letsencrypt topic.
  13. Hi, just would like to know where i could look for to get following security and setup warnings corrected. happening here when i change from apache reverse proxy to letsencrypt reverse proxy (apache i cant get the ssl certs renewed so i switched to letsencrypt ...) simple reverse rule in letsencrypt location / { auth_basic off; allow all; # Allow all to see content include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; proxy_pass; } its all working as it should, bu i get this security warnings while behind apache simple reverse rule theres all good, may a hint where to look for ? following errors inside nextcloud since then Der „X-XSS-Protection“-HTTP-Header ist nicht so konfiguriert, dass er „1; mode=block“ entspricht. Dies ist ein potentielles Sicherheitsrisiko und es wird empfohlen, diese Einstellung zu ändern. Der „X-Content-Type-Options“-HTTP-Header ist nicht so konfiguriert, dass er „nosniff“ entspricht. Dies ist ein potentielles Sicherheitsrisiko und es wird empfohlen, diese Einstellung zu ändern. Der „X-Robots-Tag“-HTTP-Header ist nicht so konfiguriert, dass er „none“ entspricht. Dies ist ein potentielles Sicherheitsrisiko und es wird empfohlen, diese Einstellung zu ändern. Der „X-Frame-Options“-HTTP-Header ist nicht so konfiguriert, dass er „SAMEORIGIN“ entspricht. Dies ist ein potentielles Sicherheitsrisiko und es wird empfohlen, diese Einstellung zu ändern.
  14. It's not the container deleting anything. My guess is that it's some sort of filebot behavior to delete empty dirs after move is done. You could try putting some file in there like "dont-delete-this" that FileBot can't process. Then it will probably leave the dir behind. thats what i did a .keep file with owner root, all good since then. happened when adding the media r/w part to get a proper move ... not a copy/del thanks again for the latest update, before i also had some crashes, seems fine again now.
  15. it worked a few days and now it aint working anymore for a few days even after reboots and so on. may a hint what you could need ? no idea how to show content of the cookie ... in dev console from chrome, some websocket error ... but when i now go ahead and use hostname instead ip it works ... i guess may cause i have alot adresses connecting to docker from this mashine, still should work but thats may the reason ... cause using apache guacamole always works, vnc viewer always works, just as note ... i really have no clue and can hardly say "THEN" it is happening, always by time after ... Starting UI... util.js:218 Msg: noVNC ready: native WebSockets, canvas rendering Util.Warn @ util.js:218 util.js:218 Util.Warn @ util.js:218 websock.js:292 WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 502 open @ websock.js:292 util.js:218 WebSocket on-error event Util.Warn @ util.js:218 util.js:218 WebSocket on-close event Util.Warn @ util.js:218 util.js:220 Msg: Server disconnected (code: 1006) Util.Error @ util.js:220 util.js:218 Util.Warn @ util.js:218
  16. thanks for the tip, didnt help tough ... i gave up meanwhile and stick with vnc for now, i guess its because i use the latest Insider preview windows release ... its the only real change here, even its working nice with windows to windows rdp. nevermind for now as i also cant go back to 1709
  17. i only need transcoding for external view ... mobil, work trips,... local there shouldnt be any need for transcoding at all ... only if you have devices wich dont support direct playback ... example, Plex on chrome browser doesnt direct play live tv ... kodi of course does the job.
  18. @s.Oliver, me too and yes, without transcoding theres almost no usage ... and i also tested the transcoding featiures, just as note OT, if possible the intel quicksync with plex is working really nice here with hardware transcoding, just as note ... my example was for @Frostyfruit cause he asked about it with transcoding ... so, Plex hardware transcode or TVH software transcode is my personal favour if needed. Plex software transcode was really bad here, TVH is quite good with transcoding and comskip on cpu usage (personally dont use it anymore since plex hardware transcode).
  19. here a small example, 1080i source to 720p, matroska, it will depend from source to target ... 4 threads active for unraid, i 7-7700, base cpu is ~ 3 %.
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