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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. when i used TVH behind reverse proxy like this /tvheadend i used todo docker cp tvheadend:/etc/services.d/tvheadend/run /root ###editieren --http_root /tvheadend docker cp run tvheadend:/etc/services.d/tvheadend/run restart docker
  2. thats done already, working in PLEX fine ... so i assume something else wrong here nevermind, not a big deal, would be just nice if its possible to use it cause TVH client mobile is by far stable compared to PLEX for live TV
  3. as i see TVH doesnt load the vaapi correctly, i ll try l8 when plex is turned off if then TVH would load vaapi correctly. Now i see TVH needs CPU power (cause software decoding) while PLEX using hardware acc ... no real CPU usage. i will try with plex off and restart tvh to see if then TVH is able to use vaapi, then it would be clear if theres only 1 access possible thanks for trying EDIT tested now also with PLEX off, restarted TVH, no difference, same error, unable to open h264 vaapi ... just as note
  4. and thats the error in TVH 2018-07-31 16:05:38.303 transcode: 0003: Unable to open h264_vaapi encoder so maybe blocked cause already loaded by PLEX, thats what my question was if TVH even could use hardware acc if PLEX docker also preloaded --device ...
  5. i added to EXTRA PARAMETER --device=/dev/dri and changed in TVH anything else i forgot ?
  6. always max 1, just wanted to know if its even possible the 2 seperate dockers can use this feature ... i added to TVH and it doesnt look like its used when i compare CPU usage with PLEX when using that feature.
  7. Hi, when i want to use the --device... function for hardware transcoding (intel), possible to work side by side when already plex uses this feature ? or only 1 access possible, no idea if thats equal to an hardware passthrough, then only 1 of course. thanks ahead for an tipp
  8. ok, got it working with pipework starting the docker several times in Host Mode, each time another extra parameter -e 'pipework_cmd=br0 -i eth4 @CONTAINER_NAME@[email protected]' -e 'pipework_cmd=br0 -i eth5 @CONTAINER_NAME@[email protected]' -e 'pipework_cmd=br0 -i eth6 @CONTAINER_NAME@[email protected]' now it has all 3 extra ips and host ip (and host mode) just in case someone is interested
  9. thanks, i think im pretty straight forward with an VM, if deb or a libreelec one ... but as im really happy with the docker and i would like to keep it as simple as possible ... and im not really in a rush, currently i also have a octopus net with 4 tuners (wich i then would drop), a vu+ with 8 cable fbc tuner (currently as iptv source in TVH, but a pain to setup ...), so would be nice to have but not a must have now. And pipework seems to be a nice solution for ip´s for dockers when u want to let them talk to each other, just works out of the box, compared to buildin ip solution where a reverse proxy docker and the "client" dockers behind dont work anymore cause they cant reach each other anymore easy. thanks again for the tipps, time will tell
  10. i took a look and couldnt find where to add this patch, needs to be compiled with that patch ?
  11. tvheadend using fritz as satip tuner only allows 1 stream per IP, as there are 4 tuners ... Gesendet von meinem SM-G950F mit Tapatalk
  12. may anyone knows what the command would be to add multiply ip´s to a docker. example[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected] for any tipps thanks ahead
  13. thanks for the note, at least its working with 1 stream
  14. thanks alot, that worked may another question, as the fritz only allows 1 stream per ip, so i probably would need to add some subunterfaces for the docker, may a hint where to start therefore ?
  15. Hi, may a question if anyone knows howto add a fritz satip tuner ? TVH_ARGS="--satip_xml" thats what i found wich needs to be added to startup options ? thanks ahead for an tip
  16. Urgs, sorry, then I do how I thought. Gesendet von meinem SM-G950F mit Tapatalk
  17. Hi, may a dumb question, is it possible to assign a specific value for the disk warnings inside unassigned devices ? background, i added an nvme samsung 950pro as drive for my win 10 vm´s, all working good, just annoying cause temps are always higher then my default values (45°) now i could set my default up and change all my assigned drives to a lower level, but to me it would make more sence vice vers. thanks ahead for an tip.
  18. sorry for late feedback, also fine here again, thanks
  19. may i ask if theres a way to return to a previous version, since update today all i get in log is i tries different VPN AP but always the same .. and it just worked before the update now cannot resolve host ... i use it only as privoxy vpn, no deluge at all, but also no webgui access anymore. Edit, added the Could not determine IP .... Tue Mar 6 23:06:13 2018 Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: Using 256 bit message hash 'SHA256' for HMAC authenticationTue Mar 6 23:06:13 2018 Incoming Control Channel Authentication: Using 256 bit message hash 'SHA256' for HMAC authenticationTue Mar 6 23:06:13 2018 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: my.vpn.here.:4000 (Name or service not known) 2018-03-07 06:45:13,392 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:Wed Mar 7 06:45:13 2018 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: montreal.hide.me.:4000 (Name or service not known)2018-03-07 06:45:13,392 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:Wed Mar 7 06:45:13 2018 RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: my.vpn.here.:4000 (Name or service not known)Wed Mar 7 06:45:13 2018 Could not determine IPv4/IPv6 protocol
  20. thanks for the info, would be great, otherwise a small scheduled user script has to do the job
  21. Hi, thanks for the grab docker, works fine. may i ask if you build in a siteini update mechanism or do they come via updates ?
  22. may a howto wich variables and configs to setup in unraid ? like config folder, parameters and so on. thanks ahead.
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