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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. was zeigt dein MAIN Bildschirm an ?
  2. Reverse Proxy is meant to be used on https port only, if you only have 1 domain, may take a look at the subfolder parts (there are plenty samples and pre configured in your proxy conf folder) like https://yourdomain.de/bitwarden https://yourdomain.de/nextcloud
  3. may start here https://wiki.unraid.net/Setting_up_CPU_and_board_temperature_sensing
  4. or just click edit script, open the file in a editor locally, copy/paste in there ... or mount the flash drive ... but may rather stick with copy, paste
  5. difference between bridge (only port on host is mapped) or custom br0 as sample (own ip with all ports available) is up to you, both should just work fine, you can change this how you like it, when you are on bridge you have to look for used ports from host or other dockers on that bridge, custom:br0 not, some have issues while using macvlan (from custom br0) and there is a new option in 6.10 therefore using custom with ipvlan, just in case ... in terms you dont need http validation for certs using only 443 for https is fine of course.
  6. this is most likely weak signal, bad USB (if its a USB Tuner), ....
  7. you see you have pretty high emby usage there ...
  8. pretty simple, BUT ... it wont be behind your reverse proxy, need a sep Port and will be reachable through all available addresses, ip, domains, .... so more or less like a sep port forward anyway directly if you want to go through your RP somehow, its alot of tweaks and adjustments ... ssl-preread would be a way to start, but be aware its alot of read, trial and error and even may wont work as expected. nginx by design is made for http traffic, the stream module is like a sep part and you wont benefit from irc.yourdomain.com to pass to the stream by default, there are "workarounds" using the upper mentioned ssl_preread_module ... like said, workarounds
  9. may i ask if this is a http site you try to reverse proxy or TCP traffic (what it looks like on 1st sight), if so, swag is by design for http sites to be proxied and not tcp, udp traffic ... that would need some advanced setups etc with the stream module
  10. if its an AMD Board/CPU, i readed somewhere they like to drop Hardware due some Energy saving mechanism, shouldnt drop a GPU but who knows ... may worth a try to check what may is enabled in the BIOS and/or software (powertop, ...)
  11. nice i once tried this, iphone to a mac vm but with no luck (was a special flashing siuation), in the end it only worked by passing through the usb controller here, but thats some time ago ... of course the iphonne was "passed" through, but no chance to interact in dfu mode etc ... so i d say it depends what you want to achieve.
  12. thats mac .... you need a USB Controller passed through Device passthrough through unraid works for almost anything ... but pretty sure not for an idevice
  13. Hi, xteve by default aint transcoding, just remuxing to a .ts stream (as long you didnt modify the ffmpeg line) TVH and iptv input (m3u from xteve is more or less the same, just local), you need to pipe through ffmpeg inside TVHeadend, depending now on your docker ffmpeg is included there (sample linuxserver), so you should be fine already when you use pipe ... search for pipe input iptv in tvheadend and you get a clue what todo, some manual adjustements in the input lines. may i ask the usecase you like to achive ? just out of interest i also use tvheadend but vice vers, input to tvheadend, from tvheadend to xteve ...
  14. i dont think this will work so, the credentials in guac VNC are for the VNC server, log into the mashine is prolly not supported like this. did you may try a vnc client and connect to your VM if that works ? i guess you will end in the same result, auto login may would be a solution so your system is ready for the VNC connection. RDP is capable todo so, VNC on linux ... may read some steps if and how to accomplish this, x11vnc etc ... dont mix the unraid VNC usage, it connects in a different way to qemu host and not to a VNC server on the VM directly, you could also use guac VNC to unraid to login and use it ... but will be slower (like using unraid vnc) compared to VNC directly.
  15. i saw that already, i had my old scripts in there and after 1st boot on 6.10 my gvt-g VM's didnt work, until i figured my old crap was in there thanks for the note anyway
  16. me too here it looks pretty persistent about macs on dockers while using macvlan, ipvlan as mentioned, great feature for those where the router is not struggling with it.
  17. @ich777 please leave me out in the future while @mgutt is involved, we have really different point of views and im not interested in discussions anymore. so yes, parsec is nice for any gpu which can hw encode, intel gvt-g, nvidia with encoder (sample, a GT1030 wont work), AMD i cant tell a sample ... pretty much any card which can hw encode. also Teamviewer, Anydesk, Google Remote Desktop, etc etc working fine as working Desktops and benefit alot from gpu acc, Parsec is nice when you want the best fluid workspace and by using immersive mode also pretty neat desktop mode @mgutt may as extra for your german tutorial, sound on gvt-g, as there is by default no sound card, sample what i use here as extra in the xml ... <sound model='ich9'> <alias name='sound0'/> <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x08' function='0x0'/> </sound> also, after settings up RDP, sep VNC, parsec, ... you can wipe display from xml so you dont have "2 Displays" to manage in Windows, feel free to adjust like you wish slot may needs adjustment depending on configuration, feel free to adjust like you wish. also may a note about virtio-net or virtio, yes, speed imrpves alot, may warn to check syslog, some NIC's will spam the log massive until 6.9 for sure, may fixed in 6.10 which i cant tell as since i switched from my 10G NIC to my simple onboard 1G one i can use virtio (local 10G) again without errors, again, feel free to adjust like you wish.
  18. may take a look at the allowed hosts for your photoprism user if thats also fine
  19. luckily im one of them who has no issues with macvlan, i tested ipvlan as alternative. my experience is with my router (fritz) i ran into a issue as ipvlan assigns 1 mac (the same) to all, so my router was jumping in mapping the ip with the mac address. so first it looked ok but then i ran into timiouts, specially when access "externally" like laptop browser to a service like tvheadend, plex, emby, ... or it took a while until the service could be reached, so i reverted back for now, just as note if some may run into "issues" with ipvlan.
  20. well, may consider it, then you can bind the guacamole service also only to your domain name while "attacks" wont bother guac server etc ... i assume most users are running this behind a reverse proxy anyway and as the author already said its a pretty huge project already, so i wouldnt count on it.
  21. weil in system nur Sachen liegen (sollten) welche sicherlich nicht vom mover verschoben werden sollten (wie oben erwähnt) Und wie bei Cache only das Problem entstehen kann ... das darst du mir gerne erklären weil ich mir kein Szenario ausdenken kann wie bei Cache only genau das passiert. Und ich empfehle diese nunmal auch für System und appdata, wie oft hast du beispielsweise bereits das Thema gehabt "kein spindown ..." und am Ende war was auf dem array ... ? appdata, docker.img, ... egal. Nochmals, jeder für sich ..., was mich nicht "aufregt" aber doch "stört" sind Thesen wie "der einzig richtige Weg ..." ... was gleichzeitig ausdrückt das alles andere ein falscher Weg ist, da dies deine Meinung ist bleiben wir einfach dabei und ich lasse deine Thesen was richtig oder falsch ist unkommentiert und ich werde mich sicherlich auch nicht mehr einbringen sowie du im Thema bist, alles gut.
  22. true i just think its funny what waves come up here for a one time registration about the connection issues locally, i guess its due most have ssl enabled and try to use this url instead the LAN ip (if all are wanting local access only anyway ...), just makes me wonder why alot have so many concerns or questions while its standing in the release notes what is when ...
  23. @mgutt ich denke wir beide sollten uns einig sein das weder ich eine Belehrung deinerseits brauche noch umgekehrt, also schenken wir uns das bitte. Jeder hat seine Empfehlung gegeben, der TE sollte das machen was er für richtig hält. kann ja auch jeder nachlesen im Help text
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