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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. as there aint much to config, may post your config ... here is a sample working config while all dockers would need a br0 setup with own ip´s in the same range ... in my case 192.168.1.x i actually use a different setup now with ubuntu VM and this docker here cause i dont like to assign sep. ip´s for each dockers, still looking how to bypass this maybe with an reverse proxy, nvm.
  2. there was somewhere also a way to reverse proxy ... cant find the manual actually anymore, dunno if thats possible with this docker in any way cause i think u have to add this in the config. For those running a apache or similar reverse proxy anyway already ... that way u may could also bypass the port 80 conflict.
  3. RTFM ...it would have been the right answer ... i know and i ve choosen 4.2 and its perfect as before, thanks again. Have a good weekend
  4. thanks alot, changed to stable branch and all is good didnt noticed tags to choose ... my fault
  5. true, the 1-2 sec. delay is also here when using IP directly ... reverse proxy as mentioned above ... chrome and IE. what i also see is when keeping the epg window open it refreshes every few seconds and .. may that helps figure out ... 2017-08-19 11:10:40.046 [ ERROR] http: HTTP/1.1 GET /comet/ws -- 4152017-08-19 11:10:44.992 [ ERROR] http: HTTP/1.1 GET /comet/ws -- 4152017-08-19 11:10:51.233 [ ERROR] http: HTTP/1.1 GET /comet/ws -- 415
  6. Hi, as im running TVH behind my apache reverse proxy and it seems to be broken since update from 04th or 5th august (only working EPG window) i would like to ask if there is a way to rollback to a "older" build ? i guess TVH changed something with their http header ... it works when i use IP:9981 (internal and external), but not when i use my reverse proxy anymore ... then only EPG windows ... thanks ahead fo an tip.
  7. yes, i guess u have a common setup as i do, plex, tvh and proxy all on unraid, if u assign a ip to tvhproxy it cant be accessed by the other dockers, i assume some sort of security, u need all dockers assign an ip ... tvh, plex and tvhproxy, then it works. the webgui of the proxy (192.x.x.x:5004) will always end up in 404, doesnt matter.
  8. Hi, i worked myself through these commands https://www.filebot.net/naming.html http://www.filebot.net/cli.html for moving instead copy only change the copy to move in filebot.sh (bottom command line) --action move instead --action copy it stills copy and delete instead just move over but the result is working then i hope this helps a little
  9. may s small question about the digital devices octopus drivers ... from meep. i also switched to an DD Octopus Network Tuner and didnt install any dvb edition or any drivers, its now recognized as network tuner and all is working so far here. Just wondering if it makes sense to use drivers in unraid for external tuners ? faster ? more possibilities ? couldnt imagine this makes sense at all ot did i missunderstand his topic ? this is how my adapters are shown from DD Octopus ..
  10. Hi again, just as note, i made myself my ssl certs for my subdomains and now ... via https it works , exact same config as before, just using https .. and voila just as note in case some others have issues like me great addon for my unraid server, thanks alot
  11. and as last note, using the IE Tab addon in chrome ... it somehow works (always for 1 instance, then i need to reconnect to guac...). Just as note
  12. root@AlsServer:~# docker exec -ti apache bash root@AlsServer:/# a2enmod proxy_wstunnel Considering dependency proxy for proxy_wstunnel: Module proxy already enabled Module proxy_wstunnel already enabled root@AlsServer:/# thats the respond i get when i check in docker, also using linuxserver.io apache ... about that symbolic link ... no idea here are the loaded mods root@AlsServer:/# apache2ctl -M Loaded Modules: core_module (static) so_module (static) watchdog_module (static) http_module (static) log_config_module (static) logio_module (static) version_module (static) unixd_module (static) access_compat_module (shared) actions_module (shared) alias_module (shared) auth_basic_module (shared) authn_core_module (shared) authn_file_module (shared) authnz_ldap_module (shared) authz_core_module (shared) authz_host_module (shared) authz_user_module (shared) autoindex_module (shared) cgi_module (shared) dav_module (shared) dav_fs_module (shared) deflate_module (shared) dir_module (shared) env_module (shared) fastcgi_module (shared) filter_module (shared) headers_module (shared) ldap_module (shared) mime_module (shared) mpm_prefork_module (shared) negotiation_module (shared) php5_module (shared) proxy_module (shared) proxy_ajp_module (shared) proxy_balancer_module (shared) proxy_connect_module (shared) proxy_html_module (shared) proxy_http_module (shared) proxy_wstunnel_module (shared) rewrite_module (shared) setenvif_module (shared) slotmem_shm_module (shared) socache_shmcb_module (shared) ssl_module (shared) status_module (shared) substitute_module (shared) xml2enc_module (shared) root@AlsServer:/#
  13. Here is the NetworkData.xml respond from working internet explorer, didnt found yet howto export this from chrome ... i can tell it get stuck at "blank.html", i copied something from chrome network tab ... hope u may see something NetworkData.xml chrome.txt
  14. without any ws config <VirtualHost *:81> ServerName remote.mydomain.de ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / </VirtualHost> The key "target-densitydpi" is not supported. http://remote.mydomain.de/api/tokens Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden) angular.js:9902 DELETE http://remote.mydomain.de/api/tokens/83C954A100054CBA2A00EB71A60ED95F807C929E5FF0331B674964BF5709FC4E 404 (Not Found) (anonymous) @ angular.js:9902 m @ angular.js:9703 f @ angular.js:9415 (anonymous) @ angular.js:13292 $eval @ angular.js:14547 $digest @ angular.js:14363 $apply @ angular.js:14652 l @ angular.js:9734 P @ angular.js:9924 H.onload @ angular.js:9865 /#/client/MgBjAG15c3Fs:1 WebSocket connection to 'ws://remote.mydomain.de/websocket-tunnel?token=B3597283F5CE7A7BC19EC79D1ABF3CEFCE57EF11518C11FB920A8A057C399738&GUAC_DATA_SOURCE=mysql&GUAC_ID=2&GUAC_TYPE=c&GUAC_WIDTH=1362&GUAC_HEIGHT=950&GUAC_DPI=96&GUAC_AUDIO=audio%2FL8&GUAC_AUDIO=audio%2FL16&GUAC_IMAGE=image%2Fjpeg&GUAC_IMAGE=image%2Fpng&GUAC_IMAGE=image%2Fwebp' failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established.
  15. The key "target-densitydpi" is not supported. /#/client/NQBjAG15c3Fs:1 WebSocket connection to 'ws://remote.domain.de/websocket-tunnel?token=83C954A100054CBA2A00EB71A60ED95F807C929E5FF0331B674964BF5709FC4E&GUAC_DATA_SOURCE=mysql&GUAC_ID=5&GUAC_TYPE=c&GUAC_WIDTH=1362&GUAC_HEIGHT=950&GUAC_DPI=96&GUAC_AUDIO=audio%2FL8&GUAC_AUDIO=audio%2FL16&GUAC_IMAGE=image%2Fjpeg&GUAC_IMAGE=image%2Fpng&GUAC_IMAGE=image%2Fwebp' failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established. This was with ws configuration
  16. actually none ... i try to check in guacamole log but i dont see anything there ... it just times out ... waiting around 10 seconds and then it asks to repeat or go back to start page example (im at work actually) Feb 28 16:45:11 84cbd06e816d guacd[1223]: SSH connection successful.Feb 28 16:45:11 84cbd06e816d guacd[1223]: SSH connection successful.Feb 28 16:45:28 84cbd06e816d guacd[1223]: User "@128088b5-fe89-423e-998d-dc484e655085" disconnected (0 users remain)Feb 28 16:45:28 84cbd06e816d guacd[1223]: Last user of connection "$25c4a545-7864-4c25-ae61-b07843e37550" disconnectedFeb 28 16:45:28 84cbd06e816d guacd[1223]: SSH connection ended.Feb 28 16:45:29 84cbd06e816d guacd[68]: Connection "$25c4a545-7864-4c25-ae61-b07843e37550" removed.Feb 28 16:45:29 84cbd06e816d guacd[68]: Connection "$25c4a545-7864-4c25-ae61-b07843e37550" removed. <-- HERE i TRYED WITH CHROMEFeb 28 16:46:34 84cbd06e816d guacd[68]: Creating new client for protocol "ssh"Feb 28 16:46:34 84cbd06e816d guacd[68]: Connection ID is "$f31bbc5d-3e36-41b6-b593-debae20c41e5"Feb 28 16:46:34 84cbd06e816d guacd[1233]: User "@4f05e389-855d-4dbb-9b98-5e2a30ce7278" joined connection "$f31bbc5d-3e36-41b6-b593-debae20c41e5" (1 users now present)Feb 28 16:46:34 84cbd06e816d guacd[1233]: SSH connection successful.Feb 28 16:46:37 84cbd06e816d guacd[1233]: User "@4f05e389-855d-4dbb-9b98-5e2a30ce7278" disconnected (0 users remain)Feb 28 16:46:37 84cbd06e816d guacd[1233]: Last user of connection "$f31bbc5d-3e36-41b6-b593-debae20c41e5" disconnectedFeb 28 16:46:37 84cbd06e816d guacd[1233]: SSH connection ended.Feb 28 16:46:37 84cbd06e816d guacd[68]: Connection "$f31bbc5d-3e36-41b6-b593-debae20c41e5" removed.Feb 28 16:46:37 84cbd06e816d guacd[1233]: User "@4f05e389-855d-4dbb-9b98-5e2a30ce7278" disconnected (0 users remain)Feb 28 16:46:37 84cbd06e816d guacd[1233]: Last user of connection "$f31bbc5d-3e36-41b6-b593-debae20c41e5" disconnectedFeb 28 16:46:37 84cbd06e816d guacd[1233]: SSH connection ended.Feb 28 16:46:37 84cbd06e816d guacd[68]: Connection "$f31bbc5d-3e36-41b6-b593-debae20c41e5" removed. i tested 2 ssh connections inside internet explorer, between them i tested 2 different on chrome browser, nothing happens ...
  17. Hi, thanks for the tipp, actually, same result as before ...websocket module is loaded by default already. my virtual host looks like this (i dont need any ssl) <VirtualHost *:81> ServerName remote.mydomain.de ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / <Location /guacamole/websocket-tunnel> Order allow,deny Allow from all ProxyPass ws:// ProxyPassReverse ws:// </Location> </VirtualHost> after some tests its proably the chrome portable here at work in combination behind the works proxy ... just wonders me that the internet explorer 11 here acts just fine, also my other reverse proxy´s are working, for example the jdownloader2 one wich also uses guacamole rdp ... very strange thanks anyway, in case u may have another hint outside work on normal PC, all browsers work, chrome, inet, ... at work behind proxy, internet explorer work, chrome not.
  18. Hi, just trying to get this docker running, one issue im struggling with. setup is here behind an apache reverse proxy outside -> apache reverse proxy -> apache guacamole now when trying to access my connections, when using the chrome browser it times out with an error it cant connect, using IE11 its working ... may an idea what the reason could be ?
  19. well, my mount points are physically on the same drive, as example, a cut and paste from a 50 gig file takes 1 second in file explorer, a move here takes a little until its copied and then deleted ... i agree when its physically different drives, but i assume thats how filebot works nvm, just would be alot nicer ...
  20. hehe, wasnt that hard, just worked out ... now i just have to figure how to get the guacamole working behind the reverse proxy thanks
  21. Hi, may a question about the jdownloader2 docker, if i would like to use a separate guacamole to connect to the jdown server instead the buildin one, is that possible ? couldnt find any rdp listen port inside the jdown settings or any addon allowing the rdp ... would be nicer to have more together in one place ... thanks ahead
  22. Hi again, got it sorted so far and is a really nice tool when u know what u doing keep original i couldnt figure out, but nevermind, renaming is ok now may one question though, is filebot renaming and moving ? to me it looks more like copy to new location with new name and the delete the original files ? just wondering cause its using double diskusage ... i changed in .sh to "--action move" ... still looking to me it would copy and delete ...
  23. Thanks, worked out ... wondered me a little cause i thought i made that before and had errors on my vm´s when trying to start them, must been a failure by me ... working actually a little better now when the gaming vm is in use so the other can be used a little better ...
  24. may a small question, if i would like to test performance with isolcpu in syslinux, how would i add the line in case i already use an append for INTEL audio passthrough ? currenty it looks like this label unRAID OS menu default kernel /bzimage append vfio-pci.ids=8086:a170 modprobe.blacklist=i2c_i801,i2c_smbus initrd=/bzroot can i just add the isol append command ? thanks ahead
  25. udated too fast to 6.3.1 without checking new dvb available possible to boot with 6.3.0 dvb kernel ? thanks ahead ?
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