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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. Hi, may a suggest for another option free to a specified amount and move by age. sample mover runs when cache >85 %, then free up to <50 % by moving the "oldest" files. Like this more "actual" files keep in cache, example like media elements, actual records and stuff, i assume drives would have less spinups ... just as suggestion actually this script is an awesome improvement already, thanks alot herefore
  2. ok, i think i figured it now and seems ok to me, turned redirect off AND set push LAN subnet ON, now its ok i hope.
  3. may a simple question, what would be to change if i want LAN traffic only through VPN ? whatever redirect option i choose, always complete traffic is through VPN. for an tip, thanks ahead.
  4. may a simple question but i couldnt find an info abut it here im using currently binhex deluge vpn for the privoxy feature, as i dont use deluge ot bittorrent my question would be can this vpn plugin used as vpn proxy only without putting the whole server behind the vpn ? my usercase are just some apps using a proxy. thanks ahead for an info
  5. Notepad++ and checked with nano, no fancy ... Gesendet von meinem SM-G950F mit Tapatalk
  6. thanks for trying but i dont get it to work at all, not even simple mv ... it worked only once when changing to bash, but since i edited it to touch a 0 byte file nothing works anymore in script, so i give up for now. thanks for trying
  7. yes, /config should be accessible but i tryed now /recordings/, even copied the move.sh into the docker /recordings/ , same results ... also with a oneliner "touch 123" and "/bin/touch 123", nothing happening u use #!/bin/sh in 1st line of script or ... ? im using TVHeadend 4.3 HTS Tvheadend 4.3-1391~g852a10a34 thanks ahead
  8. hi, may someone uses a post processing script here and could give me a sample ? nvm what i try i get no results from the script. sample my call in post /config/scripts/move.sh "%f" my script has this entry as simple ... copy and truncate, even cp only doesnt work #!/bin/sh /bin/cp "$1" /Temp /usr/bin/truncate -s 0 "$1" i get no erros or no logs, even when i add echo "Test" ... so, im a bit stuck now, all i see is 2018-10-04 13:21:07.190 spawn: Executing "/config/scripts/move.sh" script is set chmod 777, so should be fine. may someone has a sample to see what im doing wrong ?
  9. when i read up correctly the zz is NOT country specific, actually in TVH i have to use the zz version for germany, your docker actually works for me with german epg data from SD, so im fine but may thats the issue from didergio.
  10. @saarg possible to update the container manually ? or have to wait until friday for next build ? theres a xmltv patch added to the 4.3 branch so episodes and categories are passed
  11. how are u trying to configure ? sample, docker run -ti -v /mnt/user/appdata/XMLTVSchedulesDirect/:/config --rm huxy/xmltv-sd-json /usr/local/bin/tv_grab_sd_json --configure @Huxy may possible to add the ..zz_sdjson, may better for europe users when i read correctly ?
  12. just tested here, all good here, may paste your complete config command
  13. makes sence ... nvm, was just a note in case someone else is interested.
  14. Yes, privileged is on Gesendet von meinem SM-G950F mit Tapatalk
  15. @saarg small update about hw decoding with coffee lake, seems to work now with latest TVH, i made no changes also working parallel with PLEX using hw decoding, just as note if someone else is interested. as note, i dont even have the /dev/dri in extra parameters anymore ... figured out by accident cause i chosen the wrong profile and i had a pic
  16. ok, thanks for the info, then i stick with pipework for now.
  17. upgrade worked here fine it seems, one question i have about igpu i915.alpha_support=1 <<-- still needed to get hardware modprobe i915 working on coffee lake cpu´s ? or can this be "updaated" to 965 (no idea if possible) and is it now possible to give dockers their own IP´s without isolating them from the host network ? thanks ahead
  18. i know VPN ... still not an option and i would be fine with htauth (also listening ONLY on dns name), no idea what i did, now its not working anymore properly with disabling the php lines ... so, if someone has an tutorial would be nice. im just confused cause on my server with its own unraid.mydomain.com its just easy as ... on my friends server i only have 1 domain for everything, so name.mydomain.com should be unraid, and the sub like name.mydomain.com/plex should point to plex ...
  19. Hi, may i ask if there is a working solution to get unraid webgui working, im stuck to get it running on a friends place where i installed unraid. he uses 1 dyndns address, so i tried location / ... as /unraid shouldnt work at all what i readed so far. but i get no chance to get it properly displayed, and as i need both ports (80 and 443) for certbot renewal ... i would then prefer unraid behind the reverse proxy. may a sample config therefore ? thanks ahead. ### solved had to remove following default values location ~ \.php$ { fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$; # With php7-cgi alone: fastcgi_pass; # With php7-fpm: #fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php7-fpm.sock; fastcgi_index index.php; include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params; } may a hint what this is good for ? i use nginx as reverse proxy only ...
  20. probably better to check the logs what TVH says first. either in TVH Web GUI, buttom right u can open the log, or in the docker logs from TVH, also webgui and logs. and the delay ... its in the TVH adapters settings, but i cant imagine thats it.
  21. ok, so when all 4 tuners are running and 1 of them want to switch a channel to a different mux u get the "no free adapter ..:" may try the delay time, its in the tuner setting, up to 2000ms ...
  22. How many tuners are active in TVH ? DVB Inputs, Adapters ... all mapped to DVB-C ?
  23. you probably right, as mine is 965 ... and all here is 915, just wondered me why plex can use it and TVH not, nvm and yes, vainfo shows VAAPI Infos and needs to be installed.
  24. may another attempt to figure why hardware vaapi aint working here (im still confused cause in plex docker it works and i assume it also uses ffmpeg) could it be the reason that there are still "old" images inside my docker file ? from cADVisor linuxserver/tvheadend latest sha256:b5ea96f49d5fbeefc 305.60 MiB 25.8.2018, 00:11:53 linuxserver/tvheadend release-4.2 sha256:c7df7005437e02f15 301.42 MiB 11.8.2018, 00:13:49 linuxserver/tvheadend stable-4.2.1 sha256:c95b6d7a9fec50fb6 283.87 MiB 1.7.2017, 00:42:49 and when i check the bash inside my TVH docker root@AlsServer:~# docker exec -ti tvheadend bash root@AlsServer:/$ vainfo bash: vainfo: command not found root@AlsServer:/$ the build im using is HTS Tvheadend 4.3-1292~g9b9ee6859, my docker run command Command: root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='tvheadend' --net='host' --privileged=true -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e 'PGID'='100' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'TCP_PORT_9981'='9981' -e 'TCP_PORT_9982'='9982' -e 'TCP_PORT_9983'='9983' -e 'RUN_OPTS'='--satip_xml' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/tvheadend':'/config':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/Media/RECORD/':'/recordings':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/tvheadend/logos/':'/logos':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/Media/Temp/':'/Temp':'rw' --device=/dev/dri 'linuxserver/tvheadend' 698398efb4d811165dd260fbdccb376fdf0b906b1077d5abd6ccd3cb9367b6aa The command finished successfully!
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