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Everything posted by DZMM

  1. Can I ask two questions please: 1) is this docker keeping up with the latest version or have I got a docker update problem (strong possibility)? My version says 1.22 which is was released 26/3 and the latest version is 1.3.23 2) is there a way to get this working with reverse proxy?
  2. I couldn't get in with admin/adminadmin after installing. I just tried again in chrome, but after reading your email I tried in Edge and it worked. I then tried an incognito tab and it worked (sure I did this last time to check) so it's definitely a cookie problem - thanks!
  3. Thanks for this. I have a question please about the SMB share. How can I replicate the unraid share options? Specifically I want to set: Export: yes OS X: no Security: private User Access: User 1: Read/Write User 2,3 Read-only User 4,5 No Access Thanks in advance. Edit: I've worked out how to add valid users, but not how to give some users read-only access: [amazon-secure] path = /mnt/disks/cloud comment = browseable = yes writeable = yes valid users=user1, user2 vfs objects =
  4. I'm confused. I've just installed RDP-Calibre - what settings do I put in LL to tell Calibre to import the books and not LL? Thanks
  5. Hi I'm trying to set this up for the first time. I'm trying to create a fresh library rather than import an existing one (I haven't been using Kodi long so don't have much play history), but I'm struggling. I've edited advancedsettings.xml and created sources.xml in userdata, but nothing seems to be happening in the docker and I keep getting websocket lost messages. What am I doing wrong? I couldn't find a step by step guide anywhere - sorry if I've missed it <advancedsettings> <!-- ##################################################### # For more information on the settings available in # # this file, refer to the kodi wiki at # # http://kodi.wiki/view/Advancedsettings.xml # ##################################################### --> <videodatabase> <type>mysql</type> <!-- don't change this value --> <host></host> <!-- change this to the IP address of your mysql/mariadb server --> <port>3306</port> <!-- change this to the port of your mysql/mariadb server --> <user>root</user> <!-- change this to the user for your database, not root --> <pass>xxxxxxxxxxx</pass> <!-- change this to the password for your database --> </videodatabase> <musicdatabase> <type>mysql</type> <!-- don't change this value --> <host></host> <!-- change this to the IP address of your mysql/mariadb server --> <port>3306</port> <!-- change this to the port of your mysql/mariadb server --> <user>root</user> <!-- change this to the user for your database, not root --> <pass>xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</pass> <!-- change this to the password for your database --> </musicdatabase> <services> <devicename>KODI Server</devicename> <esallinterfaces>true</esallinterfaces> <!-- don't change this value --> <escontinuousdelay>25</escontinuousdelay> <esenabled>true</esenabled> <!-- don't change this value --> <esinitialdelay>750</esinitialdelay> <esmaxclients>20</esmaxclients> <esport>9777</esport> <!-- don't change this value --> <esportrange>10</esportrange> <upnpannounce>true</upnpannounce> <upnprenderer>false</upnprenderer> <upnpserver>true</upnpserver> <webserver>true</webserver> <!-- don't change this value --> <webserverpassword>kodi</webserverpassword> <webserverport>8080</webserverport> <!-- don't change this value --> <webserverusername>kodi</webserverusername> <webskin>webinterface.default</webskin> <zeroconf>true</zeroconf> </services> <videolibrary> <importresumepoint>true</importresumepoint> <!-- import previously exported resume point from .nfo files --> <importwatchedstate>true</importwatchedstate> <!-- import previously exported playdate and playcount from .nfo files --> <backgroundupdate>true</backgroundupdate> <dateadded>1</dateadded> <!-- 0 results in using the current datetime when adding a video; 1 (default) results in prefering to use the files mtime (if it's valid) and only using the file's ctime if the mtime isn't valid; 2 results in using the newer datetime of the file's mtime and ctime --> </videolibrary> <musiclibrary> <backgroundupdate>true</backgroundupdate> <!-- don't change this value --> </musiclibrary> <videoscanner> <ignoreerrors>true</ignoreerrors> <!-- Set to true to silently ignore errors while scanning videos. This prevents the error dialogue box, so you don't have to keep hitting "yes" to keep scanning.--> </videoscanner> <splash>false</splash> <bginfoloadermaxthreads>2</bginfoloadermaxthreads> <myvideos> <extractflags>false</extractflags> <extractthumb>false</extractthumb> </myvideos> <lookandfeel> <enablerssfeeds>false</enablerssfeeds> </lookandfeel> <audiooutput> <guisoundmode>0</guisoundmode> <ac3passthrough>false</ac3passthrough> <dtspassthrough>false</dtspassthrough> <multichannellpcm>false</multichannellpcm> <truehdpassthrough>false</truehdpassthrough> <dtshdpassthrough>false</dtshdpassthrough> <mode>2</mode> </audiooutput> <videoscreen> <vsync>2</vsync> </videoscreen> <input> <enablemouse>false</enablemouse> <remoteaskeyboard>false</remoteaskeyboard> </input> <general> <addonnotifications>false</addonnotifications> </general> <skinsettings> <setting type="bool" name="skin.confluence.FirstTimeRun">false</setting> </skinsettings> </advancedsettings> <sources> <programs> <default pathversion="1"></default> </programs> <video> <default pathversion="1"></default> <source> <name>DZMM TV Series</name> <path pathversion="1">smb://dzmm:[email protected]/media/tv shows/library</path> <allowsharing>true</allowsharing> </source> <source> <name>Movies</name> <path pathversion="1">smb://dzmm:[email protected]/media/movies/library</path> <allowsharing>true</allowsharing> </source> </video> <music> <default pathversion="1"></default> <source> <name>Music</name> <path pathversion="1">smb://dzmm:[email protected]/media/music/library</path> <allowsharing>true</allowsharing> </source> </music> <pictures> <default pathversion="1"></default> </pictures> <files> <default pathversion="1"></default> </files> </sources>
  6. thanks - I've added a couple more posts
  7. The final change I made was to my WAN qACK settings. Again, https://calomel.org/pf_hfsc.html has a good explanation of what qACK is: Even if you have a super-fast connection, optimising your qACK is one reason I believe every user should traffic shape with pfSense - if your ack packets are not getting priority, then your download speeds won't be optimised. Through the wizard, pfSense allocates 20% of upstream bandwidth to qACK. For most users this won't be enough and to check go to Status/Queues and you'll see how many qACK packets have been lost. Here's my results after leaving my machine running at 20% overnight: As you can see in AIRVPN_WAN/qInternet/qACK I've dropped 140 packets which isn't that bad - I was expecting worse as before it went into the thousands within minutes, but I think because I've artificially capped my downstream by a meg or two and because I've shaped my connection, it's reducing how many packets are getting lost. To increase the bandwidth available to qACK, click on the queue name on the left and increase Bandwidth to a higher number. Keep monitoring your status, and if you're still seeing packet loss keep adding in increments of 5-10% until the packet loss stops. Don't be afraid to use a high number like 60-70% if necessary, unless you have other upload traffic that's important that you want to make sure gets a minimum upstream allocation as well.
  8. Creating a custom queue is easy. I do this to isolate special types of traffic or to be able to see if any rules I've created for traffic that isn't covered in the Wizard has worked. For example, this is how I've created a new child queue qSabnzbd for my port 563 NNTP traffic as the wizard only covers port 119 clink on qInternet and at the bottom click on 'Add new Queue' to add a child queue in the new window give your new queue a name and then set the desired Service Queue Options My options above have set qSabnzbd to use 100% of qInternet's allocation if available, but to only use 5% if other services have maxed out qInternet. To create the firewall rule go to Firewall/Rules and then click on Flouting. Floating rules are typically used for traffic shaping as they don't block or reject - just apply an action. They work differently to normal firewall rules as they don't block i.e. rather than stopping at the first rule that matches they are all active on all traffic. So, be careful you don't have conflicting rules or make sure you have your most important at the bottom not top. To create my Sabnzbd/Port 563 rule, I clicked on Add selected TCP as my protocol, Source Any, and changed the destination port to 563. I then scrolled to the bottom and selected qACK/qSabnzbd for the queue (for TCP rules you have to select qACK, for UDP you don't). I also found that I had to tick 'Quick' at the top of the rule creation page, which forces the rule to act immediately, to get this rule to work. Once complete your rule should look like this:
  9. I've noticed that more and more users are creating pfSense VMs like me, or are buying dedicated boxes. After using pfSense for a month I can wholeheartedly recommend running it in a VM as the outlay is very low, £60 in my case for a dual Intel nic, and the improvement in security, performance and network control are immense over an ISP provided modem/router. I've spent a long time trying to get the traffic shaper working, and once I figured it out it was very easy to do. I'm sharing this with the community to help others who are new to pfSense and to encourage others to do so. Background I recommend reading this guide https://calomel.org/pf_hfsc.html for a very clear explanation of how Hierarchical Fair Service Curve (HFSC) traffic management works. In summary, without traffic shaping your internet connection your internet traffic or packets are processed on a first in/first out basis, which means it can be easy for one type of service to hog bandwidth and hard for other services to get enough bandwidth e.g. VoIP. pfSense offers 3 ways of shaping traffic - PRIQ, CBQ and HFSC. PRIQ is the most basic and assigns a priority of 0-7 with seven being the highest where traffic with priority 7 gets bandwidth first and priority 6 doesn't until 7 has taken all it wants, then priority 5 and so on. The problem here is that certain services can hog all the bandwidth rather than ensuring everyone gets a 'little' e.g. setting POP3 at priority 3 might mean that it NEVER gets any bandwidth i.e. emails would never get sent if 4-7 are using up all the bandwidth. The most advanced method HFSC, fixes this problem by creating queues and allowing you to set, on a queue by queue basis, when your LAN or WAN is maxed out: how much bandwidth should be guaranteed to each queue e.g. a min of 1Mbps for VoIP when the line is maxed out the maximum bandwidth a queue should get out of the total available if the line is maxed out (m2) You can even set how much bandwidth a queue gets initially (m1) and for how long (d) before reverting to its final max limit (m2). An application of this could be if you want to give a lot of bandwidth initially to http traffic so short interactive page loads are fast (m1 high), but if someone is doing a big download then the lower m2 speed kicks in to stop bandwidth being hogged The pfSense wizard takes care of setting up the majority of HFSC rules necessary and a few tweaks are needed to personalise the rules e.g : I've created a rule that makes sure any traffic from my wife's smartphone or laptop goes into the high priority queue so I don't get any 'why is the internet so slow?' complaints the default rules only created a rule for port 119 NTTP traffic, so I added one for port 563 so my Sabnzbd traffic was shapped The key to shaping is to make sure you add limits that match your line speeds as pfSense only shapes once the max is hit. E.g. I'm on a 24/1 connection and get around 19/1 on a good day, so I put 18/0.95 into the shaper wizard to make sure that the pfSense shaper always kicks in. Running the wizard: 1. Go to Firewall/Traffic and choose Wizards. I have 1 LAN (AirVPN_LAN in the screenshots) and 1 WAN (AirVPN_WAN) so I choose Dedicated Links: 2. Then choose HFSC, set your speeds and interfaces. Remember to at a min reduce your line speed for your WAN to make sure pfSense shapes: 3. Choose if you want to prioritise VoIP and how the min traffic you want to guarantee - this has to be less than 30% of the max line speed: 4. Penalty Box: is where all traffic from a given IP or Alias can be capped - I don't use this 5. Next up, decide if you want to shape P2P traffic and tick which protocols. I only use BitTorrent so I only ticked that one: 6. Then Gaming - lots of choices here: 7. Other protocols can be raised or lowered. Any that aren't listed can be added through custom floating rules later e.g. SSL NTTP on port 563 isn't included: Then click finish and wait for pfSense to automatically create all the rules. Once pfSense has finished go to Firewall/Traffic Shaper and you'll see the queues that have been created: What you can see is that AirVPN_WAN and AirVPN_LAN have both been setup as Parent queues, where AirVPN has two Children qLink and qInternet qInternet has further Children which have been created because of the choices I made in the wizard e.g. qP2P to shape P2P traffic, qOthersHigh for the protocols I chose as high and so on. qLink is the default queue, so if pfSense can't match any internet traffic it goes in this queue along with any internal LAN traffic. Unfortunately, my P2P traffic went in here so I had to create an additional rule to match this traffic to a queue below qInterent If you click on any of the queues you can control its behaviour. AirVPN_LAN is the top-level queue so it has fewer options - just make sure it's showing the right speed for your downstream speed - in my case 18Mbps Here's qLink with default settings: Key: Priority: This only applies if you chose PRIQ i.e. on a scale of 0-7. It doesn't apply with HFSC Queue Limit: how many packets to queue when the bandwidth has been exceeded on a FIFO basis for dropping. Do not be tempted to set this too high as you'll suffer from "buffer bloat" - more here https://calomel.org/pf_hfsc.html. I left alone Scheduler options: I left alone, but there's some caution against using ECN here https://calomel.org/pf_hfsc.html Bandwidth: This says how much this queue should use as a percent of the amount available to its Parent or an absolute amount. If anything is entered in Link Share m2 this number is overridden. I've found that putting numbers in both Link Share m2 and Bandwidth (really just a shortcut for m2) can cause problems, so I'd recommend just using Bandwidth and leaving linkshare m2 blank unless you want to use m1 (see below) Max Bandwidth for Queue / Upper Limit: This sets an Upper Limit for how much bandwidth a queue can have E.g. even if you've set Bandwidth at 100% above, putting 50% here will limit the queue to 50% (daft, I know). m1 sets the initial max bandwidth, d the duration in milliseconds for the m1 limit and then m2 for the limit after d has expired e.g. you can say set a m1 of 10Mbps for HTTP for 10000 (d) milliseconds and then drop to 1Mbps (m2) so that large transfers don't hog bandwidth, but small ones get through quickly e.g. HTTP pages Min Bandwidth / Real Time: guarantees bandwidth regardless of what other queues are doing - the sum of all child Real Time allocations cannot exceed 80% B/W Share / Link Share: sets how much bandwidth a queue gets when the Parent queue has hit its max capacity e.g. for qP2P the default is a 5% allocation of qInternet's capacity if the line is maxed out: pfSense runs through the following questions when it traffic shapes each packet: For the given queue, does it have a Real Time allocation and is this enough or does it need queuing? If Real Time allocation isn't enough, does the packet have enough Link Share to be sent or does it need queuing? If using Link Share, is there an Upper Limit set that needs to be obeyed, potentially overriding the Link Share? Once I got my head around the three points above and that children queues share the bandwidth allocated to their parent, editing the rules became quite easy. As you can see, the default wizard also caps qP2P to a max of 5% the total line capacity at all times in the Upper Limit row. I changed the default rules to get the result I wanted by: Changing the speed for my LAN to match the speed of my network - 1Gbps Changing the speed of qInternet to match my internet speed - 18Mbps. I also set Upper Limit and Link Share to 18Mbps Using percentages for all my Child rules under LAN qInternet rather than Mbps so they automatically adjust if I change the top number Not using any Upper Limits. If I use Link Share m2 entries, they always match the Bandwidth number Children: these share whatever is available for parents. For each of these enter in Bandwidth what % of the parent you want to allocate if the line was maxed out via Link Share - e.g. for P2P I set 5% Bandwidth i.e. if the line is maxed out P2P gets only 5% of 18Mb (from qInternet allocation) i.e. it's not starved of traffic, but doesn't get a lot. Other qInternet Children got different Bandwidths - qOthersHigh (20%), qOthersLow (10%), qGames (20%) - tweak to your personal preferences Ensuring that all my Real Time allocations added up to under 80% e.g. I currently have qACK 20%, qVOIP 1% (i.e. disabled, but left rule in for the future), qGames 1% (disabled again), qOthersHigh 55%, QOthers Low 3% = grand total 80%. Hopefully that all made sense. I now have a happier household as no-one service hogs the internet, with foreground traffic getting priority and background traffic allowed to only grab bandwidth when foreground services don't need it. I'll do another couple of posts to show how I created a custom queue for Sabnzbd and to explain how qACK works in WAN.
  10. does this docker still work? I tried installing but the webui wouldn't open. I need to move away from Deluge as it's causing problems with my new pfsense setup. This is a great desktop client - hopefully linuxserver.io will pick it up
  11. Doesn't it automatically close and backup one app at a time? I think then what's happening is something like plexpy is deleting a Plex file while Plex is being backed up, or maybe sonarr is removing a completed deluge torrent??
  12. DZMM

    unRaid and Kodi

    BTW where in Notts do you live? That's my home town
  13. DZMM

    unRaid and Kodi

    There are some massive threads on fire TV and mi box ac3 issues on the Plex forums. I'm glad I've gone back to kodi/xbmc (my whole media center journey started with xbmc back in 2004 with modded xboxs) as the better passthrough support means i have no audio problems.
  14. DZMM

    unRaid and Kodi

    I've switched to Kodi recently after giving up on audio issues with Plex. I use the trakt plugin to keep my device libraries in check and with Plex for remote viewing.
  15. I'm getting a warning that errors occurred after every daily backup. Is this the problem: 2017/04/03 04:37:41 [17206] rsync warning: some files vanished before they could be transferred (code 24) at main.c(1178) [sender=3.1.2] Thanks backup.zip
  16. is there a way to use this with letsencrypt as the homepage of a domain? Thanks
  17. Totally correct - my problems were all Android. From SBMC: https://github.com/koying/SPMC/issues/754#issuecomment-281215588 SPMC working brilliantly - if anyone else is having android client problems, this is probably the answer. It also has some neat ANdroid TV support (recommendations, now playing) that Kryton doesn't.
  18. bitrates shouldn't be a problem as some of my 4k content was 4/5x what I was seeing in TVH. I'd never come across spmc before. I installed that on my mi box 3 and it works perfectly with default settings, just like on the windows machine. I've seen some posts about v17 TV problems and I think I've got the same problems. I'll report back if I work out how to fix. Thanks for being so patient.
  19. Webgui - ok. Also just tested the android TVH client app and it works perfectly. Problem on all mi box and Fire TV clients. I just tried installing Kodi on my Nexus 6P and it was a bit better, only a few HD channels going bad. On the VM I did a default Kodi install and it worked brilliantly - so good, I almost wanted to cry. So, I then did a fresh kodi install on one of my fire tvs and left everything at default and I had the same problems. It could be a wireless problem, although I don't see how - the only way I can test that is to install kodi on my laptop - will try that later as the laptop's a bit messed up (won't do the anniversary update needed to install kodi)
  20. Mi box 3 and fire TVs, connected via Unifi AC Pros. My WiFi setup is good and i can stream 4k to the mi box, but i will setup Kodi on one of my VMs to see if the experience there is the same.
  21. Adjust display refresh rate - always sync playback to display - no (audio not passed through if selected, which I need for my other media) Errors is an interesting one - I've got some transport (240) and continuity errors (306)on one of my tuners, but after you alerting me to this page I can't get this tuner to be used again and the error count doesn't go up. The problem seems to be just with HD channels.
  22. Am I doing something fundamentally wrong with using this with Kodi? I just can't get playback in Kodi that isn't too laggy to watch. It's so bad sometimes that even the audio stops. I tried using this docker initially with a Hauppauge Quad Tuner DVB-T2, and I've just tried this evening with a TBS 6205 I purchased today- my thinking was this card seems to work for everyone else, so it should work for me... What I've done: - dvbplugin installed with TBS Open Source drivers - followed instructions here https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/tvheadend/ and here https://www.linuxserver.io/2017/02/19/how-to-set-up-tvheadend-with-your-dvb-t2-receiver/. All channels found ok, logos added etc - added tvheadend HTSP kodi addon. (changed profile to HTSP from default just in case) - upgraded to kodi 17.1 as it has some dvb fixes to see if that helped Happy to post logs etc as I really need to fix this in the next 10 days otherwise I have to return the Happauge card then if I'm going to keep the TBS 6205. If I can't get TVheadend to work, I'll have to go back to dvblink running in a VM which I really don't want to do. tvh_logs.txt
  23. I'm sure this will prove useful for many users. PIA have produced a new script to forward ONE port e.g. for running Plex behind a VPN which was been almost impossible before. I'm not sure if you are limited to the same servers listed for the PIA app: https://helpdesk.privateinternetaccess.com/hc/en-us/articles/219460187-How-do-I-enable-port-forwarding-on-my-VPN- The script has to be run within 2 mins of the VPN connection being made - I've set mine to run at the start of the array. In the log PIA will list what port has been forwarded that you can use in a NAT rule....Pain in the ass as a different port can get assigned each time - as you have to remember to update your router each time. #!/bin/bash error( ) { echo "$@" 1>&2 exit 1 } error_and_usage( ) { echo "$@" 1>&2 usage_and_exit 1 } usage( ) { echo "Usage: `dirname $0`/$PROGRAM" } usage_and_exit( ) { usage exit $1 } version( ) { echo "$PROGRAM version $VERSION" } port_forward_assignment( ) { echo 'Loading port forward assignment information...' if [ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]; then client_id=`head -n 100 /dev/urandom | sha256sum | tr -d " -"` fi if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then client_id=`head -n 100 /dev/urandom | shasum -a 256 | tr -d " -"` fi json=`curl "$client_id" 2>/dev/null` if [ "$json" == "" ]; then json='Port forwarding is already activated on this connection, has expired, or you are not connected to a PIA region that supports port forwarding' fi echo $json } EXITCODE=0 PROGRAM=`basename $0` VERSION=2.1 while test $# -gt 0 do case $1 in --usage | --help | -h ) usage_and_exit 0 ;; --version | -v ) version exit 0 ;; *) error_and_usage "Unrecognized option: $1" ;; esac shift done port_forward_assignment exit 0
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