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Everything posted by KR1SeS

  1. Hey all looking for some help please. I'm running V6.12.3. I have two cache pools: I have shares as follows: What I want to happen is have all my downloads from NZBGet occur on the "cache_downloads" pool. Once everything is renamed I want to move it to my Media folder and live on the "cache" pool until the mover transfers it to the array on it's move schedule. NZBGet downloads are working proper and the files end up on "cache_downloads" pool. I manually move them using Midnight Commander (I navigate to user/downloads and move them to user/media). The problem is that it just created a "Media" folder on the "cache_downloads" pool instead of on the "cache" pool. Now when I invoke the mover there is nothing on "cache" to move to the array. I have a few questions at this moment: In Midnight Commander should I be moving direct from the "cache_downloads" download folder instead of user/downloads? What is the best way to get the files in the "Media" folder stuck on "cache_downloads" pool safely over to the array? I'm thinking I change the Media share temporarily to be "cache_downloads" and invoke the mover and when finished put it back to "cache". Would the Dynamix File Manager work to transfer between pools or would it exhibit the same behavior as Midnight Commander? Maybe I'm not handling the smartest way, but my hopes were to have all the IO in downloading, repairing, extracting, renaming and so on happen on the unprotected cache pool then transfer it to the protected cache pool where I'll let it stay for quite some time before invoking the mover. Likely we will consume that media before it gets to the array and therefore spare some additional array wear and tear. Should I just run a single cache pool with all four drives in ZFS Raidz? TIA for any help or direction.
  2. I had to reinstall the docker to fix it. Hasn’t happened since.
  3. I'm in the same boat, what was the resolution?
  4. Anyone one else having an issue loading files into the left window? I click and get the choice to Add Folder or Add Files, but when I make a selection nothing happens. I don't get the usual dialog box to navigate my directories anymore. I tried restarting the docker and refreshing the WebGUI but no luck. Docker is up to date.
  5. How'd it work out for you? I'm a couple months of uptime since the SSD change and no errors and all my UnRAID stability issues are gone.
  6. I'm not technical enough in this area, but does this help us with Nvidia GPU transcoding in UnRAID: I'm running an older FX AMD processor and would love to just add a GPU to get more simultaneous transcoding streams without upgrading my CPU, MB and RAM.
  7. Got the same drive, though I suspect many others would work as well to replace the Samsung Evo SSD. It's been about a month of up-time and not one error now.
  8. I tried all of those options and I even used a cable that was working for the same model SSD in my gaming rig, and in my UNRAID rig I get the errors. Finally replaced the cache drive Samsung SSD with a Western Digital and for 30 days so far I haven't had one error.
  9. Which WD did you get? I'm considering the Western Digital Blue 2.5" 500GB or 1TB SSD.
  10. Well shoot. Thanks for letting me know and saving me some time! I'll try two more brands of SATA cables directly to my motherboard. If they don't work it looks like I have a 500GB Samsung 860 SSD as a coaster and have to purchase a different brand.
  11. Excellent note. This is the only one I can get my hands on, can you tell me if trim will be supported? LSI SAS2008-8I SATA 9211-8i 6Gbps 8 Ports HBA PCI-E RAID Controller Card If I can't use the trim plugin with my SSD on this controller than I won't even bother.
  12. I'm in the same boat as you! Tried at least 4 different cables of 2 different brands in total. Tried all ports on my motherboard. I have an AMD setup with Samsung 860 SSD. RMA'd the drive and the new one has the CRC errors as well. I'd hate to have to change from the Samsung SSD but at this rate I might have to. I know you are experienced and very helpful, so thank you. I think I should try 2 more cable brands before giving up on this brand of SSD. Note: I've read a few posts about issues between Samsung SSDs and AMD board's SATA controller. I can likely acquire an LSI (or similar) PCIe 2-port SAS controller with the SAS-to-SATA breakout cables. Is it worth going through the effort of installing this in my build and trying the Samsung 860 SSD on that controller?
  13. I'm using an AMD setup and i'm on my second Samsung 860 SSD. Changing cables, ports and drives have done nothing for the continuous CRC errors. Do you have any tips that are not Windows related, as I'm not using any VMs in my UnRAID setup.
  14. Did either of you guys find a SATA cable that works? I had a Samsung 860 Evo that had CRC error slowly increasing. Tried new cables and different ports to no avail. Finally decided to RMA the drive, put the new one in and after only 2 days I've already got 26 CRC errors again. Note that I also have an AMD setup.
  15. Thanks for all your effort, it is much appreciated! It's not showing an update for me yet, but I'm sure it will come soon. Excited for the new subtitle feature in Plex. Edit: Never mind I thought I had already checked for docker updates but I hadn't. I got it. Edit 2: Well the "More" option for On-Demand Subtitles in Plex isn't showing for me. Not on the Android app or the Web App and both are up to date. Anyone else experiencing this issue?
  16. Thanks for the help. I successfully flashed using the commands in my OP. Using '-listall' shows just like your reply, FW Ver: and x86-BIOS: No Image. No I just need to wait to get home from work to test this beauty out! I'll be replacing a Marvel 4 port SATA controller that has been giving me issues.
  17. @johnnie.black thanks, so having No Image for the x86-BIOS won't be an issue or cause the SAS2008 controller to brick when I restart/power off? I assume it will be just fine and it would brick if there was no firmware. Is there a large performance difference having a BIOS image flashed vs not?
  18. Hey guys I was hoping to get a clear answer on the commands to issue in order to flash my new LSI 9211-8i to the latest firmware in IT mode. I'm going to use an older Dell that should be a BIOS and not UEFI, so we can avoid issues with trying to accomplish this on a newer motherboard. I'm following this guide: https://nguvu.org/freenas/Convert-LSI-HBA-card-to-IT-mode/ After reading posts from this and other forums, I feel like it's not necessary to flash the mtpsas2.rom BIOS for use with my unRAID server with the 9211-8i being used to host 8 SATA HDDs. Now, I don't want to brick my LSI my first time flashing, so I wanted to nail down the commands from the guide I linked, but to not include the BIOS portion. Apparently if I clear the LSI controller and power off it will be useless. Would this be the correct order of commands: sas2flsh -o -e 6 sas2flsh -o -f 2118it.bin (the guide says to use this command: sas2flsh -o -f 2118it.bin -b mptsas2.rom) sas2flsh -listall If the commands are correct, then after the sas2flsh -listall I assume my controller will be listed look like this below, with zeros or nothing under x86-BIOS: C:\SAS2FLSH.EXE -listall Adapter Selected is a LSI SAS: SAS2008(B2) Num Ctlr FW Ver NVDATA x86-BIOS PCI Addr ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 SAS2008(B2) 00:01:00:00 Finished Processing Commands Successfully. Exiting SAS2Flash. If all this holds true can I shutdown, move the controller to my unRAID server, attach my SAS to SATA breakout cables, connect my HDDs and boot unRAID OS? Thanks in advance for any confirmations, corrections or advice.
  19. KR1SeS

    Turbo write

    I use a cache drive but I don't have mover enabled for anything. I like to move things myself once or twice a week. Is there any reason I couldn't turn on Turbo Write before I manually move from cache to array and then turn it off after I'm done? No need to state the obvious reason that it requires more user effort.
  20. Could someone kindly clarify if Preclear Disk (BETA) is functional with UnRAID version 6.1.9? Thanks in advance.
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