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Everything posted by ich777

  1. This is a indication that the server runs Valheim version 0.212.7 and Valheim Plus and your local computer runs Valheim version 0.212.7 without Valheim Plus. Maybe try reinstalling it on your local computer.
  2. Just mount the share through UD and create a new Path with R/W Slave and mount it to the container your local path should be something like /mnt/remotes/SHARENAME and I would strongly recommend that you mount it in the container also to something like /mnt/SHARENAME.
  3. If that's too much for you can also gift the game to me and I create a container or at least try to create a container since using WINE is not the easiest thing.
  4. Please also don't forget that you have to maintain them too... My SteamCMD repository on GitHub is over here, see the branches for all the available game servers.
  5. Okay, dann wundert es mich echt warum es bei dir nicht funktioniere, ich kann es einfach hier nicht nachstellen das der dedicated server nicht funktioniert... Es muss sonst irgendwo bei dir im Netzwerk ein Problem geben oder irgendwas blockiert dann die Verbindung. Mittlerweile siehst du ihn ja mal im Steam Server Browser, das ist doch schon mal ein Fortschritt aber ich kann dir echt nicht sagen warum dein Client diese Fehlermeldung ausgibt.
  6. Kann es sein das eben das dass Problem bzw. etwas von den mods übrig geblieben ist und das du dich deshalb nicht verbinden kannst womöglich? Wie gesagt, siehe die Screenshots von oben, bei mir läuft alles OOB und sollte es eigentlich auch bei dir wenn der Server in Steam angezeigt wird.
  7. Ich verstehe nicht ganz was du sagen willst? Hast du deinen PC als VM in Unraid und das Spiel sturzt ab oder Windows stürzt ab? Okay, das hab ich nicht gewusst, mein ARK hat nur ca. 100GB.
  8. Why would you do it like that? Simply create a folder /boot/extra and put the packages in there which you want to install. All the packages will be installed automatically on boot by Unraid which you put in there. There are now tools out there which replaces Nerd Pack like Nerd Tools (GUI) or un-get (CLI). You don‘t also don‘t need to fear that they are blindly installed, at least not by the two mentioned tools from above.
  9. This is exactly the location that he is referring to.
  10. What? You should be able to fix this by deleting the SABnzbd folder since it will force a download from SABnzbd on the next container start.
  11. Is this from the log from the container or from your browser? If this is from the log from the container then please do the following: Stop the container Delete the folder SABnzbd in your .../appdata/sabnzbd directory (only the 'SABnzbd' folder in your sabnzbd directory!) Start the container again If that also doesn't help try this: Go to your Docker tab in Unraid Enable Advanced View in the top right corner Click on force update at the SABnzbd container Disable Adavanced View after the update
  12. Ich vermute das ist der Container von mir? Das mit der Lizenz ist normal, zumindest manchmal. Sieh dir mal diesen Post an im Support Thread, ist auch ein empfohlener Post:
  13. Sadly enough no, because it's not designed to be something like prefill. The main reason why it's not possible is because you have to at least download it to disk (without installation) and that will burn much free space on your hard drive, otherwise it don't know what it already downloaded and would have to re-download the game entirely every time it runs.
  14. Turn on the advanced view in the container template and remove --restart=unless-stopped from the Extra Parameters, with this the container will not loop, but it will of course stop, don‘t know if that‘s better. Seems this module is missing, shouldn‘t it ship with MMM-CalDAV? Can you please post a screenshot from the template and also to what is you appdata dorectory set in terms of Use Cache in the Share settings.
  15. The plugin changed a while back the name, just install iSCSI Target and you are good to go.
  16. This has not strictly speaking to do with performance, it simply boils down to that some containers are not working. (TeamFortress 2, Garrys Mod, Pirates Vikings and Knights 2,...) I think the main issue was the SteamCMD directory...
  17. Where do you find iSCSI GUI in the CA App? The only app you need is iSCSI Target.
  18. ? You've posted already in the correct support topic. iSCSI Target:
  19. After you've shut it off? Maybe the VM resets the graphics card not right and it is still bound to the VM. No, at least not from my knowledge. I strongly don't recommend doing that because you can simply crash your server. But if you do so, please be sure to kill persistneced first, then start the VM and after finally shutting down the VM you can start peristenced again.
  20. Exactly, but you could of course use two disks (Block Devices) in your server, share them via iSCSI and set up a SW RAID in Windows from the two disks. Sure with the method from above. Sure thing, if you share the entire block device through iSCSI the disk will appear on Windows like if you have it connected to the PC locally (SATA, IDE or whatever). Just be sure to install the driver in your server (DON'T FORMAT IT OR ASSIGN IT TO A CACHE POOL OR THE ARRAY) and just share it as a Block Device over iSCSI then everything will be fine. I would recommend to set it to passed through in Unassigned Devices since with this you can't assign it by accident to the a pool or array but this comes with the downside that you also can't mount it on Unraid. This is a really hard thing to do because you theoretically can connect one iSCSI Target (Server) to multiple Initiators (Clients) this is strongly discouraged since you can easily destroy files and even the whole partition and so on...! I wouldn't do that in your case, of course it would be possible to mount the NTFS disk to Unraid when no Initiator is connected to the disk and back it um somewhere to the Array but I really won't recommend doing so...
  21. I will look into that, but TBH I even don't have a real EPIC account but I will look into it, but this can take some time... First I'll have to look into what this even is what you've linked.
  22. Wait, what? Never saw that before... Please, stop the container, delete the SteamCMD directory entirely to force a re-download from SteamCMD. Only because I saw it, you can use one SteamCMD folder for multiple containers. Please don't point the SteamCMD folder to the same folder as for the game data, this is a very bad idea... It would be better to use /mnt/user/GameFiles/SteamCMD or something like that in your case. Also only as a side hint, please always use the real file path to the game files not the FUSE path to avoid further issues (some games won't even run when you point it to the FUSE file path /mnt/user/... it is done not by accident that by default something like /mnt/cache/... is set in the default template.
  23. Naja wenn das Spiel startet und es dir auch in Steam angezeigt wird dann hast du hier ein Problem am client, verwendest du am client die standard version oder ist das ein experimental oder beta branch? Der Server läuft dann auf jeden Fall mal, hast du irgendwo einen anderen PC wo du Ark vielleicht testweise in einer vanilla konfiguration runter laden kannst?
  24. Du darfst keine Steam credentials eingeben, die werden nur benötigt wenn explizit im template darauf hingewiesen wird, deshalb sind die auch versteckt, alles was vom User geändert werden soll packe ICH immer in die sichtbaren optionen. Nochmal von vorne bitte inklusive allem löschen und dann ohne Steam user und passwort.
  25. Lies nochmal oben, hab meinen Beitrag nochmal bearbeitet.
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