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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Do I understand that right that you've had issues with your Docker(s) when using the path /mnt/disks/whatever? I now run basically everything from ZFS (mounted to /mnt/nvme), my Docker path for the Docker images, libvirt image, appdata, domains, system,... and had never had a single issue with it. @steini84 also told me now that multiple people report they have issues doing it this way but I don't haven't got a single issue so far. I think since this is a plugin that extends Unraid in it's functions there is no right or even wrong way to do it. It's always up to the user where you set your mount points for ZFS and from my perspective if it works for you, then leave it as it is...
  2. ich777


    Nicht in meinem Container, vielleicht können das die anderen, müsstest probieren. Bezüglich dark modus, ich weiß nicht ob der Dark Modus wirklich augenschonender ist speziell tagsüber… aber das ist Off Topic. 😅 Im lokalen Netzwerk meiner Meinung nach nicht, außer bei dir im Netzwerk sind zwielichtige Personen unterwegs… Wenn du den Container von außen erreichbar machen willst dann benutz IMMER einen Reverse Proxy mit wenigstens httpwd.
  3. Mein Problemnist wenn ich AER an schalte dann funktionieren eben die Karten nicht richtig, das ist eher ein Hardware kompatibilitätsproblem. auf meinem alten Board funktionierte es ohne Probleme und auf meinem Z690 funktionieren die Karten auch ohne Probleme nur auf meinem Z490 hab ich Probleme damit.
  4. Ich sehe das nicht wirklich als Problem da man auch bedenken muss das manche Motherboards AER von Werk aus nicht aktiviert haben bzw. sich das auf manchen Motherboards nicht mal aktivieren lässt und das dann eigentlich nichts anderes ist als wenn du AER ausschaltest. Soweit ich weiß werden alle Fehler die produziert werden nochmal übermittelt so das du dann eigentlich keinen Fehler hast da dieser erfolgreich erkannt wird. Manche Geräte haben auch Probleme wenn dieses Feature an geschaltet ist wie zB meine DVB Karten.
  5. Yes, I did that on purpouse but I will look into it if I can change it. Widescreen monitors weren‘t really a big thing when I created the container. But if you start a RDP connection to a VM it works as expected and is displayed in fullscreen or am I wrong?
  6. Sollte dieser Eintrag in der syslinux.conf nicht auch helfen: pci=noaer Ich brauch das bei meinem „neuen“ Motherboard mit meinen DigitalDevices TV Karten da sie sonst nicht richtig funktionieren, siehe dieser Thread:
  7. Könntest du mal den genauen Anwendungszweck bitte beschreiben? Du kannst Unraid theoretisch 60 Tage kostenlos testen (1x 30 Tage und dann ist eine Verlämgerung von 2x 15 Tagen möglich).
  8. Do you have a active Internet connection on boot, so to speak do you run any AdBlocking software or Firewall on Unraid? Please go to your Plugins page and see if you got a Plugins Error tab, if so please remove the Nvidia Driver plugin and install it from the CA App again.
  9. Thank you as always for your help! Really strange that it reports that CoreFreq isn't found...
  10. Can you try to downgrade once more and reboot so that it pulls the new version 2022.03.20 and then try to upgrade once more?
  11. What do you get from: cat /tmp/update-helper
  12. Keep in mind to always use the keys that are located in the /luckybackup directory and not the ones from the /root directory in the container regardless of running it as root or not.
  13. I think in this guide is something wrong but I will have to investigate further after the weekend.
  14. Plugin is ready, see here: Click Can you try to upgrade again to RC4 and tell me if it is now working?
  15. Do you run the container as root? Which keys are you using in the container and which one did you copy over (maybe send a screenshot)?
  16. Do I understand that correct that the VMs are full screen? I will look into that. Do you mean some kind of scaling so that the font is bigger or do you mean simply that the main window is fullscreen?
  17. @SimonF & @TheJulianJES investigated a little further and found the cause of the issue, the naming from the Linux Kernel version changed, updated the Plugin-Update-Helper to take that into account. Hopefully it will work next time. It is safe to reboot because the plugins are downloaded on boot too, just make sure that you have a active Internet connection without any AdBlocking software in front of it. If you don't have a active Internet connection on boot a plugin removal from the Plugin Error tab and a new installation will fix it.
  18. As @SimonF said, it will be downloaded on boot. Don't know have to look into it why the helper fails with RC4.
  19. In your web browser like: The above IP and PORT is only a example, you have to change the IP to the IP from your server and also the port so that it reflects your mappings, you then simply click on vnc.html and then you are in the Firefox container: You have to understand that the Firefox container has no own network anymore because you've set it to None and use the OpenVPN-Client container but that's fine and how you want it.
  20. Yes, because you have to manually type it in your address line, simply type in the address from your server and the port that you've created for Firefox in the OpenVPN-Client container.
  21. You have to put "--net=container:OpenVPN-Client" in the extra parameters for the container not the application like this (in your case at "Parámetros Adicionales": Why are the Extra Parameters in your Docker template under the advanced section marked as required? Should look like this:
  22. Can you provide a few screenshots from the container what you've did so far, maybe I can see where the issue is. Do you routed a second container through the OpenVPN-Client container that uses a noVNC web interface?
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