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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Ist das der onboard RAID controller? Wenn ja und der gleich zum P420i ist dann solltest du dir mal mein 'hpsahba' Plugin von der CA App ansehen und dann diesen Thread besuchen: Dort gibts eine genaue Anleitung was zu machen ist.
  2. You have to create it or at least copy it and rename it if there is nothing there. Hope that makes sense, I would first try to connect through your local IP and then port forward everything and see if it works from outside and then configure the server.
  3. Please try to connect to your internal IP (eg: 192.168.1761:2457) Exactly, you have to portforward every port from the template in your router/firewall with the right protocol UDP/TCP to make it publicly available. Here is a little overview what you can configure (keep in mind this is a dedicated server and doesn't have a GUI): Click
  4. Exactly, looks all good. Have you changed anything in the template itself? What IP and port are you trying to connect?
  5. Oh, okay then you should be good to go, please report back if the server starts up and if the log says it's waiting for players like on my machine.
  6. Can you also try to type in 'su $USER' from the luckyBackup console and then try the same command again if it fails?
  7. Have you read the second recommended post, do you try it from your internal IP to connect to your external IP? Have you tried already to connect to your local IP in the Steam Server Browser like in the 2nd recommended post? Please note that if you connect trough the Steam Server Browser you have to use the query port so to speak GAME_PORT+1 = 2467 (if you try it with the default settings). Have you changed anything in the template, ValheimPlus or BepInEx enabled? Is the password at least 5 characters long? What does the log say?
  8. Yes, I don't allow the change to root that easily like in other containers... Please let me know if you tried it if it works on the root console and I will implement a way to run luckyBackup as root (I'm really not a huge fan of doing this...).
  9. Please note that if you do this, disable the entire Docker service and invoke the Mover so that it actually moves the files back to the Cache, after the mover finished everything from appdata should be back on the Cache drive and you can start up the Docker service. I recommend to also start over with the SCP Container since you have to change the path anyways for the GameFiles to '/mnt/cache/appdata...' (CA should actually detect it if you appdata directory is located on the Cache drive).
  10. When did you made that change? Before the installation or after the installation? If you done it after the installation please delete the container and also the directory that is created in your appdata directory for SCP and pull a fresh copy from the CA App and be sure to set the GameFiles path to '/mnt/disk1/appdata/...'. That's also no problem but I though you had a Cache drive installed? Eventually it's not configured properly... The appdata directory should stay on the Cache to avoid spinning up the Array or even the Parity drive and should be set to "Only" or "Prefer".
  11. The way you've done this can't work, please read the description in the template at the ports, you can't translate the ports like in your example from 2456 to 5550 you have to create new entries for that. The background to this is that the game actually want's to connect on port 2456 because the query port 2457 that you've translated into 5551 tells the client to connect on 2456 but it can't because you set it to 5550, I hope this makes sense to you. You can translate ports for something like a WebGUI but not for all gameservers because the query port of most games tell the client on which port it should actually connect to. For more detailed instructions see the 3rd recommended post on the top of this thread. Hoffe das hilft
  12. Are these actual errors or warnings? Have you checked the date and time if luckyBackup has set it anyways correctly? Maybe that's the problem because if you run it on the host it has root privileges and inside the container it doesn't (none of my containers really have root privileges by default). Can you also try the rsync command on a console from luckyBackup itself (click on the Logo on the Docker page and select console) with the root user if it works?
  13. Okay, das mit dem Supervisor hab ich bis heute noch nicht verstanden weil ich noch keine Zeit hatte mir das ganze im Detail anzusehen... Nicht ein wenig übertrieben? Okay.. Kann mich bis jetzt nicht beschweren und hab glaub ich noch mehr Dateien als du in meiner Nextcloud, versteh aber nicht in wie fern das mit den Dateien zusammenhängt. Ich hab auch lange überlegt auf AMD zu gehen aber bin mit dem 10600 vollkommen zufrieden bin im Idle jetzt bei ca 58W (15 Datenträger davon 5x SSD's, 1x M.2 NVME, 1x 3.5 HDD immer aktiv) hab aber auch noch einen HBA (Dell Perc H310 im IT Mode) und eine Mellanox ConnectX3 am laufen. Aber ich hab schon gemerkt, du hast dich entschieden...
  14. The page shows that you have a tab "Plugin Files Install Errors" you should look there - actually you have a install error. Also here is the output from your log (network failure): Mar 24 09:14:09 Tower root: plugin: downloading: https://git.minenet.at/ich777/docker-templates/raw/branch/master/ich777/images/coral-driver.png ...#015plugin: downloading: https://git.minenet.at/ich777/docker-templates/raw/branch/master/ich777/images/coral-driver.png ... failed (Network failure) Mar 24 09:14:09 Tower root: plugin: https://git.minenet.at/ich777/docker-templates/raw/branch/master/ich777/images/coral-driver.png download failure (Network failure) Go to your Plugins page again and click on the tab "Plugin Files Install Errors", there should be the Plugins that are failed to install click on delete and after you deleted it reinstall it from the CA App. I think from what I see something is preventing your Unraid box on boot from connecting to the internet itself, have you set a custom DNS or something like that in Unraid itself? The first screenshot that you postet shows "Container Path: ..." and not "Container Device: ..." this is something different I think... EDIT: I will change how the Plugin installs the Logo so this will prevent the failure on the installation of the plugin on boot if no internet connection is available.
  15. Aber warum? Wo siehst du dir den Vorteil? Nur wegen der Indizierung, Versionierung und Löschung? Das Plugin erlaubt dir auch unter anderem entfernte SMB shares usw. zu mounten ohne die notwendigerkeit von Unassigned Devices.
  16. Ich hab mich damals bewusst gegen AMD entschieden (bin von meinen Dual Xeon 2670 umgestiegen) und bin soweit zufrieden mit meinem i5-10600 mit iGPU und nutz die iGPU auch in Emby, bin auch froh das ich mir die Nvidia GPU jetzt sparen kann und hab die jetzt nur mehr in meinem DevServer aktiv. Brauchst du denn die Power vom 3800X? Für 2 Minecraft Server (Geschwindigkeit steht bei Minecraft über vielen Kernen) reicht auch was anders, DayZ ist leider nicht auf Linux vernünftig zum laufen zu bekommen deshalb gibts auch noch keinen Container... Darf ich fragen warum HA in einer VM, warum kein Container?
  17. Is your appdata directory on your cache drive? Please go to your Share settings for the appdata directory and check to what Use Cache is set (please set it to "Only" or "Prefer" since the container won't work when the files are spread across multiple disks). The problem in your case is the location where the files are located, once we figure this out you can actually play on it.
  18. I tried it now on my server and can't reproduce this behaviour. Have you installed a cache drive in your server? If yes to what is the Use Cache setting set for the folder where SCP is located in? If no what path is set for your appdata and on which disk is it? Have you changed anything else in the template (eventually a screenshot of the template would be helpful). Here is my log: scp.log
  19. I will look into this, I think there has something changed with multiadmin that I use in this container and the container is now not working anymore, will report back. Thanks for the log and report.
  20. Which console from Unraid or the container? The command that you posted above is for a Unraid console not the container console. Why do you want to connect to the console? SCP is not the easiest game to begin with... The containers work basically like a dedicated server that you run on bare metal but instead the container does all for you. The container should be up and running and do everything so that you can play the game. Can you post the log from the container (Click on the icon on the Docker page -> Log -> select everything and past it in a text file -> drag the text file here in the textbox).
  21. Yes, the Steam credentials are only needed if they are marked as required (please also see the first post).
  22. Something is wrong with the DNS for sure (eventually try the google DNS servers Something seems really wrong, normally it downloads the driver at installing the plugin from the CA App, what's really strange is that it can't find a installed driver or do you upgrade from 6.9.0 to 6.9.1 in this Diagnostics? Do you run a virtualizd firewall on your Unraid box?
  23. Das soll dir mal @Anym001 beantworten aber ich glaub nicht, ich nutz das nicht. Normales SMB ohne addons...
  24. Die sind weg, ist ja ein external share... Sieh es so wie einen SMB share ist ca. gleich.
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