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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Can you post your Diagnostics please Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download and drag it in this window. Are you booting with UEFI or Legacy?
  2. I won't implement any further things to this container regarding to the update, if you don't want to use it then don't, you can't easily integrate Cron into a container. That what I do is currently for the folks here around and these are only workarounds, don't forget that things are only workarounds and should be solved by the developer of the game. Then set a daily restart of the container at 5am so the container will restart and check for a update anyways. Do a Cron job with the User Scripts plugin. Yes, but one way would to tell them if they get kicked a update is happening and they know what to do and wait for about 5minutes.
  3. Wie ich dir schon geschrieben habe das ist bei mir auch so das er mir UTC Zeit anzeigt. Hast du beim Konfigurieren/Einrichten von Emby die richtige Zeitzone ausgewählt? Das wäre auch evtl. eine Frage die du im Emby Forum stellen solltest und nicht hier. Hast du schon mal probiert von einem anderen Computer auf Emby zuzugreifen ob es was dran ändert? Emby sollte eigentlich immer die Lokalzeit ermitteln und diese dann abbilden.
  4. Wechsle mal auf RouterOS, das behebt viele Probleme von SwOS... Ich hatte das Problem das er in SwOS keinen Handshake gemacht hat mit SFP BIDI modulen, danach hab ich zu RouterOS gewechselt und alles läuft butterweich sogar LAG. Das Problem mit dem Handshake habe ich getestet mit CRS305-1G-4S+IN und meinem CRS309-1G-8S+IN bei beiden das gleiche, egal welches Gerät gegenüber war er wollte einfach keinen Handshake machen. In RouterOS muss ich auch keine Geschwindigkeit mehr erzwingen von diversen Modulen die werden alle richtig erkannt.
  5. Where should it be? I don't understand what or where you mean... It's located in the Plugin itself like you posted in the screenshot (this is also described in the first post of this thread). What do you mean with that? Plex? This has no performance penalty. Which container do you use, the official Plex? What way do you use the drivers? You speak in riddles, I don't know what way are you using the drivers or what you did differently than others or in the description also is it working now that you find all? Have you restarted after you installed the Nvidia-Driver Plugin or stopped and restarted the Docker daemon like the description tells you to do?
  6. Exactly that is what the warning says in the screenshot above. But I would leave it at true since then you have always the latest version and the server should save successfully (should because we are talking about Valheim, alpha, bugs,... do I have to say more... ).
  7. Where did you look for it? What have you done by now? Have you followed the instructions from page one? Can you give me a screenshot from the Plugin page of the Nvidia-Driver?
  8. You have to re-pull the template from the CA App (but I think it doesn't updated yet). What you can do instead if you don't want to repull it from the CA App: Go into the template Click on 'Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device' on the bottom Choose 'Variable' at the drop-down As Key enter 'UPDATE_CHECK' As Value enter 'false' to disable and 'true' (default) to enable the automatic update (without quotes) At Name you can enter whatever you want for example 'Automatically Update Game' or leave it empty Click on 'Add' Click on 'Apply' Hope this helps. EDIT: If you don't want to disable it you don't have to create this entry because it's enabled by default.
  9. Wenn ihr mit Tools -> Upgrade OS upgraded wird immer ein Backup der derzeitigen bz* files im Backup Ordner auf dem USB Stick erstellt, ein Backup sollte somit nicht notwendig sein.
  10. @Legionofone I implemented now a automatic update check of Valheim so it will check every 60 minutes if there are updates available. VALHEIM AUTOMATIC UPDATE: By default the automatic update is set to 'true' even if you don't have the value not in your Unraid template it will check every 60 minutes if there is an update availalbe. Please update the container to get this feature. To get this Variable you have two ways, the first way would to grab a fresh copy off of the CA App and enter the exact same Values as in your existing template or you create the Variable in your existing template: Go into the template Click on 'Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device' on the bottom Choose 'Variable' at the drop-down As Key enter 'UPDATE_CHECK' As Value enter 'false' to disable and 'true' (default) to enable the automatic update (without quotes) At Name you can enter whatever you want for example 'Automatically Update Game' or leave it empty Click on 'Add' Click on 'Apply'
  11. To which container are you usually connecting through Telnet? The Valheim container has no Telnet port you can connect to... This is just normal since Valheim uses a non standard UDP connection protocol or better speaking a proprietary protocol that Port scanners can not detect since it get's no answer from the Valheim server. What is the main problem? Are you not able to connect to the container? Can you please provide a little bit more information on this, what have you changed in the container template (a screenshot from the template would be helpful). Also how do you try to connect? Steam Server Browser, in game, LOCALIP:PORT+1, PUBLICIP:PORT+2? Have you fowarded the ports in your firewall from 2456-2458 UDP? I eventually can integrate this into my container, in a little modified form... I will keep you updated.
  12. I found this message in the logs: unRAID kernel: NVRM: The system BIOS may have misconfigured your GPU. and after that message the Nvidia driver fails to initialize. Have you a option in the BIOS for Resizable BAR support or anything related to BAR support? Can you also try to boot with Legacy instead of UEFI?
  13. I booting always to legacy because Linux, Nvidia & UEFI is not the most fun at least it isn't for me... Also my experience with VM's and passed through graphics cards is also better.
  14. What is the same issue then? Have you read the second recommended post in this thread at the top?
  15. Exactly, but it is strange that the Backup stopped working because my Backup runs now flawlessly since I have set up the server.
  16. I don't think so since if you set the boot order in your BIOS you are won't be able to do that. Also most new motherboards doesn't allow CSM or Legacy boot by default, you have to explicitly set that in the BIOS.
  17. Can you do "ls /dev/dri" and post the output here? This looks all good and the driver is loaded, are you on Unraid 6.9.0? Are you sure that you set the iGPU to be the first boot device or better speaking have you installed also a dedicated GPU in your system?
  18. Yes, but you do this with the Variable in the 'Show More Settings' section of the Template. Keep in mind that for every container the Game Port itself has to be set in the GAME_PORT variable like mentioned above. This is the way you would do it (this is tested and working btw):
  19. Actualy no, because this is related to the game and not the container but read the next answer. Do you move the folder where the valheim directory is off of the Cache drive onto the array? If this is the case then this is the answer to both questions. Please check if your share that holds the valheim folder is set to Use Cache 'Only' or 'Prefered'.
  20. Can you give me the output of "lsmod". Have you rebooted after that, if not you have to do a "modprobe amdgpu" manually from the terminal to activate the GPU. But keep in mind that the HD4850 doesn't support HEVC if I remember correctly.
  21. Hast vollkommen recht da funktioniert was nicht richtig, das sollte so nicht möglich sein... Ich muss mir das mit den CAP's nochmal ansehen die ich da mitsende, bitte gib mir ein paar Tage zeit.
  22. Hast du die Karte schon im Server? Mich würde zuerst interessieren ob der Treiber funktioniert und dann verschieb ichs in mein Github Repo.
  23. Nein, ich hab nur das Plugin gemacht mit den Mellanox Firmware Tools (ich mach viele Plugins... ). Wegen was?
  24. Main -> click on the blue 'Flash' text -> scroll down and at the bottom you see the 'Server Boot Mode'
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