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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Are these files from the Boot device? Keep in mind that the container runs as user 'nobody' and in the group 'users', eventually the files that you want to copy are not accessible by this user/group. Eventually try the 'CMD Mode' in 'Show more settings' section: Start up the Container Create a syncronisation file in the main directory of DirSyncPro and save, it for example: 'Backup.dsc' Go to the template click on 'Show more settings' Set 'CMD Mode' to 'true' Enter the filename from your Synchronisation at 'CMD File' in this example 'Backup' (without the '.dsc' ending) Then click on 'Apply' If you do it like that way the GUI isn't started and you get only the log output. You can then create a task in the 'User Scripts' Plugin if you have that installed to restart the Container like: 'docker restart DirSyncPro' and every time the Container is restarted it will start the synchronisation and execute the CMD Mode. This would be only a workaround but works too. I will also look into this
  2. Does removing the Value 'Traxons' from 'GAME_PARAMS' solve the problem? And yes it should be possible to delete everything and start fresh with your old save: Stop the Container Go to your eco directory and save the folder 'Storage' somewhere locally on your computer Delete the Container from Unraid and also delete the folder 'eco' in your 'appdata' directory Redownload the Container from the CA App and wait for it to fully start up Stop the container Delete the folder 'Storage' that lives in your 'eco' folder and copy it in your 'eco' directory it with the locally saved folder from step 3 Start the Container Are you sure that SteamCMD is downloaded successfully? Since it segfaults... Have you installed a Cache drive in your server and made sure that the appdata folder or at least SteamCMD is on it? If not please make sure that if you are using no Cache drive and your appdata directory is on the Array that you select one disk and the files are not split over mulitple disks. Please make also sure that your Container has exclusive access to the internet and is not blocked by PiHole or anything else. I attached a log what the startup should look like if you completely install it from scratch: eco.log No problem. Have you installed a Cache drive? Is this the default configuration of GarrysMod or have you anything added (Libraries, Mods,..)? Also downloaded a fresh copy of the Container and this is what the log should look like if you install it from scratch: garrysmod.log
  3. Please also keep in mind that this would be a huge task for the maintainer and basically a completely rewrite of the plugin I think. I don't know if it's the usecase for many people here. One thing to also note is that I think it would be necessary to configure every card on it's own to show up on the dashboard like it's already necessary to do that and if it's beeing used by a VM it wouldn't even display it or error out, hope that makes sense to you...
  4. You can also download one of the prebuilt images for 6.8.3 form here (first post at the bottom):
  5. I have implemented a quick fix for now and disabled the log to prevent the logfile from ballooning. Please the container.
  6. Thank you for reporting that btw! I will report back when I know more, I wonder why it's ignoring the 'multiadmin_nolog' because the MultiAdmin is ballooning...
  7. Yes, they do... I'm currently creating a issue on GitHub: https://github.com/ServerMod/MultiAdmin/issues/253
  8. I'm currently trying to turn of loging but the server ignores all command line switches and even when I put it in the 'scp_multiadmin.cfg'. Did you know if there where any update of the game lately?
  9. I will try to replicate the issue, are you talking about a complete fresh installation with nothing changed in the template?
  10. Can you see what I mean? What is 'Traxons'? Please try to delete this value.
  11. What is this startup command in there 'Traxons'? Can you try to remove it? Should be possible but I have to look into this.
  12. Where you download the applications. Community Applications... The APPS tab in Unraid. Also please post a picture from your Docker template for ECO.
  13. Are you using the GPU's in your containers or are you using them in VM's?
  14. Can you try to setup a second instance? Stop the first Container, redownload it from the CA App, give it another name eg: ECO2 and another path to the gamefiles eg: /mnt/cache/appdata/eco2 and tey to run it. Can you also post a screenshot of the Docker template (where all your settings are for the current container)?
  15. Are you sure that the plugin can access the internet, have you some kind of PiHole or any other AdBlocker installed? Are you able to download this package on your local computer: Click EDIT: Tried it now and it works just fine. On which Unraid version are you?
  16. Yes because my containers are set to restart after it crashes or is shutdown from the command line this is intentional and by design.
  17. Please try to set the value Validate to 'true' (without quotes) and restart the container? Are the gamefiles on the cache drive?
  18. Sorry I can't reproduce your error, was the server running before? Can you give me a screenshot from your template? Also have you installed a Cache drive in your server? Have you installed anything or customized anything? Here is the output from a fresh installed Eco server (tried it now): Eco.log
  19. Is there a chance you can give me the full log output? Click on the icon on the Docker page and click on log then click one more time somewhere on the text an CTRL+A and after that CTRL+C create a textfile on your desktop and open up the textfile and press CTRL+V save and exit the textfile then drag it into the textbox here.
  20. Mit der default config, dann kannst ihn über txAdmin administrieren nur musst du den port 40120 zum template hinzufügen. Ich werd mir das die Tage mal ansehen. Ich hatte früher nie das Problem das sie nicht geladen wurden aber ich hab den Server auch nur kurz laufen gehabt als ich den Container dafür erstellt hab ca 3Wochen. Seit dem hat sich sicher einiges geändert... Da gab es txAdminusw noch nicht.
  21. Anything in your syslog? Is it a option to uninstall the Plugin und not use DVB for a few days to narrow down the lock ups?
  22. Should I create a Plugin with the usbip-host executable and also the module all in one Plugin and update it if a new version of Unraid is released? I think this would be more convenient...
  23. Die HP bzw. Intel Karten machen oft mal Probleme und können deine Bootzeit drastisch erhöhen (ja ich weiß das ist vielen egal weil ja server und man startet den ja nicht oft neu, aber trotzdem ^^ ) und davon abgesehen brauchen vieler solcher Karten aktive Kühlung oder zumindest nen ordentlichen Luftstrom drüber. Bin auf jeden fall gespannt... Meinst du jetzt mit RJ45 modul oder nutzt du auch Fiber, das ist ja mittlerweile leistbar geworden (noch ein bisschen teurer als RJ45 aber trotzdem Leistbar). Gibts nicht von Asus was passives zumindest mit ein par 10GBE-T und 1GBE-T Ports? Ich bin mit meinem CRS-309-1G-8S+IN noch immer sehr zufrieden passiv aber auch nur für SFP+
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