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Everything posted by GilbN

  1. You can change it the telegraf config file
  2. Just had a look at nzbhydra2 and there isnt an html file inside the container I can sed the stylesheet into. So it's not possible to create a mod for it.
  3. Hi, there is no Docker mod for nzbhydra yet. Only the ones you see in the docker-mods branch. So for this you'll need to use one of the other install methods.
  4. Thanks! Building off these should be fairly simple btw. The way I started this was just using the browser console and inspecting stuff and changing colors ect.
  5. You can install a chrome plugin called Stylus and test this if you want. I just added the wallpaper and a logo to the correct variables, and changed the colors around. The plugin injects the css directly into the url you want. Pretty neat. Link to Chrome extention: Link to Firefox extention: @import url(""); :root { --main-bg: radial-gradient(ellipse at center,rgba(255, 0, 0, .1) 0,rgba(0,255,119,0) 100%) center center/cover no-repeat fixed, url( center center/cover no-repeat fixed; --logo: url( center no-repeat; --text-color: #37b3f5; --input-color: #37b3f5; --link-color: #37b3f5; --link-color-hover: #6fcdff; --case-color: #37b3f5; --button-text-color: #37b3f5; --button-text-color-hover: #000; --button-color: #37b3f5; --button-color2: #37b3f5; --button-color-hover: #6fcdff; --button-color2-hover: #6fcdff; --input-font: 'Share Tech Mono', monospace; --text-font: 'Share Tech Mono', monospace; /*'VT323', 'Share Tech Mono'*/ --div-background-color-15: rgba(0, 255, 111, 0.03); --text-shadow: 0 0 8px; --box-shadow: 0 0 15px; }
  6. Yup you can absolutely add sound
  7. lmao! If you got any good source material it's fairly simple really!
  8. 🛠️ Installation Install using the bash script and the CA User Scripts Plugin Add a new user script by clicking `Add new script` Give it a name and click OK Click or hover over the gear icon and click `Edit Script` Paste the contents of the bash script: bash script Below the shebang(`#!/bin/bash`) are the variables you need to change for the different themes. The values are the ones below retro-terminal screenshots TYPE="retro-terminal" THEME="green.css" DOMAIN="" ADD_JS="true" JS="custom_text_header.js" DISABLE_THEME="false" Available theme colors. amber.css red.css green.css blue.css white.css custom.css /* Make it your own */ alien screenshots TYPE="alien" THEME="hallway2.css" DOMAIN="" ADD_JS="false" JS="isolation.js" DISABLE_THEME="false" Available theme colors. hallway.css hallway2.css hallway3.css hallway4.css isolation.css isolation_video.css scanner.css nightmare.css custom.css /* Make it your own */ fallout screenshots TYPE="fallout" THEME="dirty_terminal2.css" DOMAIN="" ADD_JS="false" JS="please_stand_by.js" DISABLE_THEME="false" Available theme colors. terminal.css terminal2.css dirty_terminal.css dirty_terminal2.css fallout_video.css custom.css /* Make it your own */ Set the values to what you like, and click Save Changes To have the script applied at every boot, set the schedule to At Startup of Array Now just click Run Script and it will print some text in the window. Thats it.. logout and have a look at your new theme Javascript: You can also inject an animated `<pre>` tag with javascript for that ultimate alien feel 👽 Set ADD_JS to `"true"` to enable or `"false"` to omit the javascript. ⚠️⚠️⚠️ HEY! You are injecting javascript into the login page for your precious server! You should probably have a look at the content of that file, and probably host it yourself 💀 ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Retro Theme custom_text_header.js Alien isolation.js Fallout please_stand_by.js vault-tec-crt.js vault-tec-crt_no-scanline.js FAQ Backups The script will create a backup of the login.php file if one does not exist. Uninstall/Restore the original To uninstall the theme set the variable `DISABLE_THEME` to `"true"` Can I selfhost this? Of course! Just clone the repo into your webserver. Remember to change the `DOMAIN` variable in the bash script. My server is not connected to the internet! How can I add this? With the current version of the bash script, that is not possible as it injects the stylesheet using the a URL and not a file path. However, nothing is stopping you from just doing some small changes to the script and replace the `href` urls to the path you stored the files. I will try and create a version of the script that is made for local hosting in the future. I hate the flickering!! To remove the background flickering you need to edit the css file. Now since you don't have any control over those files, you'll need to fork it and setup Github pages or selfhost them. You can't use the raw link from Github, as they don't pass the mime types. The background flickering can be disabled by setting the `--body-animation` root variable to `none` The `<pre>` tag flicker can be disabled by setting `--custom-text-header-animation` to `none`. I hate the CRT lines!! Set the `--body-before` and `--body-after` root variables to `none` I want my own logo!! Fork it and change the `--logo` variable or if you're using stylus ect, just add a new `--logo` root variable below the import line. @import url(; :root { --logo: url( center no-repeat; } Available CSS variables: Retro Theme :root { --main-bg-color:black; --body-before:#00ff771a; --body-after: #00ff7733; --body-animation: flicker; --logo: url( center no-repeat; --text-color: #37f592; --input-color: #37f592; --link-color: #37f592; --link-color-hover: #68ffff; --case-color: #37f592; --button-text-color: #37f592; --button-text-color-hover: #000; --button-color: #37f592; --button-color-hover: #68ffff; --selection-color: #68ffff; --custom-text-header:#37f592; --custom-text-header-shadow:#37f592; --custom-text-header-animation: textflicker; --input-font: 'Share Tech Mono', monospace; --text-font: 'Share Tech Mono', monospace; --loginbox-background-color: transparent; --text-shadow: 0 0 8px; --text-shadow-color: #37f592; --box-shadow: 0 0 15px; } Alien :root { --main-bg: radial-gradient(ellipse at center,rgba(0, 255, 119, 0.1) 0,rgba(0,255,119,0) 100%) center center/cover no-repeat fixed, url( center center/cover no-repeat fixed; --logo: url( center no-repeat; --text-color: #37f592; --input-color: #37f592; --link-color: #37f592; --link-color-hover: #68ffff; --case-color: #37f592; --button-text-color: #37f592; --button-text-color-hover: #000; --button-color: #37f592; --button-color2: #0C833D; --button-color-hover: #68ffff; --button-color2-hover: #68ffff; --input-font: 'Share Tech Mono', monospace; --text-font: 'Share Tech Mono', monospace; /*'VT323', 'Share Tech Mono'*/ --div-background-color-15: rgba(0, 255, 111, 0.03); --text-shadow: 0 0 8px; --box-shadow: 0 0 15px; } Fallout :root { --main-bg-color: url(, url( center center/cover no-repeat fixed; --logo: url( center no-repeat; --text-color: #14F074; --input-color: #14F074; --link-color: #14F074; --link-color-hover: #0C833D; --case-color: #14F074; --button-text-color: #14F074; --button-text-color-hover: #FFFFFF; --button-color: #14F074; --button-color2: #0C833D; --input-font: 'Share Tech Mono', monospace; --text-font: 'Share Tech Mono', monospace; --div-background-color-15: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); }
  9. So, I've created a couple of custom themes for the login page that I think people might enjoy. The themes and installation instructions can be found here: The themes are all highly customizable, so If you got some cool ideas I'd love to see them! @jonp The wait is over A couple of screenshots
  10. Are you accessing using the https port at the bottom or the app_url url? What did you set as app_url. Pretty sure if you didn't set it to the Lan address it won't work locally. Try accessing it through reverse proxy
  11. App key must be Some Random 32 Character Long Alphanumeric String
  12. Please switch to organizr/organizr Organizr 2.1 does not support any other container than the official one because of some new endpoints that were added in that update. The linuxserver container is deprecated and no one should be using it.
  13. You should ask the maintainer to add a beta tag you can use.
  14. Hm, I just tried a clean install and it worked here. Did the logs say anything else?
  15. Oh, yeah I'll make a PR. But just add a path with container path as /data
  16. Maybe I'm misunderstanding but this is a selfhosted speedtest application that you and other users can test the speed to the server it's installed on. Any telemetry is stored on YOUR server. e.g. There you can see the telemetry data that is mentioned.
  17. The /data path is meant to be the path you store the papermerge data files.
  18. You can create one like this. I use sensors on But those panels doesnt work with AMD as the current 6.8.3 kernel har some issues. Should be resolved on the 6.9 kernel..I think
  19. Btw, if you want a standalone Dashboard for NUT.
  20. Where do you adjust the size of the text boxes ?
  21. Have a look here:
  22. See if ignore_fs = ["tmpfs", "devtmpfs", "devfs", "iso9660", "overlay", "aufs"] adds the user0 path