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Everything posted by GilbN

  1. You didn't see the big red warning box? 😛 I'll add a note on how to fix if you skip that step, thanks 👍🏻
  2. Well all this is setup by using 3 containers. Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana. You can take a look here Though I'm gonna rewrite parts of that guide when I'm finished with the dashboard. But the installation and setup of the containers will be the same.
  3. Great job! I was having issues with those panels and couldn't figure out how to do them correctly. Looking forward to take a look at your dash 😁
  4. Hmm, which cpu do you have? AMD? Heres, what I have so far btw:
  5. Np. Heh, I don't have any database background so don't be surprised if you find some wierd queries in there. What happens if you run the `sensors` command in unraid terminal? Many of the panels have hard-coded stuff in them that I'm removing so they can be more dynamic.
  6. Nice Btw I'm redoing most of the panels to be more efficient on the queries. I'll share a link here when I'm done.
  7. The readme of the repo has a section.
  8. tagging the dev here @mikeylikesrocks if he doesnt answer here you can also create an issue on the github page. (see first post in this topic)
  9. Try that. If it doesn't work, create an issue on their github.
  10. Try this. Create a new file called strong-ssl.conf in the nginx folder and add this: Then where is says "include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;" Replace that line with include /config/nginx/strong-ssl.conf;
  11. Share your nginx config for the domain
  12. It's getting a 500 error. Says it's the wrong url
  13. Hi. Does it say why you get an F?
  14. Here are some instructions
  15. If you check the Docker logs you'll see that it's missing an variable. We updated the template but you need to add it manually for now.
  16. Btw. I read some of the documentation and the threads does not have anything with the CPU. Its how many upload threads you allow. See: The -limit-rate is the global upload speed for all threads in kB/s And according to this more threads on HDD's means more head seeking and slower uploads. So 1 thread is best for HDDS and multiple for SSDs but YMMV.. I don't use use duplicacy.
  17. What exactly is the issue? They have a forum btw.
  18. Look into hairpin NAT. This is a network issue btw, not container issue. And to my knowledge lsio doesn't have a v2 container, so if you're using organizrtools/organizr-v2 you can get application support here:
  19. Yeah I wasn't using it that way, just showing what happens. Bad example.. sorry I'm injecting it with sed. #!/bin/bash sed -i -e '\@<style>@i\ <link rel="stylesheet" href="https:\/\/\/customlogin\/login.css">' /usr/local/emhttp/login.php I must have done something wrong the first time as it doesnt add the stylesheet to the plugin page now. So now it works as expected..
  20. Hi. It looks like if you add html code inside scripts it gets appended to the html of the User scripts plugin.
  21. You can have a password on Ghost
  22. #1 thing I love about Unraid is the community. Best community ever. I would love to see native zfs support!