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Everything posted by david279

  1. You can stay at the version of clover you are using now for future updates of Mojave. Every update should install no problem. Catalina requires some trickery to get going on unRAID right now because we need at least 4900+ version of clover to get it to install. As for your app store issues it can be a little janky at first login but for me I was logged in without issue after that. I know changing certain things in your clover config will make the apple account log out and you have to log in again. Also make sure you aren't using a serial number for your machine that's for a actual Mac, make sure it's clean.
  2. Can you really pass a iGPU to a VM? I hear it can be tricky.
  3. Be honest unRaid and Linux in general is so multithreaded that it won't be to often you would see that 4.6. The number is based on 1 or 2 core heavy workloads. The normal all core for the 3900x is something like 4.3 and if temps are too high you won't see that.
  4. You need to make some adjustments to your clover config. You can use clover configurator on your clover config file and check out the graphics section. From there you may have to check the inject ati box and save. That may get you there, if not I will refer you to tonymac or insanelymac for more.
  5. I will say I once had my ram fill up while watching and recording a football game. Half way thru the 3 quarter the system crashed. I have 32 gb of RAM...if I was just watching movies and TV shos etc I would just transcode to ram but I do a lot of watching/recording live TV. So I had to back off it.
  6. Try this clover IMG. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-xQs-qFD88_sHITeIe9sDjbvW0jxjYIt/view?usp=drivesdk
  7. One day i will be able to move to mojave but till i find a amd card without this bug the good old GT 1030 will drive high sierra.
  8. All the usb controllers are grouped with other devices. Not a good look. You could try the ACS patch to split it up and clean up the groups a bit. Just make sure you are not trying to pass thru a USB controller with the unRAID usb in it. Group 16 has 2 controllers in it itself be nice to break that up.
  9. C states stuff is only for the first gen ryzen don't mess with it for 2nd and probably 3rd gen.
  10. Try using a bios rom file to pass it thru. You can pull it yourself in windows or use techpowerup to find the bios for your card.
  11. AMD reset bug. Try setting up the VM with OVMF and q35 3.1 machine type. It may get you by with the and card.
  12. You can read the first post here https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/nvidia-releases-alternate-graphics-drivers-for-macos-high-sierra-10-13-6-387-10-10-10-40.255913/ TLDR.... you need <key>SystemParameters</key> <dict> <key>InjectKexts</key> <string>YES</string> <key>InjectSystemID</key> <true/> <key>NvidiaWeb</key> <true/> </dict> In your clover playlist but it can be enabled real easy using clover configurator.
  13. You may need the rom file for the card that's not working. You could pull it using gpu-z in Windows or find it on the tech powerup site. I ran 2 vms with gpus on ryzen and it's the same deal.
  14. Thanks for that link to the git. The OVMF files allowed me to change the resolution so im not stuck in crazy 1024x768 anymore.
  15. Are you able to change the resolution for the vnc version. I was never able to change the resolution in the ovmf platform configuration. Hitting f2 or esc at boot would not get me into the menu. I was stuck at 1024x768 for the vnc. Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
  16. After playing around with it the git page gets it booting but the performance is definitly not at the level when using a regular unRAID setup so its back to the drawing board trying to get clover 4900+ installed.
  17. Im using stuff from here https://github.com/foxlet/macOS-Simple-KVM I used the OVMF stuff and the clover img from there to get it going. Also the script on the git can be used to build the catalina img. Still playing with stuff though. Cant change the OVMF resolution so im stuck at 720. F2 not working. But everything else is ok.
  18. Try machine type 3.1 besides that I don't see much wrong with your xml. Maybe the install disk is corrupted/broken?
  19. Anyone have a clover version higher than 4900 running on their VMs? Cant go Catalina with the earlier revisions.
  20. There is a bug with the latest ryzen bios that kills pass through right now. Hope newer bios revisions will fix it but there is a patch the fixes the issue but you will need to patch the unRAID kernel for that. Best bet is to revert to a older bios.
  21. Ran this on my mojave qcow2 vdisk and works. qcow2 disk start small by default but without being trimmed they grow as well so this should keep the size down.
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