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Posts posted by bastl

  1. @JTok Big thanks in the first place for your work. Looks like the plugin works for me with a quick test on a single VM, normal backup+compression. A small issue I've found is when selecting the target path for the backup. It's basically not possible to read the dropdown menu items. I'am using the Black theme with Firefox. Same with Brave browser and Chrome on Unraid 6.8. Just to let you know.


  2. @iHoller open a console and navigate to the path of the specific VM. You should find the vdisk files in that specific folder. "domains" is the default share from Unraid where all the vdisks are stored separated in subfolders named the same like the VMs. If you have stored the vdisks somewhere else you have to adjust the path.

    cd /mnt/user/domains/VMNAME

    VMNAME is the name you gave the VM during setup. If you're not sure navigate to the domains folder and list the content with "ls". You should see a folder for each VM. Make sure you delete the correct folder/file. There is no way to recover from the following!


    if you're inside the folder list the files again and with the following you delete the vdisk:

    rm vdisk1.img

    Make sure the naming is right (vdisk1.img or vdisk2.qcow2 for example)

    If you're in the domains folder and want to delete a specific folder of a VM with all it's content type

    rm -rf /FOLDERNAME

    "-r" is for recursive and "f" for a folder. The folder and all of it's content will be gone!

    Again, make sure you delete the correct folder/file. There is no way to recover if you delete the wrong one and have no backup!



    • Like 2
  3. The question as always is what you need more for your VMs and your workflow? It's kinda easy for a VM which has only one usecase lets say video encoding. Check the specific programs you are using and test it in both scenarios. Each program behaves differently and I think for daily use the lower latency is the way to go. Did you saw any users in the forums yet with the newer TRX4 platform and the 3rd gen chips? @jbartlett The new chip layouts shouldn't have these latency issues.

  4. @joelones It could be possible for some excessive CPU operations you can see performance decreases if a specific CPU feature is emulated. I think if you're not routing hundreds of clients through Pfsense or have couple VPN connections incoming at the same time, you won't notice it. I did a couple tests with a Linux and Win7 VM in parallel using my Test-Pfsense environment and it was stable with full download speeds and no packet drops. Might be different on a larger scale. For me it's fine for testing.

  5. I found a workaround for this!


    The culprit is the cpu-mode "host-passthrough". If I switch to "Emulated QEMU64" the VM boots up again. Switching it in the gui should work if you havn't setup any special CPU flags. Another way is to edit the xml like the following:



      <cpu mode='host-passthrough' check='none'>
        <topology sockets='1' cores='2' threads='1'/>


        <topology sockets='1' cores='2' threads='1'/>

    also forces the CPU into emulated QEMU64 mode.


    Another option is to emulate a Intel Skylake CPU for example with the following:

      <cpu mode='custom' match='exact' check='full'>
        <model fallback='forbid'>Skylake-Client</model>
        <topology sockets='1' cores='2' threads='1'/>
        <feature policy='require' name='hypervisor'/>
        <feature policy='disable' name='pcid'/>
        <feature policy='disable' name='hle'/>
        <feature policy='disable' name='erms'/>
        <feature policy='disable' name='invpcid'/>
        <feature policy='disable' name='rtm'/>
        <feature policy='disable' name='mpx'/>
        <feature policy='disable' name='spec-ctrl'/>



    "AES-NI CPU Crypto" isn't supported on "Emulated QEMU64" mode. For future Pfsense versions this is a requirement if I remember correctly.

    • Thanks 2
  6. I noticed the same yesterday firing up a Pfsense VM that I use from time to time to test some stuff. No device passthrough I only use 2 virtual nics. One on br0 as WAN for pfsense and a internal virbr where usually a VM is connected to to generate some traffic. It never halted on startup nore did I install anything inside or changed any config. I played around a couple hours yesterday but I wasn't able to start the VM at all. Changing different Q35 versions, switching the vdisk type from qcow2 to raw, virtio, scsi, sata nothing worked. Also the restore of an old backup didn't help and also not to generate a new VM with the same vdisk attached. It always halts directly after the boot selection and 1 core utilises 100%

    • Thanks 1
  7. @MihaelInterestingly it looks like the USB controller of some 20xx series cards is causing the same reset issue like some AMD cards show for a while now. The usual fix is to not passthrough the controller and not connect anything to it. I remember 2 users now which had issues with it and this fixed it for them but I can't remember if they stubbed the devices or not. If you append them to the syslinux try to add all devices from the card and not only the 2 controllers to prevent unraid to initialize the whole card.

    • Like 1
  8. @Alec.Dalessandro People first had that issue with AMD drivers starting end of 2018. Drivers from october 2018 and earlier hadn't this issue same for the drivers which come with Windows itself. At some point people had issues with windows drivers too. Not sure what the current state is, which drivers work and which not and except for using Q35 what else you have to tweak to fix it. If you search the forums you will find reports from users and maybe a fix.

  9. 4 hours ago, RyanBorh said:

    What i didn't understand is the below.. why did you say that the new ones will be moved to the array.. i want all docker and vms to always stay on the cache ssd.

    4 hours ago, bastl said:

    Every new Docker or VM you install now will always been stored on the cache drive now and newer will be moved by the Mover to the array.

    sry, a typo "will never moved to the array by the mover"

  10. @RyanBorh If you already have installed some dockers or VMs, disable docker and VMs first in the settings, set both shares to PREFERED, run the mover so all existing data is moved to the cache. Check if the files are moved over to the cache and check if the shares don't exists on any array drive. Simply click the folder icon on the far right behind the drive in Unraids main tab. After that change both shares to ONLY and startup the docker and VMs again in unraids settings. Every new Docker or VM you install now will always been stored on the cache drive now and newer will be moved by the Mover to the array.


    For daily backups for the Dockers you can use the "CA Backup / Restore Appdata" plugin from the community applications.


    For backing up your VMs there are a couple ways to do it. You can use the following script for example and configure a daily schedule for it with the "User Scripts Plugin"


    Or in case you wanna use the BTRFS snapshot feature you can use a script to do this. This only works if the source and target drive is using BTRFS


    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, PzrrL said:

    Do I actually have to delete the interface mentioned here (11:30)?

    If you only want to use the physical passed through network card for pfsense, you don't need it. It's only a virtual network card bridged to the main nic Unraid itself uses.


    5 minutes ago, PzrrL said:

    select SATA for installation

    Not 100% sure, but I think the Pfsense installer has no drivers for virtio devices. Sata emulation is slower as virtio. The performance differences of these 2 I guess you won't really notice on Pfsense except of the boot up times and maybe installing plugins. After that the slow amount of logs Pfsense writes to disk you won't see any big differences.


    8 minutes ago, PzrrL said:

    I guess probably every first time it should work, and then somehow screwed up without knowing the reason lol


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