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Everything posted by rutherford

  1. Just a curious FYI. Did a short experiment with some lossless files. The track is 14MB flac. VPN reports 32MB used for the song via Roon and WireGuard VPN. I played the same song, purportedly lossless via Apple Music ALAC format, and VPN reports using only the 5MB. huh 🤷‍♀️
  2. @jj_uk did you try googling it yet? <wink> the broad strokes are: download the 1.18 Minecraft jar (I think either paper version or official vanilla), I like to rename that jar to xxxx-1.18.jar, update the server settings to the new server jar file name, restart the server. As the logs are flipping by, you’ll see 1.18 server. Once it’s started, the status will show 1.18.
  3. @mrvilla You need to run 1.17 Minecraft client in your launcher. First, try to hit the drop down to the left of the big green PLAY button. If 1.17 isn't listed in there, then at the TOP of the launcher hit the "Installations" tab. Hit New Installation. Drop down to a version 1.17 and install that. Then you can launch Minecraft client 1.17 and play your un-upgraded world.
  4. I put the brakes on the self hosted option, and moved to Protonmail. There are finer points of email that I'm only just now becoming aware of; SPF records for instance. Senders need to have verified (?) IP addresses and URL for messages that arrive to get to inboxes smoothly. I have a hunch a self-hosted server would encounter delivery horrors of SPAM folders etc. So Protonmail. They've been pretty darn good. Had to upgrade storage a bit, and the iPhone app leaves a little to be desired, but it ain't bad. Been chugging away with this setup for a few months. I'm happy, and partially away from the Googles. Re SPF records. I have a custom domain, and needed to make sure my domain's single SPF record was up to snuff. For me, that was (someone let me know if I should not post actual numbers. I think it's all public domain anyhow. Like the stupid thumb over license plates on craigslist cars) v=spf1 include:_spf.protonmail.ch +a +mx +ip4: +include:spf.websitewelcome.com +include:spf2.websitewelcome.com ~all https://www.dmarcanalyzer.com/spf/checker/
  5. There’s also been some movement on the Crafty version they released with info in their Discord. I’ll copy paste.
  6. Pretty sure that’s what Duplicati will do.
  7. By and large these apps do go for "easy off site backup" but what I'm thinking is a slick active interface, that can ALSO simply sync with a local USB drive. I bet one of them can simply do that. But maybe there's a solution inside the Unraid ecosystem, like RAID 1 mirror of a user share.? JohnathanM is a heavy hitter around the forums, he recommended Duplicati as being able to do it all. And the backup should be as physically far away as possible: not in the same case, not on the same power supply. Good points. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/72167-mirroring-shares-on-multiple-drives/?do=findComment&comment=663460 I'm thinking an external USB drive on my desktop computer that's usually on. Share that over the network, and see if I can get Duplicati to sync several critical user shares to that drive.
  8. I'm sure one of these would fit the bill. binhex-urbackup http://www.urbackup.org/ https://forums.unraid.net/topic/82198-support-binhex-urbackup/ binhex-resilio-sync https://www.resilio.com/individuals/ https://forums.unraid.net/topic/103784-support-binhex-resilio-sync/ resilio-sync https://www.resilio.com https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-resilio-sync/issues/new/choose duplicati https://www.duplicati.com/ https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-duplicati/issues/new/choose syncthing https://syncthing.net/ https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-syncthing/issues/new/choose
  9. any movement on this? First thing that popped up for my search. I was thinking an external USB drive with some sort of auto-copy thing plugged into server. Or even a different, un-assigned internal disk in the server would do the trick too.
  10. Just like we already look for existing help (hopefully), we continue to. But specific issues with one Docker, like an update to 7.16 can have its own thread. vs some usability issue of themes not working, sure, someone starts another thread inside that forum. it would be a support forum, instead of a support thread.
  11. When a thread reaches some threshold of posts, it gets a dedicated Forum section. spaceinvader macinabox is https://forums.unraid.net/topic/84601-support-spaceinvaderone-macinabox/ it’s a post, under topic/84601 vs ”Docker containers” that is forum/47, and that contains topics. https://forums.unraid.net/forum/47-docker-containers/ so I suggest for let’s say Nextcloud Docker, gets it’s own forum address like forum/67-Nextcloud and that forum contains topics.
  12. There are a few docker container support threads that are... 200+ pages long. I'd like to suggest that for those support threads that are so long, get their own sub-forum. Rather than having to read through 200 pages, break it up a little. example: Nextcloud support
  13. Been trying to update my install to the latest version and have managed to muck it all up. I'd like to just start over - don't want to lose too much data and user preferences. Are there any instructions for performing a re-install without losing too much? thanks. update: I’ll go for this regular backup and restore. https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/stable/admin_manual/maintenance/backup.html
  14. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/06/the-big-alternatives-to-google-photos-showdown/ Oh, and one of my favorite kickstarters that’s now a company, getmonument.com Good read. From there photoprism seemed the most slick, while Librephotos connected to Nextcloud also has one eye brow up.
  15. I’m interested too. Have you searched for “self hosted photo manager unraid”
  16. Judging by a couple of the posts from @JonathanM I'm thinking this may certainly be a can of worms not worth opening. For me, I want my emails to remain private. Perhaps simply moving all my email over to a different super-double-secret email provider like Protonmail or Hushmail or similar would be the better way to go. ============================================================== Here are some smart people talking about it: I found some self-hosted email solutions here: https://medevel.com/list-os-mail-server/ That mentioned: iRedMail - does have a docker here, but not an unRaid docker. ah, here we go: post.io has an unRaid docker "poste", support forum thread I've got port 443 mapped to some SWAG thing that some Spacedinvader youtubes got me into. Ah, it's Nextcloud and SWAG. Post.io requires a fully-qualified-domain-name FQDN. I think that means you own a domain. I do. I'll get into this sometime and post back.
  17. I'm also taking a look at this. I saw the nginx Docker for getting a basic webserver up and running (youtube). But ... how about making it available outside the network safely? Plodding through spaceinvader's howto dealing with Letsencrypt/SWAG youtube 19:20 and the specific dockers that need to get passed through to ports, there are config files in appdata/swag/nginx/proxy-confs There are many in there, but none are for nginx, which makes me think I'm about to break something. Any ideas there? Thanks!
  18. some metadata renamers can do really cool stuff, like take track numbers from file names. I didn't see anything like that in Plex. Thankfully I don't have to do it too frequently.
  19. I have an ancient version of ruTorrent that's been a trusty client for years - I keep getting notifications about it being depreciated in Fix Common Problems. Any recommendations on a more modern version of a bittorrent client I should move over to? Thanks!
  20. got it working, but I still have an odd path for the launch string: /usr/lib/jvm/java-16-openjdk/bin/java -Xms1024M -Xmx2048M -jar /config/crafty/servers/olerobin//config/crafty/servers/paper-1.17.1-262.jar nogui When doing this, the server jar will create world files in places that depend on where you run it from. It was easy for me to get turned around back-ass-wards so my server.jar doesn't pick up the previous world files that I want it to. It's working now, so I'll leave it alone! ======================================================= For posterity the old post: I'm trying (again) to get this puppy going. I'm having issues with file paths. I have several servers that are running inside Crafty Controller Docker. This world I want to get going is called "goats" and is a 1.17 world Server name: goats Server Path: /config/crafty/servers/goats Server Jar: ../paper-1.17.1-257.jar Java Path: /usr/lib/jvm/java-16-openjdk/bin/java I want the world files to be in /config/crafty/servers/goats/region/XXXXXXX.mca But this one creates /config/crafty/servers/goats/goats/region/XX.mca's Also: the server.properties, I'd like that to be in a subfolder, /config/crafty/servers/goats, rather than /config/crafty/servers One other odd problem I'm having: when I go to the Server Config, on the right block, it says "The server will be launched using this string: /usr/lib/jvm/java-16-openjdk/bin/java -Xms1024M -Xmx2048M -jar /config/crafty/servers/goats/../paper-1.17.1-257.jar nogui" When I hit Run, on the previous page, it doesn't do anything, just hangs there. But when I run the Terminal from the Docker, I can paste in the long command, and it works great. I think this has to do with my lack of understanding the paths here. thanks in advance!
  21. For posterity, I specified a version of Crafty to roll back to until our fantastic docker author Binhex sorts us out! Edit the docker change Repository to "binhex/arch-crafty:03472bf5464197ca800a0b8afaffcc7b5dfa9594-02" (I selected version "03472bf5464197ca800a0b8afaffcc7b5dfa9594-02" which was pushed around 5/2021) removed the JAVA_VERSION Key I added from binhex post Applied to docker badda-bing, back up and running for now. bibliography FAQ "how to I roll back to a specific version?" https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/unraid.md available versions https://registry.hub.docker.com/r/binhex/arch-crafty/tags
  22. @muslimsteel first of all, amazing handle. Secondly, adjacent to your question, for backups I use this Google drive plugin that works great. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/drivebackupv2.79519
  23. I'm trying (again) to get this puppy going. I'm having issues with file paths. I have several servers that are running inside Crafty Controller Docker. This world I want to get going is called "goats" and is a 1.17 world Server name: goats Server Path: /config/crafty/servers/goats Server Jar: ../paper-1.17.1-257.jar Java Path: /usr/lib/jvm/java-16-openjdk/bin/java I want the world files to be in /config/crafty/servers/goats/region/XXXXXXX.mca But this one creates /config/crafty/servers/goats/goats/region/XX.mca's Also: the server.properties, I'd like that to be in a subfolder, /config/crafty/servers/goats, rather than /config/crafty/servers One other odd problem I'm having: when I go to the Server Config, on the right block, it says "The server will be launched using this string: /usr/lib/jvm/java-16-openjdk/bin/java -Xms1024M -Xmx2048M -jar /config/crafty/servers/goats/../paper-1.17.1-257.jar nogui" When I hit Run, on the previous page, it doesn't do anything, just hangs there. But when I run the Terminal from the Docker, I can paste in the long command, and it works great. I think this has to do with my lack of understanding the paths here.
  24. found this thread wanting to make sure my UPS is setup correctly. Are there some guidelines for Settings > UPS Settings Battery Level to Initiate shutdown (%): 50 Runtime left to initiate shutdown (minutes) 10 Time on battery to initiate shutdown 200 Turn off UPS after shutdown No I have a similar "Runtime Left 22 minutes" as @Squid has above, so I just copied those values. I also really appreciate the: test it! Unplug the UPS from wall, and make sure it all shuts down okay.
  25. I have a UPS. Maybe it’s setup wrong? I’ll double check. but the original question remains: what, if anything, can I do to mitigate some of these file corruption problems?
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