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Everything posted by rutherford

  1. It's been a while since I've looked at these settings. They're buried in the initial bitwarden setup page that has some real long text string in a json file maybe? Generally speaking, you can use Gmail for your email needs. Both sending and receiving stuff. When you give a weird little program access to send mail on your behalf, you need to change some specific settings inside Gmail. https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7126229?hl=en Be sure to follow these 👆 directions to enable external access to smtp and imap for the Gmail account you're using. The default settings are OFF.
  2. @realdiel Just searching. There aren't any hiccups on the streaming end. Although, it does take a minute (10-20 seconds) to load the first track when I hit Play on an album.
  3. I'd love it if this docker could run snappier. Anyone finding slow loading when you search for something? My relevant settings are...: /mnt/user/system/docker/docker.img: 42.9 GB, 2020-12-23 11:51, Cache user share "system" cache disk set to Prefer. /app, and /data in the docker settings are both subdirectories on appdata/, which is set to Prefer cache, all files and folders are on the cache drive. I'll post that diagnostics here also. Cache drive is btrfs, CachePCIe_SSD_20021425600230 - 256 GB (nvme0n1), 74GB used CPU is AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-core 3700MHz 80GB DDR4 Any ideas to speed this dog up? thanks! rubble-diagnostics-20201223-1158.zip
  4. @jowiya, you kinda need to read between the lines there. Our paths aren't going to be exactly the same, but from what xthursdayx posted, you should be able to noodle around a bit and get the paths setup correctly. If that ends up being impossible, then you absolutely can just nuke your install. Remove it all, delete all Roon appdata stuff, and reinstall using the xthursdayx docker. He updated the paths in the docker, so it'll all work swimmingly if you go that route. You only need touddle through those steps if you want to KEEP your current library, history, and metadata and NOT rebuild the thing, as many of us have had to do for every update anyhow. Up until this point that is 😉
  5. @jowithe docker doesn't have a mechanism for moving old file locations to new ones. If you update it, the file paths will change, and Roon will have to start from square one. Which, if you've been running Roon as unraid docker up to this point, you've had to nuke and reinstall for each update anyhow! Hopefully @xthursdayx will correct me here if necessary.
  6. Followed your instructions above @xthursdayx Dude, worked like a charm! Did all that stuff, and it all went off perfectly. Updated using native interface, and it went swimmingly. Thank you very much! You made those changes to your container, so people moving forward should be good to go. Excellent! Now if Roon will sort out their other issues: remote listening, and a slew of other stuff I'm sure. I'll be good. <meh>
  7. Did you get through this:? https://help.roonlabs.com/portal/en/kb/articles/faq-there-are-some-tracks-missing-from-one-of-my-albums-how-do-i-find-them#:~:text=Locating missing tracks-,Locating missing tracks,the missing tracks in Roon.&text=If you're unable to,the list of skipped tracks.
  8. Not having read or participated in the thread leading to this: I have made mistakes. We have, and will, make more mistakes. I appreciate your candor, and the importance of the unRaid community. UnRaid has always been a good product with excellent community. That's what brought me to the OS, and kept me here over the years. The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz Be impeccable with your word. Don't take anything personally. Don't make assumptions. Always do your best. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1878424319/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_0cVSFbT2A83HE
  9. Cool - I forgot to specify above: is that 571 running in the docker?
  10. @xthursdayx and I are looking for a semi competent unRaid person to run an upgrade on their Roon server while checking a few setup variables to see if the upgrade fails or not! Both of us have already upgraded our servers to 1.7 build 667. So we need someone on build 666 (did they skip that devil number?) or earlier to do the upgrade. Otherwise we'll just have to wait for the next build to come out so we can do it ourselves. Unless there's a way to roll it back? Not that I'm aware of. Anyone have an older version out there that would be willing to be a guinea pig for the upgrade, probably nuke their library, and take a bunch of screen shots? thanks!
  11. @jowi Logging: not that I know of. the logging is pretty piss poor on this one.
  12. @jowi yikes! This report is the first I've heard of this issue. If others were having this, I'm 100% someone would have posted. That being said, I'd start to consider other stuff you have going on your server.
  13. @xthursdayx Well, I'm sorry to hear you ran into the same issue we've got - but also glad I've got someone else with interest in getting this resolved! I really don't want to have another machine running 24/7 if I can help it. The unRaid box and dockers needs to cover the needs! (with the exception of piHole). I'm about ready to fail another upgrade here, so I'll document the whole process with screenshots and logs. detailed comment on your github issue #8 split unRaid forum post of the update problems screen shots along the process pastebin 1 pastebin 2 Nuked, re-installed. Runs. Restore from backup, completes, upon restart, no dice. pastebin log re-Nuke. re-install. rebuild. same-same
  14. @wcg66 so you were having random disconnect issues then, and moving to a seperate machine solved those. That's good! On the NUC, it's running Windows 10, and you've got a Roon Core software running on that, right? From what I understand, there's actually a Roon OS called ROCK. ROCk on Intel NUC thread, another NUC Gen 10 thread. Have you been through a server side upgrade with that system? Where a Roon client will pop up note "New Roon server has been downloaded and ready to install. Click here to begin upgrade process." ??
  15. @realdiel I switched back to the docker. Seemed wasteful to run a whole VM just to house Roon. Course, there is the updating issue! @xthursdayx not too many issues, just the one: updating. You're running this in the docker, and you're able to apply server updates (via clicking update on a client) and update server to the latest build, no issues? @wcg66 you were able to update the server, it comes back with all data, no fuss no muss? I'm liking those port assignments you guys were chatting about on the previous page... Let me think about what makes my system different... I'm also running: wireguard VPN docker, I have pihole server running on a Raspberrypi 3B on my home network doing all DNS level ad blocking., plex docker, no VMs., I do have a second router on a hardwire with another ssid in a different part of the house. And the last (anything) I can think of roon clients and end points: PS Audio Sprout, windows 10 desktop, volumio Raspberrypi plus Allo Boss DAC, my android phone. The update will fail weather I'm at home or away on VPN. Type of failure is I hit Update, server will do its thing, then not come back up. If I nuke the docker, reinstall (latest build), and try to restore a backup from the same day= server doesn't start. I've found the system logs to be unhelpful in troubleshooting, UT perhaps I'm looking in the wrong log? Maybe there's some data in the main unraid system log?
  16. @realdiel I switched back to the docker. Seemed wasteful to run a whole VM just to house Roon. Course, even a VM is better than a whole 'nother computer just for Roon Core. The updating issue plagues me. But, I've really begun to lose interest in the whole thing! I spend so much time away from home, that it's pretty much impossible to enjoy Roon. Sure I've got a VPN actually working (!) but even it fails and skips tracks frequently enough that the slick Roon experience isn't slick at all. 😔
  17. Ya know, I've attempted installs on the last three versions and had to nuke it everytime. It's frustrating.
  18. @wcg66 can you add exceptions to Pihole to get it to effectively ignore all connections to/from Roon? It should keep a running list of denials in the Pihole logs. I'm running a Pihole server on an actual RaspberryPi, with this Roon docker, and haven't seen any of those issues. But then I haven't been looking for them either. Seems to just be working - other than the upgrade fails.
  19. @wcg66 No idea. I would get crashes after I used the in-program upgrade utility. It wouldn't start, just keep crashing. The logs, as you can see, aren't helpful. I nuked it and did a restore from a backup, that made it crash too. So I'd have to rebuild my library again. As far as I know, this issue hasn't been resolved. I continue to Backup, attempt upgrades, nuke, attempt Restore though. Are any of these possible sources of your crashes? Sorry I don't have better info. This container is in it's infancy.
  20. Thanks @SPOautos you're right, you do have to point the Roon Core at your music files, it isn't automatic. Furthermore though that can be done from any client, and only need to do it once. I got into those settings via Windows 10 client, then android client just worked. I appreciate the note! A little good will and information for posterity is what it's all about.
  21. @SPOautos it's most certainly your path mappings. You need to do two things to get it working 1 set correct paths in the docker settings at the time of setup (you can fix and change it now too) 2 navigate to that path mapping in Roon client. Another user on here @xthursdayx out another docker up there also called RoonServer. They excellent example path mappings in there that you'd modify for your own system. Makes it more easier. Those path mappings took me several tries to get it right, and prompted this howto thread.
  22. @SPOautos I don't think so. You have to have something called a Roon endpoint. It will do the digital to analog conversion and send that to your stereo. You can use a Raspberrypi, or a phone, or a laptop. You might even be able to use your server, but that isn't what this docker does. The docker hosts the Roon core, which is the music server, not a player/client/endpoint.
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