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Everything posted by rutherford

  1. So just to re-iterate in my own words here: On a system with 16GB ram, and an 8 core processor: I assign 4GB memory and 4 processors to the VM. The VM only has access to 4GB memory, and 4 processors; but unRaid will still have access to all 16GB memory and 8 processors. ?
  2. Seems a bit out of the ordinary to me. Perhaps a drive is failing? I took a peek in the logs, and there's lots of red for sdj1 Thanks! rubble-diagnostics-20200402-2324.zip
  3. I'm having a similar issue, but I can't figure out how to get these steps done. My VM Settings (MacinaBox) > Network Bridge > br0 Found it. A basic misunderstanding of how VMs work: they get their own IPs. Got it sorted, up and running.
  4. @Gcouls I'm revisiting this imessage thing again. I'm tired of getting left out of the family message thread cause I'm the only android guy! Hahaha thank you Apple for not playing nice. I've started a new image with the latest Catalina, and am retreading my old tracks through tonymax86 whatever imessage posts. So far I've gotten nothing but errors, but I have high hopes, and more effort to keep hacking away. We'll see how far I get this time. I haven't gotten the call this 800 number to fix this issue yet, so we'll see. I read airmessage is currently being maintained, and a much better implementation of the imessage for Android hack. I'll update this thread with more info. https://airmessage.org/guide/ Finally got it all working after more fiddling. I ran into the same issue as before going through this https://www.tonymacx86.com/threads/an-idiots-guide-to-imessage.196827/ And a couple other YouTube "fix imessage hackintosh easy!" videos. So glad it was so easy for them. I ended up calling Apple again. I Googled a picture of the iMac I was supposed to be working on, and just played dumb. The guy had me do a couple things, including creating a new apple ID with yet another email address I had floating around. But what sinched it up, was when he got his manager on the phone. She was also very nice, put my little customer ID code that iMessage generated into some field on her end, badabing, up and running. Sorry, wish I had better news than to just call them up!
  5. @newmember I had that same problem with the screen. A few bits of info had not gotten fixed in the XML. It's in this post: These lines <os> <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-q35-3.1'>hvm</type> <loader readonly='yes' type='pflash'>/usr/share/qemu/ovmf-x64/OVMF_CODE-pure-efi.fd</loader> <nvram>/etc/libvirt/qemu/nvram/64fb8168-c7cf-4563-8466-30409f6c1da9_VARS-pure-efi.fd</nvram> </os> should have been these lines: <os> <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-q35-3.1'>hvm</type> <loader readonly='yes' type='pflash'>/mnt/user/domains/MacinaboxCatalina/ovmf/OVMF_CODE.fd</loader> <nvram>/mnt/user/domains/MacinaboxCatalina/ovmf/OVMF_VARS.fd</nvram> </os>
  6. Thank you @Loch for reminding me of that web server COPS. I remembered it was the "experimental" web browser that was the next most easy thing to do, but forgot that was called COPS.
  7. morning readers out there - I've been using the kindle @amazon email to get ebooks to my reader. I'm 99% sure amazon tracks all this. Are there ways to get ebooks to your kindle w/out using that amazon email address, short of plugging in the micro-usb cable? Like an app or hack or something? thanks!
  8. Morning folks, started getting write failures on my array this afternoon for no apparent reason. My shares are defined High-water allocation I do have a cache drive. It's had 141GB on the 500GB drive for quite sometime. I feel like the Mover should have emptied it off there by now... Permissions for the folder in question, /mnt/user/downloads/incomplete, are 777 root@rubble:/mnt/user/downloads/incomplete# touch file.txt touch: cannot touch 'file.txt': Input/output error I've attached the diagnostics. I'd be better at troubleshooting this if I wasn't so hung over. Any help would be great! rubble-diagnostics-20200313-0926.zip
  9. Take a look at the first post of this thread. In the picture following "Now install the Docker via Apps. Here's the setup:" You can see the settings for one of the entries. To get that entry option to pop-up, hit the "+ Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device" button. Then make the entries match the examples given in the first post.
  10. @steve1977 I bet you still need to pay. This thread is about using our existing unRaid servers for Roon.
  11. Oh gees. Found someone talking about this LSI SAS9211-8i card on reddit. Looks promising, and cheaper on eBay search.
  12. https://wiki.unraid.net/Hardware_Compatibility#PCI_SATA_Controllers I'm going to give this one a shot: Shinestar Splitter $38 amazon, it's based on the Marvell 88SE9215 chip, which is listed on the compatibility list as a SYBA SI-PEX40064 aka. IOCrest IO-PCE9215-4I4PCIex1SATA IIIMarvell 88SE9215bootable, working out of the box [34], supports drives > 2.2 TB
  13. Well, I've since given up on my purposes there with iMessage on my android. But, as I recall, part of the process, you select the type of Mac you have for the image. I just told them, I bought a used Mac, and wanted to get stuff working. It wasn't more complicated than that.
  14. Ended up shutting down, wiggling the wires and double checking the connection. Seemed like that brought the drive back up. I re-added to array, it rebuilt, seems to be okay for now.
  15. @mikelathat is awesome! Would you post a few screen shots of your settings for posterity?
  16. @jowi2000 the other post above, @mikeladid put path mappings. I bet the port is just another variable in there that you specify. Also, @Squidposted up there they (I assume the community of active super users, (thank you very much for your freely given hard work and advice!)) don't want to help all users with all dockersq that don't already have a pre-configured docker template. Which is exactly what we're trying to figure out here! Of someone gets around to a working configuration before I do, great. But one of these days, I'll get to it. And I'll post detailed instructions, screen shots, the whole kitten caboodle as an EDIT on the original post. Until then, I've been suffering through Plex flac playback. Which is mediocre, but paid for. Oo what about putting in a request for a docker with the Linux.io docker dudes? If we go through proper channels, and a few users show interest, perhaps one of then would template it up for us. Done. https://discourse.linuxserver.io/t/request-roon-music-server/720
  17. https://wiki.unraid.net/Troubleshooting#What_if_I_get_an_error.3F I stopped the array, took my disk out of the array, and started it again. Now the data on the missing disk is being emulated. I'm performing a pre-clear on the disk in question again to see if anything pops up. Unless anything goes really wrong, I'll re-assign the disk back into the array, and unRaid will rebuild the data on that drive. If it goes south again, I'll order a new drive and replace it. SMART 5 - Reallocated_Sector_Count. SMART 187 - Reported_Uncorrectable_Errors. SMART 188 - Command_Timeout. SMART 197 - Current_Pending_Sector_Count. SMART 198 - Offline_Uncorrectable "SMART stat 187 reports the number of reads that could not be corrected using hardware error correction code (ECC). Drives with 0 uncorrectable errors hardly ever fail, Budman said, "but once SMART 187 goes above 0, we schedule the drive for replacement." https://www.computerworld.com/article/2846009/the-5-smart-stats-that-actually-predict-hard-drive-failure.html
  18. What if the drive has a red icon, and gets an error when I go to try a smart report (long or short)? "exiting. To continue, add one or more '-T permissive' options"
  19. Got a few read errors and have a disabled disk. Is it time to replace the drive? Thanks! rubble-diagnostics-20191001-0108.zip
  20. Trying to get some settings to save in ruTorrent GUI, the default save directory. Seems to get in there for only a few minutes, then is overwritten minutes later. Where can I stick settings that will persist between restarts and for longer than xx minutes? thanks!
  21. Yeah, I dunno, it's not in there! Is it perhaps because I only have one docker repository listed? Under Docker > scroll to bottom "https://github.com/limetech/docker-templates" It's been a while since I've even added a docker, I might be in the wrong tab or something. But I did a little digging and didn't see it. thanks!
  22. Current Roon Server support thread is now here: ================================ ==== DEPRECIATED ============== ================================ please refer to above linked thread for support moving forward. Info below may be helpful for legacy or specific setups. ================ To find the roon docker ================ APPS tab on the top Search for "roonserver", it'll pop right up ================ Install setup Roon docker ================ Now install the Docker via Apps. All defaults should be fine. The pre-filled in fields are pretty self explanatory. I left depreciated (lingo for old and dated) details below. As of Roon 2.0, they've added remote listening, yay! It's called Roon ARC, and requires a few extra steps. Edit the default Docker Template to Add Port/Path/Variable Config Type: Port (drop down) Name: Roon ARC Host Port: 55000 Default Value 55000 Connection Type: TCP (drop down) Description: Roon ARC The finished docker template should look something like this: You will also have to forward ports on your router to get it to fully work with ARC. Check out this post over there: https://help.roonlabs.com/portal/en/kb/articles/arc-port-forwarding#Still_having_problems and also portforward.com for steps specific to your router. Once you get that done, and it's hunky-dory, Roon > Settings > ARC should look like this: I didn't specify a port. I installed the Desktop version of Roon on my Windows 10 machine: https://roonlabs.com/downloads.html, just the Roon for Windows, not the Roon Server. When you run the software, it will detect a Roon Core on your server; use that. http://i.imgur.com/8sMWG0il.png I had to put in a credit card ("Don't worry! Your card won't be charged the $199 until 14 days is up!" riiiight), and sign up for the free 14 day account. I pointed the software to my audio collection, and it's plugging away. ================ DEPRECIATED ================ ================ Get it working on yer phone ================ Install the bitchin' Wireguard VPN, howto blog. You may have to wrestle with some ports, and some duckdns action, but it ain't that bad: and is outside the scope of THIS thread. Perform the first run of the app at home which will do initial discovery. Once your phone identified the Roon server the first time, you should be able good to go for remote vpn access. This same process worked for my laptop. (I wonder about a work computer.... if there's a way to force discovery on a computer that has never been at home... ? If anyone knows, let me know and I'll update this thread! dk 2/2021) Network type: Host Console Shell Command: Shell Privileged: On Add these Paths: Config type: Path Name: Container Path: /app Container Path: /app Host Path: /mnt/user/appdata Access Mode: Read/Write Description: Config type: Path Name: Container Path: /data Container Path: /data Host Path: /mnt/user/appdata Access Mode: Read/Write Description: Config type: Path Name: Container Path: /music Container Path: /music Host Path: /mnt/user/audio/music (***for me, this is my location of music***) Access Mode: Read/Write Description: Config type: Path Name: Container Path: /backup Container Path: /backup Host Path: /mnt/user/backup/roon/ Access Mode: Read/Write Description: thanks to @mikela for these settings Old VPN info: The most promising post I've found so far https://community.roonlabs.com/t/vpn-step-by-step/49564/55 hello folks, I wanted to make a post before I start diving into the technicalities of getting this done. From what I've seen on a few other threads, people have started a VM just to run the Roon server. I'm not opposed to doing that, but if there was a straight up docker, wouldn't that be better or less overhead or easier to configure? Anyone else have any luck with running a Roon server out of an existing unRaid box? I already have a Plex server that's solid and will serve up direct stream FLAC files, but the interface and experience leaves a lot to be desired. (we'l see about $500 worth of desire...) https://roonlabs.com/downloads.html This Roon docker does not come up via the unRaid Applications search, updated 3/2019 https://hub.docker.com/r/steefdebruijn/docker-roonserver/ thread from 2016 https://community.roonlabs.com/t/roon-running-in-docker-on-unraid-6-x/10456/13 another docker last updated 2016 https://hub.docker.com/r/ronch/roon-server/
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