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Everything posted by tucansam

  1. I must say now that I'm afraid to delete my old backup files. I have about two months' worth (weekly) and was going to delete some old stuff, but this whole server lockup issue seems to be more and more common. Anyone figure out what's going on?
  2. Does anyone know if there is someone working on a plugin, docker, or the like, for unraid, that uses something like RRDtool and cacti to monitor network traffic and devices? That would be awesome.
  3. Would anyone care to comment on this power supply? https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151188 Seasonic FOCUS Plus Series SSR-850FX 850W Would be for a 19-spinner, 1-ssd, i5 (xeon in the future) with two LSI controllers and a PCIe NIC. Enough power? Enough oomph on the 12v rail? I understand this is the "lower end" Seasonic model. I don't want to end up with the equivalent to the "CX" series from Corsair. Failing that, I am also looking at the Seasonic Platinum, Flagship, and Corsair RMx series. Trying to stay below $150. Comments on the latter welcome as well of course. Thanks.
  4. Thanks Johnnie. How does that work? Is it automatic, or are there utilities to download and run?
  5. Is btrfs "stable" enough (everyone keeps using the word "experimental") to use on all array member disks? Does it have any protection against bit-rot? New server, wondering what filesystem to choose. Are the benefits vs xfs worth considering? Thanks.
  6. Right. But why did that rm command complete so quickly vs. the initial rm command that moved everything to the recycle bin?
  7. I had a Plex folder still living on my array in /mnt/user/appdata. It had 5,000,000 files and directories in it. Took about 90 minutes to delete with rm -rf Saw that it was moved to the Recycle Bin. Emptied it, that took less than a minute. How exactly does the Recycle Bin work in this specific case?
  8. Gang, I have my 'appdata' folder split between two SSDs, /mnt/disks/ssdplex/appdata is dedicated to plex, and /mnt/disks/ssddocker/appdata is dedicated to everything else. Two separate SSDs. I also have a separate spinner for sab downloading and unpacking, /mnt/disks/wd500 Can I still use this plugin to backup the two SSDs, and perhaps even the wd500?
  9. THANK YOU guys, I appreciate it. I will make the changes mentioned above and see what you have to say about my config. Pics attached.
  10. Hopefully I'm on the right track with this. These are the "my-APPNAME.xml" files for sab and sonarr from /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user And the config.xml from sonarr and .ini from sab sonarr.config.xml sab.config.xml config.xml.from.sonarr.txt sabnzbd.ini
  11. I'm sorry, but I don't know what any of that stuff is. There is a "config.xml" in my sonarr directory, but its only got a few lines. There is none in my sab directory, unless you mean the sab.ini file For Docker templates, is that just a screen shot of the config options when I click "Edit" on the icons under the docker tab? Sorry for my ignorance.
  12. I am still seeing tons of duplicate downloads, same/different directory names. etc. This has been going on since I moved from a standalone sab/sickbeard machine to a docker (sab and sonarr). I don't know if this is a sab or sonarr problem, and I have exhausted all methods I know for troubleshooting. I am tempted to scrap the docker and go back to a separate machine. Initially my old file server (also unraid) still housed all of my media, and my current (docker-enabled) unraid server was running plex to serve it up from the old server. As of yesterday I have migrated all media to the new server, and now docker/sab/sonarr/plex/media all lives on one system. I began to do my weekly cleanup of my media stash, consolidating directories with similar names, removing duplicate episodes (there are always tons), etc. Specifically, here is one case, but it is essentially what happens with all shows: - Browse a show folder, finding "tv_shows/Show (2015)", "tv_shows/Show 2015", and "tv_shows/Show". Cuss loudly, beat keyboard. Go into Sonarr and confirm that "tv_shows/Show (2015)" is the correct folder. Look in all three folders and find lots of duplicate episodes, some with very different file names, some with simply ".1.mkv", ".2.mkv", ".3.mkv" appended to the filename (exact same file, exact same author, exact same file size). Cuss and pound keyboard some more. - Delete dupes, move all media to the correct "tv_shows/Show (2015)" folder, delete now empty dupe directories. - Wonder endlessly why sonarr is not downloading missing episodes, go in and confirm the show is "monitored" and do automatic search for all missing episodes. - Happily watch sab start to queue all missing episodes, leave it unattended for a while. - Come back, look at show folder, find "tv_shows/Show (2015)", "tv_shows/Show 2015", and "tv_shows/Show" again. And duplicate episodes. Again. - Cuss and pound keyboard. - Post in this thread for help. I have no idea, like I said, if this is sonarr or sab causing all this nonsense, and when folks as me "is sab handling renaming" or something along those lines, I have no idea. I copied the settings from my old (standalone server) sab settings because they worked. Sickbeard worked perfectly with all this, and I used it in a docker for a while, and never had this issue, until I switched to sonarr, because development on sb stopped and Sickrage wasn't any better. But every time I post in the sonarr docker container support thread, people's responses seem to indicate this is a sab issue. But this all started with sonarr, so I'm not so sure. If this belongs in the sonarr thread instead, forgive me and I'll move it. In the meantime, if anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears. Oh one more thing... I unchecked the "download propers" checkbox in sonarr, yet I still get huge 1080p files downloaded for shows where 720 or 1080p episodes already exist, just with smaller file sizes. In fact, I have a whole stack of DVDs and Blurays for 80s TV shows that I copied up to the server using MakeMKV, full awesome uncompressed copies, and now I have 100% duplicates that were downloaded (yet sonarr saw all the original episodes from the discs before deciding to download duplicates). I am slowly going through them one by one to check them as "unmonitored" hoping this will help. As is stands now I have nearly a terabyte of duplicate episodes, and I only made it to the "N's" in show titles..... I also have a ton of files with names like "lk1j28fajiw3jlkjaskldjf09ajwpasjd09fj.mkv" which I know is obfuscated, and I still have no idea what that is or what is means, or what show and episode it is, etc. Most of the time when I watch one, it turns out its a dupe of something I already have. This is complete insanity and after months of this I'm at my wit's end. At this point the time I am spending trying to maintain my media library by hand is worth more than spending some money and building a separate server to start from scratch and return to my non-docker days. I'm not blaming unraid, there is obviously a config problem somewhere.
  13. I realize this probably isn't the proper thread for asking this, so forgive me... I just went to Xeoma's website, and its more costly than Blue Iris, plus I have to *buy* updates after a period of time? OK.... Is it really better than Blue Iris?
  14. I've had the exact same error for weeks.
  15. It cools very well indeed! Mid 30s during a parity check, low 30s the rest of the time if all disks are spinning, 29-30 degrees if only a couple disks are spun up. This is with an ambient air temp of roughly 75 degrees. Server is presently in the open air, however will ultimately go in a closed cabinet at the bottom of my entertainment center. To be fair, yes, some disk do run slightly warmer than others, but its a difference of one or two degrees, usually. On a very hot day, or when the afternoon sun is on the side of the house with the room where the server lives, temps can creep up a little, but still stay below 33-35 degrees, and considering my electric bill every month, turning the air conditioning down isn't a feasible option. That room has a ceiling fan, and I find that keeping the ceiling fan on helps a bit with overall temps of all the equipment in that room. My criteria for exhaust fans are impossible -- massive air movement, no sound. Ha! I have a mix of SilenX models in there now (reds and whites) of the 120mm variety, and the new 200mm (my original post had the size incorrect) fans are Cooler Master Mega Flows. Ultimate plan is for four CM 200 fans in the server case, three fans (same size and model) in the bottom of my entertainment center, where the server lives, doing evac from the sealed lower cabinet portion. Incoming air for the lower portion of the entertainment center will be filtered, and the server will rest on a raised pedestal above the air filters, on a rubber mat. Disk seek noise was being transferred through the 5-in-3 docks, to the server case, to the wood of the entertainment center during testing. Low hums and various vibrations were present. So with a little woodwork on the entertainment center, the server will ultimately live in a fully vented, clean, quiet enclosure space. If fan noise penetrates through the air filter material, or through the three evac fan holes, I will simply install acoustic panels on the inside surfaces of the entertainment center cabinet to absorb some of the high frequency whirring from the fans. That vented cabinet is also home to my pfsense firewall, a gigabit switch, my cable modem, and a few UPS's. Those components will reside on an acoustically-isolated platform just above the air filters, so their own chassis fans will draw in cool, filtered air from the floor of the entertainment center, exhaust it into the cabinet, and then the three 200mm CMs will exhaust it from there. They will be mounted on the upper-back wall of said cabinet, so the natural rising of heat will assist them in moving heat away from the electronics. My case is an old Cooler Master Centurion 590. The four 200mm fans will be mounted on a new side panel fabricated out of 1/8" MDF or acrylic. Weather stripping along its edges will seal it to the server case, and the server case is already sealed completely from the previous build (rivet holes, screw holes, various useless vents manufactures insist on cutting into their cases, etc). So again, as referenced previously, literally 100% of the air brought into the case will travel across the disks in the 5-in-3 cages first. Total compliment of disks will be 15 data in three 5-in-3s, two parity mounted in the top two 120mm fan slots, two SSDs mounted on PCI brackets, and two additional 7200rpm 3.5" and 2.5" spinners for other general use, the 3.5" mounted to the rear 120mm fan slot and the 2.5" on a PCI bracket. I will use magnetic sheeting to partially or completely cover the 120mm fan holes to adjust vented airflow for the disks mounted in those locations, as necessary. The spinner mounted on a PCI bracket has vent holes in the bracket itself, so air can move past the attached disk. The SSDs I'm not worried about. If heat becomes an issue with this setup, I will build a hood to cover the four 200mm case fans and redirect their output directly out the back of the entertainment center. But as it stands now, I predict very high airflow for the new setup, and don't foresee and major issues with heat. And now I realize I've strayed quite far from the original topic. So, bottom line: removing the fans from the 5-in-3s, sealing my computer case, and having five (six) quiet 120mm fans exhaust air has worked marvelously well for the server sitting in the open air. Four new 200mm fans will be used instead once the server is removed from the open air and placed into an enclosure, to (theoretically) maintain the same cool temperatures.
  16. I use three 5-in-3 iStarUSA cabinets in a little different way. My server case has five 120mm evac fans (technically six since my power supply vents out, not a pull-from-bottom config), and I removed the entire fan assembly from the iStarUSA cages. This removed noise and allows all five case fans to pull air directly through the front venting on the drive cages. The case is otherwise completely sealed, thus 100% of air that enters the case and is vented by the fans has to pass over the drives first. I am presently modifying the case to instead use 4 220mm fans for evac, increasing airflow and reducing noise. Will keep a very slow, quiet 120mm fan in the traditional rear position to vent CPU heat directly.
  17. With regard to sab downloading a file, what does the prefix "PROPAGATED 234876 min" mean? Almost all of them are doing this now and none are downloading.
  18. That just took me to peaks of 73MB/s. You, sir, deserve a beer.
  19. Well, in every folder Plex has touched, there is a jpg, an nfo, and an sometimes other stuff. Plus the mkv, and jpgs for season posters. So if a show had five seasons and 15 episodes per season, that's 75 mkv files (usually 1.5-3GB), 75 jpgs (30-50k), 75 nfo files (2kb), plus maybe another five 30-50k season posters. So its not a whole lot of files, and the small ones transfer pretty much instantly. Plus the slow down has always, thus far, been on the large mkv files, not the small stuff. It will plug at 40MB/s for a long time, then drop to 20MB/s, then back up to 40MB/s for a while, then suddenly I'm down to 6MB/s, then 3, the under 1MB/s, then it will essentially stop (4k/s) for a long, long time. Long enough that I get up and do other things, and when I come back, its moved on and I'm back up to 40MB/s. Does this sound like the shingle wall behavior? Or should I be worried about something else?
  20. They vary. few dozen KB for jpgs and other files (nfo etc) from Plex, along with the media files themselves, everything from 500MB to 4GB and everything in between
  21. Thank you for your help sir. One final question to anyone who may have the technical knowledge... How long should I wait between large transfers in order to allow the drive to "catch up?" IE, if I'm transferring several complete show folders via rsync, write a script to pause for 5 five minutes between each? 10? 30?
  22. So after this initial data transfer they should be OK then? I've been running them for a while, slowly moving my 4TB disks to 8TB, maybe one a month or so. But this is the first giant transfer I've done. So I guess this is why I'm seeing it. Other than miserable slow downs that eventually recover, is there any danger to the drive?
  23. Update. I let the copy continue unmolested, and the 7.15k/s (sometimes as low as 4k/s) has corrected itself, I am back to 25-40MB/s depending. I imagine once the persistent cache fills again, I will be back to sneaker-net speeds. So the problem corrects itself, but it takes time. How does this work? The drive's cache fills and it eventually just empties it on its own, while continue to write, albeit slowly, from the copy operation? Now I know what to expect during very large copies and moves. Does anyone know if there is a GB limit that must be reached before the shingle wall is hit? Maybe I'll break up large transfers into smaller chunks, but it would be nice to know how small they have to be.
  24. Aaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaa Right now I'm at 7.15k/s copy speed..... 1991 modem speeds! Docker completely shut down, there is literally nothing going on on the server or network except this file copy. And me posting this.
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