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Everything posted by Frank1940

  1. Having thought a bit more about this, I have had a few more thoughts. This discussion is a bit off topic here. Plus, it is more complex than it seems when I was first thinking about it. The problems range from no GUI, login requests from Windows when the user thinks he is just using a guest account, Windows 10 problems, Local Master issues, PC's that can't find the server when others can, slow transfer issues, can't get to the server via SMB, hardware issues, physical networking issues, and probably fifteen more that escape me at this moment. Could you start a thread by transferring the posts on this subject in the version 6 General Support sub-forum so that a larger group of folks can contribute, discuss, and see if we can begin to assemble some base of knowledge. It might serve as a basis for someone being able to assemble a WIKI section (or become part of a more general one). If nothing else, you might make it a 'sticky' thread. I really think this type of documentation would be very useful but it seems overwhelming (to me) for one person starting from scratch.
  2. That would be a wonderful idea. The problem is that solutions to SMB/Samba issues are more like witchcraft than science. A solution that worked last week, doesn't work this week. What fixes one persons problem doesn't fix the next person's problem that appears identical. I have attempted to help out folks because I do have some knowledge and, apparently, we don't have too many folks who have a real in-depth knowledge in the inter-workings of Samba. (Or they are smart enough to avoid this whole can of worms!) In my own case, I have reverted my Test Bed server back to 6.1.9 because of SMB issues copying files off of the server. (I thought I had it 'fixed' when I switched to using Explorer++ as a Windows file manager but that started giving me problems. My gut feeling is that the issue is on the Widows end of the equation but I can't quite put my finger on what triggered it.) Johnnie.black posted up about what he found in a series of posts in this thread: [EDIT: I finally isolated the problem of slow copies off from the server to my Win 7 computers. It was an out-of-date Windows NIC chip set driver for a RealTek NIC. I downloaded an updated driver from the Motherboard manufacturer and that seems to have fixed the problem. ] Limetech posted some very informative information about issues with 'users' share access issues, Windows and SMB. Unfortunately, it is buried and difficult to find. You can find that information here: I really don't think I quite qualify as an expert in SMB/Samba. Probably ten years ago, I did install SMB on a Ubuntu Linux box so that I had some place to store backups of the data on my windows machines. (I bought a VERY cheap box solution without an OS to use for 'playing around' with Linux and thought I might as well use it for something useful.) Even then, I used an semi-cookbook type of approach that did not require a great deal of technical knowledge. As I remember the Samba manual was somewhere in the 100 page range! I had to refer to that manual as I edited the default smb.conf so that it would work in my configuration. In doing so I did pickup barely enough information to make me really dangerous! Of course, paper type docs are gone but here is a link to the present Samba WIKI: https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Main_Page Apparently, unRAID are using samba: version 4.4.5 in UnRAID 6.2.4 while the current stable of samba is samba 4.5.1 It appears that version 4.5.1 is used in the current beta releases. I have been playing around with SMB since Workgroups for Windows (Windows 3.11) was introduced back in 1993. I was actually retired by then and have only experience in the world of home type networking without all of the security concerns that the folks in IT had to deal with. (The first network I set up in my home used RG-58 coax cable --- commonly 10BASE2. So one have to be an RF Engineer to see that everything was properly terminated. I really had empathy for the poor IT guys trying to keep these networks operation since the users would often disconnect the cable from 'their' computer for some reason or other, and this would take the whole network down.) The whole thing was a kludge back then and It seems that things have not progressed very far from that starting point. To the best of my knowledge, You could still install Windows 3.11 on a computer and find that it would still work on our present unRAID SMB network... EDIT: 6/15/2019 Here is a link to an article from MS which gives some details on how the master browser (Local Master) works. It is interesting to see the 'broadcast' times are for the SMB network. This is the reason why it often takes so long for computers to appear on the network. That is why it is so important to have a dedicated Local Master that is on 24-7 on the network. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2003/cc737661(v=ws.10) You may be surprised to see that the article is from 2009 but I don't think anything has changed since then. What MS is doing these days with SMB is tightening up security on the client end of SMB. (If you are having problems with WIN10 clients not being able to access the server, read the posts on this page first. Then jump to the last page and start reading backwards through this thread at the various problems and the solutions found. Remember that there is often more than one way 'to skin a cat'...
  3. I am not sure quite how the time/date checking is done for licensing purposes but it seems like when everything is correctly set with the correct time/day and the utc offset is correct for where the actual physical location is located, it seems to work.
  4. Try going into your MB BIOS and set the time-date settings there. And from the 'Time and Date' icon in the Settings' Menu, Athens is shown as utc+2:00.
  5. Are you using two different video cables to your monitor? If you are, most monitors will automatically select the active cable. (This is by design so that you don't have to use the awful interface that most monitors have to select the input that has a signal on it. It might also have a 'pecking order'... )
  6. Yes. I updated and tested it on 6.3.0 rc4 by rebooting the server. I would assume that shutting down would also work...
  7. I set a share to private, created a user set read/write permissions to that share. But on my windows 7 PC when i try to navigate to that share it's saying I don't have access when i put the user name and password. Did I miss anything? Here is a explanation of what is happening from LimeTech:
  8. I'm pretty sure this is what you are looking for. https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=26412.msg231122#msg231122 Perhaps LimeTech should put this information into the user manual(s) so that it is more easily found. The explanation in the link explains the problem, the why-and-how, and the solution in a few lines. The way Samba handles this whole user name/password thing is extremely convoluted and I have never seen a clearer explanation about it in any place else!
  9. Dynamix System Button plugin did not reboot my Test Bed server to install version 6.3 rc4 (to upgrade from 6.3 rc3). It only stopped the array. (I waited until the counter had reached over 187 before I went back to the GUI which was fully functional at the point.) I rebooted the server using 'Reboot' button on the 'Array Operation' tab on the 'Main' page. EDIT: I can confirm that the same behavior persists with 6.3.0 rc4. After I clicked the Dynamix System Button's icon, selected 'Reboot', and confirmed that I want to reboot, the reboot screen appeared and the counter started running. I waited until it hit 108. At that point, I called back up the GUI and it showed that the array had stopped but nothing happened after that. (I was watching the monitor connected to the server!) I then left the array stopped and rebooted with the 'Reboot' button on the 'Array Operation' tab. The counter never got beyond '0'. And I could see the start of the reboot sequence on the monitor. The reboot completed normally!
  10. In order to run the Linux version, I have to create a Docker. Not done that before, I'm not a Linux Admin and I don't play one on TV, so not chuffed about that option... Thoughts? Have you tried 'right-clicking' on the app and selecting 'Run As Administrator'. (I suggest this because the app 'says' it is doing a 'move' operation which implies (to me) a copy-and-delete.)
  11. Here is an introductory thread that will point you to several other resources to assist you through this problem. You are probably one of the folks who had to reformat their Flash Drives and install the new version. DON'T PANIC. If you follow the directions, you will not lose your configuration settings. https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=41003.0 I will tell you right now, none of your plugins will work so be prepared for that.
  12. Are you having any problems copying files using Windows Explorer? If not, it sounds like the problem is within the application or its settings. Have you checked with the forums for the product?
  13. It does seem that having one computer always being the Master Browser seems to solve a lot of issues (Plus, I suspect that MS has made some changes to SMB again in the Win 10 version with the LINUX SMB team playing catch-up. With the auto update situation and the lack of information of what those updates contain, Win10 is black hole. An additional confusion factor is that there three major versions of Win 10--- Home, College, and corporate. And I suspect that the security protocols for each one is a bit different...)
  14. It is true that rc3 offers direct reboot/shutdown, but it doesn't replace completely the functionality of system buttons, which offers the buttons in the header (=all pages). I need to make an update to system buttons though to make it compatible with 6.3.0-rc3. SUPER!!!
  15. It was mentioned in another thread that System Buttons is not needed in 6.3 as it's included in the normal Shutdown/Reboot now. Probably is true, but I sure love those buttons up there all of the time ready for use from any screen/tab!
  16. System Buttons does not work with version 6.3.0 rc3. It simply hangs. If you use the buttons on the "Main", "Array Operation" tab, things work as they should. I have attached the Diagnostics file and the "still_mounted" file (renamed to still_mounted.txt to upload) as it has the same date-time stamp. EDIT: This may have been broken in version 6.3.0 rc2 as I did not attempt to use it until I was doing the upgrades. rose-diagnostics-20160923-1510.zip still_mounted.txt
  17. Manually check for plugin updates, you're probably attempting to install an outdated release. Thanks! that was the problem.
  18. Got the following this morning updating both servers to the latest version: plugin: updating: dynamix.bleeding.edge.plg plugin: downloading: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bergware/dynamix/master/archive/dynamix.bleeding.edge.txz ... done plugin: bad file MD5: /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.bleeding.edge/dynamix.bleeding.edge.txz Any suggestions?
  19. WOW!!! Please post up details of what your original configuration was that did not work. Than post up what you changed it to that did work.
  20. I believe JoeL explained the current situation pretty well in this post regarding his script: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=13054.msg464653#msg464653 However, he has not been able to provide proper support for his script for some time because of other commitments on his Time (life!). Apparently, the need to patch the script developed somewhere in the 6.2 beta releases. For versions earlier than that, you use the original script. For later versions, you will have to patch. You may realize that there is also a plugin to do preclear and that plugin can utilize JoeL's script. And his script has to be patched for the version of unRAID that is installed on the server. (If you are referring to some issues with the plugin or plugin/script combination, let's not cluttered up this thread with any discussion on those types of issues!)
  21. First thing, I would suggest is to make your unRAID server the Master Browser. You can do this by going to 'Settings' >> 'SMB' >> 'Workgroup Settings' and set "Local master browser:" to 'Yes'. (NOTE: This works best if you unRAID server is on 24/7.) If you have already done this (or if you are doing for the first time), install the 'Dynamix Local Master' plugin. This will allow you to quickly determine which of the many SMB enabled devices on your network has 'won' the election to become your Master Browser. You can find the plugin here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=36543.0 I assume that you have cleared all of the credentials by using the Credential Manager found in the Control Panel. Next thing to check is that the workgroup name is identical on all of the computers. Capitalization is significant as Linux uses it and Windows ignores it. In the olden days, all Windows file names were CAPITAL letters and I would suggest using all CAPS if nothing seems to solve the problem. I am not sure how SMB handles this issue. If you unRAID server is having problems with becoming the Master Browser, post back and I will give you instructions that will guarantee that it will always win the election! (The problem is that MS has always biased the election process by making it more likely that later release of the Windows OS will win the election. The second problem is that if a Master Browser is quickly found during the boot process, the booting computer may decide to make itself the Master Browser and you can end up with two of them on the same network--- Not a good situation. It seems by having the same computer always being the Master Browser solves this problem for most people.) One more comment. Win 10 seems to have caused some problems by itself. The automatic (and frequent) updating of the OS means that the user is unaware of those updates. Some of these updates seem to be security related and they may cause issues with SMB access. Plus, Win 10 has (at least) three major versions and the security models are different for each one. This makes troubleshooting on this end difficult. Plus, the folks that maintain the SMB module are always playing catchup in dealing with these changes!
  22. What are you trying to accomplish? You should have a strong password assigned to your root account if you have had security issues on the LAN side. But the Telnet access (and you should have shut straight Telnet down and be using SSH) and the GUI are administrator logins and are to be used only for administrative functions. Whenever you are using the GUI, you have full administrator (or root) privileges on the server and you should only be logging if you are intending to use them. You should 'feel' like you are the root user and realize exactly what you can do. And you should be attempting to deny any other users from having access to either of these interfaces. As a matter of fact, you will find out that root is not allowed to log into a a user share on SMB (and I would presume NFS). This was done for security reasons. A big security hole still to be plugged is the use of http for the GUI. Conversion to https is on the drawing boards and should be coming soon.
  23. YES! That is a real positive. It is so much quicker than tabbing through the attributes pages for each drive. (I never realized it existed until Squid asked to have it restored! So thanks, Squid!)
  24. Version 6.2 requires that the original preclear script be modified to work properly. Se here for instructions: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=13054.msg464653#msg464653 Hope this helps!
  25. You guys leave me sleepless... The good news: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.bleeding.edge.plg This is version 2016.09.16 and works with unRAID 6.2 stable. Copy & paste the URL above into the install box of plugin manager. Did the upgrade on my Test Bed server. Everything seems to be working. BTW, I did NOT have to reboot to get it working. Is this truly necessary or it is a hold-over from the earlier versions?
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