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Everything posted by SpencerJ

  1. Let's keep things civil please. This is not civil and frankly undermines any point you are trying to make.
  2. https://github.com/unraid/lang-zh_CN/pull/56/commits/c21ab966b8d71268a500cd07a4bcf4e96db24846 https://github.com/unraid/lang-zh_CN/pull/55/commits/60139728257cbe23d127e2038549a8657b5c9580 2 new webgui suggested changes^. Anyone agree/disagree?
  3. Hallo, Here are instructions in English: https://unraid.net/blog/unraid-6-9-multi-language-support
  4. I was not aware! Thank you for letting know and big thanks to @testdasi for sharing. I will include this thread in the monthly newsletter.
  5. Nice! Can you post a screenshot or two of the updated Dashboard? I'll be sure to share this on our social media/monthly newsletter.
  6. Do you want to change your Unraid forum Display Name? Please contact support! -Spencer
  7. Hello, Sorry for the inconvenience. I have emailed you via support.
  8. Hello there, What email did you use? I have not seen any emails sent via the one you are using here. Cheers, Spencer
  9. There is also a German lang forum here: https://forums.unraid.net/forum/76-german-deutsch/ 🙂
  10. SpencerJ

    Unraid Blog

    Nice Unraid blog by @nachbelichtet! https://nachbelichtet.com/unraid-die-omv-und-freenas-alternative-fuer-heimserver/
  11. Hallo, If you speak English, you can contact us at support for additional help: https://unraid.net/contact
  12. If you have any suggestions on edits/improvements, we would love to hear them! https://forums.unraid.net/forum/88-chinese-简体中文/
  13. Hello @Sanic-- For text that is unreadable, could you please post a message with screenshots here so that we can debug the issue? https://forums.unraid.net/forum/84-bug-reports/ Also, FYI, there is a Chinese language forum located here: https://forums.unraid.net/forum/88-chinese-简体中文/ Thanks for your message.
  14. Big thanks to the Selfhosted Podcast for having @jonp on to talk about the past, present and future of Unraid. This is the place to argue about the pronunciation of ZFS and to let us know what you think of the pod! 8/25 Update: After receiving some feedback and seeing some misconceptions about future licensing expressed, we wanted to set the record straight: The Unraid community is the single most important thing to us at Lime Technology and we take all customer concerns seriously. We wanted to clarify a point about future subscription offerings mentioned on this podcast: Any future subscription offerings will be for new Unraid products and services separate from our current core OS licenses and will not affect current users. Your Unraid license will still include all future upgrades and features and you will still be able to purchase licenses for a one-time fee. Thank you very much for your passionate and enthusiastic support. If you have any questions or comments about this podcast or future Unraid offerings, we will do our best to answer what we can here. https://unraid.net/blog/the-past-present-and-future-of-unraid-on-the-selfhosted-podcast
  15. https://pcmweb.nl/artikelen/netwerk/unraid-installeren-op-nas-voors-en-tegens 🤔
  16. Hello @ikiwi, Sure- feel free to email me @ [email protected], you can create a new thread here with questions or I can hope on skype or zoom or whatever messenger you prefer.
  17. Great! I shared your blog on twitter and https://www.reddit.com/r/unRAID/ Cheers
  18. Olá @agarkauskas e bem-vindo! O iSCSI está em obras 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
  19. Would you mind creating your own thread for this question? You will likely get better results 🙂 Thanks
  20. Having any trouble setting up an Unraid Capture, Encoding, and Streaming Server? Are you a twitch streamer who uses Unraid? Let us know here! https://unraid.net/blog/unraid-capture-encoding-and-streaming-server
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