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Everything posted by Marshalleq

  1. Did anyone get mattermost running with this docker? I actually hadn't realised you could and have been concentrating on a standalone mattermost docker, but finding a few issues that ultimately stop it from running. I did get gitlab running quite easily and supposedly you edit one file and mattermost works. But when I do that it breaks. So am interested in what others have achieved. I'm spinning up a startup and chat is really important for us with all our remote workers.
  2. Well, for the first time, I am now too getting the dreaded Warning: file_get_contents(https://lsio.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/?prefix=unraid-nvidia/): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/Unraid-Nvidia/include/exec.php on line 45 etc. I checked it yesterday, was needing to do some encoding so thought I'd try running it, and it worked, but the server was busy, so thought I'd do this morning. This morning it says this. That to me says it something external to our networks and more common to the digital ocean side. I don't run pi-hole or any kind of filtering. It's direct to internet. It's a Gigabit Fibre Optic connection and no updates have been applied to the firewall since yesterday. Just thought this might help to narrow down the cause for someone at some point.
  3. In case it helps to rule anything out, I have a bond between an onboard 1Gb NIC and one port in a Dual Port 10Gb Nic (running also at 1Gb). No issues with downloading the plugin.
  4. The Point is you’re not the only one and it’s unlikely to be specific to this docker. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Easy to find others on google: https://forum.level1techs.com/t/troubleshooting-steam-cache-speed-when-downloading-non-cached-games/132384/7 This one highlights to be careful with your DNS, which I agree - I have mine set via DHCP going to my lancache, then that points upstream to my INTERNAL DNS NOT the internet DNS, which in turn then points to the internet from my firewall. I'd recommend you do the same. This one claims to have helped fix the issue on freenas
  6. The speed at first download issue used to be a consequence of the steamcache and as such I expect it's something upstream. My recent testing though seemed to indicate that it was resolved in this particular bundle - this one even maxes out my bandwidth when cached which the previous never did. If I recall correctly, there was some issue where the download halved the speed due to downloading two copies simultaneously - i.e. one for your gaming client and one for the cache. I'm sure this is not normal proxy behaviour, however this isn't a typical proxy being that it uses DNS instead of standard traffic routing methods. To that end I'd suggest someone looks upstream for resolution. I'm overseas for a few weeks so a bit difficult for me.
  7. I have endless problems with this not deleting snapshots when it's supposed to. So I thought I'd just update in case it refreshes something. However, I just get the below - first plugin error I've ever had. Is it because I'm not running the beta?
  8. If I'm reading correctly and you just need firmware updated, it may be possible to boot from something other than unraid to do that...
  9. Hands down, the best and most capable tool / docker is Tdarr. Supports GPU / CPU encoding and all sorts of other stuff.
  10. Dear @limetech, I note the below line: does it require us to reset up the vm template, or is it a kernel fix? I vaguely recall something about an xml option that enabled this, but could be wrong. webgui: VMs: enable cpu cache passthrough; AMD + multithreaded Any info you can link us to? Many thanks. Marshalleq
  11. I just updated and forgot to check this, lucky! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Yeah, I don't know why Bridge mode is called Bridge, because in Unraid it's actually referring to NAT as far as I know. I have a vague recollection it might be some confusing docker terminology. I'd suggest you set up both containers using br0 with their own IP address. Then you can point one to the other. 'Bridge' mode can only have one container within the whole bridge with a specific port. Br0 on the other hand could have the same port on multiple IP addresses.
  13. Or possibly set them up on their own IP addresses by using the bridge option.
  14. Seems to be a common problem for many these days. I believe there are manual download instructions earlier in the thread. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Yep, your gut was right, it was a faulty memory stick. Though this exercise I have learnt the following: I don't know how long the memory was faulty - my assumption is many months, it was at about 79GB so it may not always have been used. Also that: All file systems were impacted The BTRFS file system required to be formatted to be recovered because it wouldn't rebalance. The BTRFS docker image required to be deleted and recreated (or older version restored from backup) because it wouldn't repair ZFS clearly pointed me directly at the corrupted file (on my single disk ZFS volume) so I could restore it which was nice The ZFS mirror healed with a simple scrub. XFS of course just ran an fsck type thing, so something could still be lingering, but that data is not very important, that's why it's on XFS. I'd like something more robust, but short of memory errors like this and cold reboots, it's probably pretty safe for what it is. I do believe BTRFS will also point me at the corrupted file, maybe it did, my memory on that is struggling. It has been a good exercise. It's possible someone with more knowledge of BTRFS could have fixed it, though a corrupted image file didn't sound very fixable to me so I elected to start again because I don't trust it based on past experience. I could be completely wrong, but that's where I landed.
  16. Seems like someone is on it. Unsure if it's implemented or not. https://github.com/uklans/cache-domains/pull/118
  17. The lancache is working amazing for me now. And it's much faster than the other steamcache docker. I can actually get this to run at lanspeed (gigabit for me at present) which never happened on the steamcache docker. Thanks so much for this. One thing I was wondering, it does windows updates, what about apple? I haven't seen anyone doing this, so am wondering if it's possible.
  18. While sitting with an open console, I just had this: I understand the first one is ZFS related, I assume therefore the second is also. Leaving a copy here for a record as I've been having a few issues and there's a chance this is the cause. Edit - dmesg below, now BTRFS involved? Maybe I do have faulty hardware. Similar dev loop errors I found a few days ago, I had to repair filesystems and even rebuild all the BTRFS ones from scratch as it seems most susceptible to corruption. So I'm going to go with not specific to ZFS for now. Edit 2: Memtest confirms I have faulty, or possibly misconfigured memory. There goes my morning....
  19. Wow, we should really have a disclaimer so people remember to update BIOS'es. If not latest, maybe one version behind. Some people still think it's unnecessary! FYI - I don't need the fake DP on my setup - and it can mean a session is connected when you don't want it to be either... So maybe true for you too.
  20. Hmmm, I wonder if this would be faster on ZFS with my 256GB NVME L2 read cache. I have a strong suspicion it would be advantageous....
  21. I read recently that there's a lot of compression etc happening which is run by the client too, so that would mean there is also a limitation there. I asked this question on the wiki a while back, apparently it's in the docker logs. Edit: I just checked its not.
  22. Can anyone else confirm that they can actually connect to steam using lancache? I tried it a few weeks ago and I was able to do everything in lancache except connect to steam. It resolved DNS etc correctly (actually much faster than steamcache), but steamcache was the only one that would actually let me connect to steam for some reason.
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