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Everything posted by T0a

  1. I was asked via PM how my home assistant integration with paperless-ng looks like. As stated in (3) I use the pre and post hooks to execute web hooks in order to check via home assistant whether the processing failed for uploaded documents. Thereby, I receive notifications about the import status. In the following you can find the scripts and automation: Pre-consumption script #!/usr/bin/env bash # https://paperless.readthedocs.io/en/latest/consumption.html#hooking-into-the-consumption-process echo Begin pre-processing script echo - Original filename: [${1}] curl -X POST http://<ha-ip>:8123/api/webhook/paperless_start_processing -d "{\"filename\": \"${1}\"}" -H "Content-Type:application/json" echo End pre-processing script Post-consumption script #!/usr/bin/env bash # https://paperless.readthedocs.io/en/latest/consumption.html#hooking-into-the-consumption-process echo Begin post-processing script echo - Document id: [${1}] echo - Generated filename: [${2}] echo - Source path: [${3}] echo - Thumbnail path: [${4}] echo - Download URL: [${5}] echo - Thumbnail URL: [${6}] echo - Correspondent: [${7}] echo - Tags: [${8}] curl -X POST http://<ha-ip>:8123/api/webhook/paperless_finish_processing -d "{\"filename\": \"${2}\", \"correspondent\": \"${7}\", \"tags\": \"${8}\"}" -H "Content-Type:application/json" echo End post-processing script Home Assistant Automation - alias: 'Job - Paperless Process document' initial_state: true trigger: platform: webhook webhook_id: paperless_start_processing action: - variables: document: "{{ trigger.json.filename }}" - wait_for_trigger: - platform: webhook webhook_id: paperless_finish_processing timeout: '00:10:00' - choose: - conditions: # No trigger happened before timeout expired - condition: template value_template: "{{ wait.trigger == None }}" sequence: - service: notify.telegram data_template: title: 'Job - Paperless Import failed ❌' message: | - Import failed for document "{{ document }}" default: - service: notify.telegram data_template: title: 'Job - Paperless Import successful ✅' message: | - Original name: "{{ document }}" - Import name: {{ wait.trigger.json.filename }} - From: {{ wait.trigger.json.correspondent }} - Tags: {{ wait.trigger.json.tags }} Unfortunately, the automation contains a little issue. When you consume document A and document B at the same time and document B is finished before document A, then the automation notifies success for document A. I had no time yet to look into this, but wanted to share the basic idea any way.
  2. Change "[IP]" to the actual IP of your Unraid server or the server that runs the Redis service i.e. or something. Localhost would be inside your docker container causing the "connection refused" error. Let me know if that helps.
  3. Do you have Redis installed as container and configured in the paperless-ng template?
  4. Backup ist ein Thema bei dem man wirklich sehr viel Zeit verbringen kann. In einer finalen Ausbaustufe empfiehlt es sich der 3-2-1 Backup-Regel zu folgen. Bevor du dir aber aber Dinge wie Offsite-Backup und unterschiedliche Speichermedien Gedanken machst, solltest du ein solides lokales Backup deiner Daten haben. In Unraid hast du verschiedene Arten von Daten wie z.B. Anwendungsdaten, VMs, deine persönlichen Daten, etc. die zu sichern sind und unterschiedliche Eigenschaften aufweisen. Nicht für alle Daten ist immer die gleiche Backup-Lösung geeignet. Beispielsweise machen konventionelle inkrementelle Backups für große VM-Images keinen Sinn, da sich diese häufig in wenigen Bits verändern und dadurch in jedem inkrementellen Backup erneut aufgenommen werden. Der erste Schritt ist zu entscheiden, welche Daten du sichern möchtest und basierend auf dieser Entscheidung eine passende Lösung zu wählen. Für ein inkrementelles Backup deiner persönlichen Daten auf eine USB-Festplatte kann ich dir dieses Skript von @mgutt empfehlen. Dazu benötigst du außerdem das Unassigned Devices (UD) Plugin, um deine externe Festplatte anzuschließen und das User Scripts Plugin, mit dem du das Skript ausführen kannst. Sobald du dein lokales Backup eingerichtet hast und es eine Weile läuft kannst du dich dann im näcsten Schritt über ein Offsite-Backup informieren. Das Offsite-Backup muss nicht immer eine Sicherung zu einem Cloud-Speicher Anbieter sein, sondern kann auch beispielsweise durch eine Festplatte realisiert werden, die du regelmäßig bei einem Freund oder deiner Familie austauscht. Falls du zur Thematik Offsite-Backup Fragen hast, gebe ich dazu gerne auch mehr Informationen. Ich habe schon ein paar Iterationen hinter mir. Bei der externen Festplatte solltest du darauf achten, dass diese einen echten internen SATA-Anschluss hat und nicht direkt auf die Platine gelötet ist. Sollte die Platine nämlich nicht mehr funktionieren, kannst du die Festplatte dann aus dem Gehäuse entfernen und einen regulären SATA-zu-USB Adapter nehmen. Ist das nicht der Fall, hast du keine Möglichkeit mehr auf die Daten deiner Festplatte zuzugreifen. Weitere Anmerkungen zu Backups: - Ein Backup sollte regelmäßig überprüft werden, ob es wiederherstellbar ist (z.B. mind. am World-Backup-Day) - Ein Backup sollte aktuell sein - RAID ist kein Backup, sondern zielt auf Verfügbarkeit ab - Meiner Meinung nach ist das Kopieren (synchronisieren) deiner Daten ohne Versionierung auf ein anderes Medium kein Backup, da fälschlicherweise gelöschte Dateien ebenfalls in deiner Kopie entfernt werden
  5. Dear paperless-ng fellows, we now have a dedicated paperless-ng support thread. Come over and share your setup or get help with your paperless-ng instance. See you there.
  6. Execute Management Utilities Paperless-ng offers a few management utilities that might come handy in some situations. You can either execute them from the command line or create custom scripts with the user scripts plugin from available via the CA. The latter allows you to schedule the task execution e.g. to invoke the document exporter for backups on a regular basis. The command is as follows: docker exec -it paperless-ng <command> <arguments> # Example: Execute the document exporter and remove files that do not belong to the current export document_exporter /usr/src/paperless/export -d Have a look at the documentation for the available commands and individual arguments.
  7. Overview: Dedicated support thread for the Docker template paperless-ng provided via the selfhosters/unRAID-CA-templates repository. Project Page: https://github.com/jonaswinkler/paperless-ng Documentation: https://paperless-ng.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Registry: https://hub.docker.com/r/jonaswinkler/paperless-ng/ Changelog: https://paperless-ng.readthedocs.io/en/latest/changelog.html This is the official paperless-ng Docker support thread. Feel free to ask questions, share your experience with paperless-ng or describe your paperless setup at home. I try to update this main post regularly based on your feedback. From here on, I will use the terms paperless and paperless-ng interchangeable. 1. What is paperless-ng and how does it differ from the original paperless? Paperless-ng is a fork of paperless, adding a new interface and many other changes under the hood. The original project paperless hasn't received a lot of updates and bug fixes in the past. Even pull requests are not merged for some time now (Update: 26.08.2021, The old paperless repository has been archived). Here are a few key features of paperless-ng: New front end build with Angular. It features full text search with scored and highlighted results, savable filters, a dashboard, and document uploading on the landing page Mobile support is also almost there. Some layouts don't work yet on small screens New mail consumer that supports multiple accounts and custom filters and actions. Fully tested! Paperless-ng trains a neural network on your documents and assigns tags and correspondents automatically, if you instruct it to do so Updated dependencies More tests of critical backend parts A proper task processing queue that can consume multiple documents in parallel. Consumption of many documents is now blazing fast on multi core system. Fixed much of the consumer code, so that it does not block the database during consumption, for instance 2. How to Install Download and install a Redis container from the community application store (CA) Download and configure the paperless-ng container from the CA Make sure you point the container to your Redis instance. Use your actual IP and not localhost, because the reference is resolved in the container. In case you need to pass a password to Redis, use the following connection string redis://:[PASSWORD]@[IP]:6379 instead. At the moment Redis doesn't support users and only provides authentication against a global password. You can pass anything as a username, including the empty string as in my example here. To configure a password for your Redis container, set 'redis-server --requirepass "your-secret"' as post arguments on the Redis docker container. Also make sure to not use any special characters. Otherwise, the connection string might not be readable by paperless. Create a user account after this container is created i.e. from Unraids Docker UI, click the paperless-ng icon and choose Console. Then enter the command "python manage.py createsuperuser" in the prompt and follow the instructions. Alternative, set 'PAPERLESS_ADMIN_USER' and 'PAPERLESS_ADMIN_PASSWORD' in your paperless-ng docker template. With the later approach, it might be easier to find your password to sensible documents stored in paperless. 3. My personal workflow I use the iOS app ScannerPro to scan my documents and upload them via the app to a web DAV target on my Unraid server. The web DAV target is then mounted in the container as consume directory. Further, I use the pre and post hooks to execute web hooks in order to check via Home Assistant whether the processing failed for a uploaded document. Home Assistant sends then notifications about the import status to my phone. This way I can throw away the physical document without worrying about it being not imported. How does your workflow look like? Feel free to share it in this thread. Here you can also find the official recommended workflow for managing your documents with paperless-ng. 4. FAQ 4.1 Why does the consumer not pick up my files? The consumer service uses `inotify` to detect new documents in the consume folder. This subsystem, however, does not support NFS shares. You can disable `inotify` and use a time-based polling mechanism instead (see `PAPERLESS_CONSUMER_POLLING`. If set to a value n greater than 0, inotify is disabled and the directory is polled every n seconds). 4.2 How to customize paperless-ng? Paperless-ng does support much more environment variables than the Unraid template offers. You can find them in the documentation here. 4.3 What scanner do you use for paperless-ng at home? A list of scanners used by our community: iPhone with ScannerPro app; one time purchase (@T0a) More will be added when you share your scanner Paperless-ng also maintains a list of recommended scanners. Feel free opening a pull request over there to add your recommended scanner to the documentation too. 4.4 Can I use paperless-ng on a mobile device? Mobile support in paperless-ng is also almost there. Some layouts don't work yet on small screens. There is also a mobile app in pretty early development stage. Though, it is only available on the Android store yet. 4.5 What is the future of the original paperless template in Unraid? At some point, I will probably remove the paperless template and close its support thread. 4.6 How to configure PostgreSQL as a database? See this post on how to configure PostgreSQL in the template. The official documentation gives further migration steps needed.
  8. Are the web UI logs and the docker logs are both empty? Have you checked the javascript console of the browser? Do you find an issue there? Does the document contain sensitive information? I'm asking because the previous question aren't no help then you could open an issue in the paperless-ng repository.
  9. Yes, see here. Make sure you create a backup first.
  10. Hier ist der Thread von dem ich gesprochen habe. Relevant sind der verlinkte Post und folgende. Was haltet ihr davon die Diskussion ab diesem Post hier zu trennen und in ein neues Thema zu verschieben?
  11. Danke für deine Antwort @mgutt. Ich hatte die Diskussion um die negativ in Erscheinung getretenen Container bezüglich der Schreibvorgänge ebenfalls verfolgt. Soweit ich weiß, hat Limetech ein paar Anpassungen an der Art wie das docker.img gespeichert wird durchgeführt. Die vielen Schreibvorgänge sind bei Btrfs leider auch ohne Docker ein Problem. Ich versuche gerade den Thread hier im Forum zu finden. Aus meiner Erinnerung waren die Schreibvorgänge eines Btrfs Raid1 im Vergleich zu einer einzelnen XFS formatierten Festplatte um den Faktor 4 höher. Begründet wurde dies durch die vielen zusätzlich geschriebenen Metadaten (Update: Thread)
  12. Ich bin ein Befürworter von ZFS in Unraid und möchte ebenfalls auf das Array verzichten. Aufgrund der obigen Diskussion habe ich das Bedürfnis meine Gründe dafür hier darzulegen. Außerdem möchte ich kurz anreißen, warum ich trotz dieser Zielvorstellung Unraid betreiben möchte. Ist-Zustand Ich habe aktuell ein Unraid Array mit zwei WD Red Festplatten, wobei eine dieser beiden Festplatten für die Parität fungiert. Weiterhin habe ich klassisch eine SSD als Cache, einige Docker Container und eine Linux VM für das tägliche Arbeiten. Damit würde ich mich aktuell als typischen Unraid Nutzer beschreiben. Mein Unraid Server steht im Schlafzimmer auf meinem Schreibtisch, damit ich mittels durchgereichter iGPU an meinem Monitor arbeiten kann. Remote-Desktop Lösungen haben mich an dieser Stelle nicht glücklich gemacht, aufgrund eines zusätzlich benötigen Gerätes, sowie auftretenden Artefakten. Leider sind die beiden Festplatten im Betrieb als auch im "spin-down" Zustand und trotz Dämmmaterial (Fractal R6 gedämmt) im Gehäuse zu hören. Besonders in der Nacht stören mich diese Geräusche. Warum ZFS? Aus den oben aufgeführten Gründen habe ich mir zwei 1 TB Samsung SSDs gekauft, um diese in Unraid 6.9 in einer Raid-1 Konfiguration zu betreiben. Die Kapazität ist für meine Zwecke mehr als ausreichend, da ich einen sehr niedrigen Datenabdruck habe. Wegen der Geräuschkulisse werde ich die WD Red Festplatten anschließend in einem Backup System verbauen, welches an einem beliebigen Ort aufgestellt werden kann. Damit bleibt der obligatorische USB-Stick im Array, damit ich weiterhin Docker und KVM nutzen kann. Leider scheint Btrfs trotz einiger Fehlerbehebungen in Unraid 6.9 bezüglich hoher "Writes" immer noch enorm viele Schreibvorgänge bei einer Raid1 Konfiguration zu verursachen. Grundsätzlich habe ich hier im Forum häufig über Probleme von Btrfs Raid1-Konfigurationen gelesen. Bei ZFS hatte ich diesen Effekt bisher nicht so stark wahrgenommen und daher plane ich mit einem ZFS Raid-Pool und hoffe, das Limetech die GUI Unterstützung hierfür bald in Unraid zur Verfügung stellt. Weiterhin ist die Möglichkeit VMs via Snapshots zurückzusetzen ein netter Bonus. Warum dann Unraid? Ich habe sehr viel Zeit mit Unraid verbracht (insbesondere mit dem durchreichen der iGPU) und habe abzüglich der Geräuschkulisse ein verlässliches Setup. Ich kann leider nicht beliebig viel Zeit in die Marktsichtung und Einarbeitung anderer Produkte, sowie etwaige Portierung meiner Konfiguration investieren. Außerdem fühlt sich Unraid für meinen Usecase noch nicht gänzlich falsch an und die benötigten Features scheinen ebenfalls auf der Roadmap zu sein. Zusätzlich mag ich diese Community und fühle mich hier wohl. TrueNas Scale ist neben Unraid in meinen Augen noch einen Blick wert. Aber bis die Software nächstes Jahr als GA verfügbar ist, wird noch etwas Zeit vergehen. Wenn du einen Wunsch frei hättest? Thunderbolt 4 Unterstützung in Unraid und bezahlbare optische Thunderbolt-Kabel mit einer Länge von über 20 Metern
  13. I haven't monitored the whole conversation. But first let's make sure your configuration works and you can backup files. To do so, please open the console of the borgmatic container and execute a backup yourself via "/usr/bin/borgmatic prune create -v 1 --stats 2>&1" (without the ""). For testing purpose only include a small file in your backup via the `config.yaml`. Let me know how this goes. Just to make sure: Do you know how cron works and what the entries mean? The backup is only triggered when the cron expression evaluates to true. You may have to restart the container after making changes to the crontab.txt file.
  14. Please post your issue to the paperless-ng support thread. See my post: "Issues with the Unraid setup go here". This thread here is meant for issues with the original paperless docker container. My first case would be that your document is password protected. Further diagnostics in the other thread then.
  15. What does the borgmatic Docker log tell you? For me the crontab.txt in the right place is all I need for the automation (despite the config.yaml and keys for sure)
  16. Yes, just in this moment. Here is what I did for my Linux VM: Create new connection with Protocol SSH Set parameter Hostname in the networks section to the IP address of the Linux machine Enter user credentials in the Authentication section Tick the checkbox "send WoL packet" Set the field "Mac address of the remote host" to the MAC address of your virtual machine (see vm template) Set the field "Broadcast address for WoL packet" to you routers IP address Set the time to wait to e.g. 35 Save connection Have fun.
  17. Did you read the instructions? You need a separate Redis container running. Replace <IP> in the paperless template with the servers IP running Redis then. You can get Redis from the CA too. Regarding your second question: No, you just need the single Redis and paperless-ng container.
  18. No, I totally get your point and your arguments seems reasonable to me. I run a docker container with a filesystem-based SQLite database that has no build-in database export like you mentioned. That's why I asked this question in the first place. I installed your container today and I really like it so far. Up until now, I did my offsite backups to Google drive via rclone. However, this solution didn't let me sleep well to be honest - especially the Google drive part. So, I ordered a storage box from Hetzner today and did my first backup to it with borgmatic! The last piece missing is stopping the docker container I mentioned above. The plan is to use "HA dockermon" from within the borgmatic container. Would you mind adding curl to the docker container for me? Then, I would be able to stop any container via: curl -v -X POST <ha_dockermon_ip>:8126/container/container_name --header 'content-type: application/octet-stream' --data '{"state": "stop"}' Thanks for bringing borgmatic to my attention
  19. Sorry, for being late here. I'm glad you got it working! I remember how frustrating it was for me to figure it out and find a working solution. Enjoy your IGD inside your VM. Do you mind reporting what CPU and mainboard you are using?
  20. Hello paperless users, unfortunately, paperless hasn't received a lot of updates and bug fixes in the past few month. Even pull requests are not merged for some time now. Though, paperless runs rocks solid and gets the job done! For some time now, there is a well-maintained fork of paperless out there. It's called paperless-ng and I'm happy to announce that paperless-ng is officially available via Unraids community application store (CA store). Let me briefly outline a few improvements over the existing solution: New front end build with Angular. It features full text search with scored and highlighted results, savable filters, a dashboard, and document uploading on the landing page. Mobile support is also almost there. Some layouts don't work yet on small screens. New mail consumer that supports multiple accounts and custom filters and actions. Fully tested! Paperless-ng trains a neural network on your documents and assigns tags and correspondents automatically, if you instruct it to do so. Updated dependencies. More tests of critical backend parts. A proper task processing queue that can consume multiple documents in parallel. Consumption of many documents is now blazing fast on multi core system. Fixed much of the consumer code, so that it does not block the database during consumption, for instance. Paperless-ng now uses OCRmyPDF to perform OCR on documents. It still uses tesseract under the hood, but the PDF parser of Paperless has changed considerably and will behave different for some documents (also see PAPERLESS_OCR_MODE @bigbangus @vakilando). Compatible with the paperless iOS and Android app There is even more. So, don't miss to check out the documentation too! Jonas, the maintainer of paperless-ng, is a highly motivated dev and currently he works towards the first stable release 1.0. Thus, the current version of paperless-ng is flagged as beta in the CA store. If you are interested in paperless-ng and want to support Jonas, please test paperless-ng and give him feedback. You can find a migration guide here too. Be warned, paperless-ng has received a lot of changes and you might encounter bugs. So, whatever you are doing get your backup right first! Also make sure to read the product vision of paperless-ng first, before submitting feature requests. Things like multi-user support are not in the scope of the project for example. That being said: Issues with paperless-ng go here Issues with the Unraid setup go here Happy testing and stay healthy!
  21. Hi sdub, this Borg integration looks promising to me. Thanks for taking the time creating the container and making it available to the community. I will definitely check it out and may consider it as a replacement for my local rsync and remote rclone offsite backup. Will report back! How do you make sure that files are not getting written by your docker containers while the backup is running? The CA backup stops containers to prevent file corruption AFAIK. I cannot see such a mechanism in your solution. Technically, this would be possible with the before_backup and after_backup hooks. Not sure, if any further/similar steps needs to be taken into account for the flash drive. May be worth looking into the CA backup code to review the protection mechanisms.
  22. Glad you got it working. Out of interest, what thunderbold aic and display are you exactly using? Can you reference them? I wasn‘t aware that passing through a thunderbold card controller works that smooth with UnRaid.
  23. T0a

    ODroid H2+

    @al3388 Would love to hear your feedback with Unraid running on the new ODroid H2+. This little device got my attention too.
  24. This could be accomplished with a share set to „cache only“ and the user scripts plugin. With rsync you can then copy the files time-based to an Array share.
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