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Everything posted by T0a

  1. Have you tried the PAPERLESS_OCR_LANGUAGES variable to install the language you need? To actually use these languages, also set the default OCR language of paperless: PAPERLESS_OCR_LANGUAGE. You can read more about the configuration options in the documentation here. Do you get this error for all PDF's you tested? Can you try to manually upload another document via the web interface from your host? In the best case please use something you just created via MS Word using the export to PDF function. Nothing fancy! Does this work? Then try to upload your document from the share via the web upload. Does that work then? Maybe the permissions of your consume folder are causing that issue. Trying to rule that out with the tests mentioned before. Please also check: https://paperless-ng.readthedocs.io/en/latest/troubleshooting.html#permission-denied-errors-in-the-consumption-directory Do you receive the disconnect after issuing the superuser command or is it unrelated to that command? Have you checked the docker log files?
  2. What does the log tell you when you use your server IP address i.e. `redis://XXX.XXX.XXX.XX:6379`. I think `` will not work, because it tries to resolve Redis in the paperless-ng container then. Keep me posted.
  3. What happens when we add the 'Requires' tag to our templates when there is already an entry in your Moderation.json? Will the entry in the Moderation.json take precedence? Can we ping you to remove the the Requires tag once we updated the template? The question arised, because for paperless-ng the entry in Moderation.json looks fine, but I plan to add it to the template.
  4. On iOS I use the PhotoSync app to upload my pictures and videos to an UnRaid SMB share. Though, it is not free but worth the money IMHO. Edit: Looks like the app was mentioned before.
  5. Sorry for being late to the party. I think the question about why it is a good idea to stop containers when running a backup has been addressed adequately. Check out the following post for how you can achieve it:
  6. Lieber JörgHH, Ich habe dir nicht stumpf den Thread, sondern meinen Post verlinkt. Dieser Post beschreibt sehr umfangreich wie man IGPU passthrough umsetzen kann. Mein Post enthält außerdem alle nötigen Quellen als Referenz. Ich hatte dich nämlich so verstanden, dass du den Thread verwirrend findest und die nötigen Informationen dort über alle Seiten verteilt nicht findest. Solltest du Probleme mit meiner Anleitung haben, kannst du aber gerne auf mich zurückkommen. Ohne korrekte Fragen oder Probleme zu diesem Thema kann ich dir hier leider vorerst nicht weiterhelfen.
  7. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/45385-intel-igd-integrated-graphics-pass-through-support-march-2016-update/?do=findComment&comment=855769
  8. Sorry, for the late response. Looks like you got your answer here. Have you checked the documentation? The variable PAPERLESS_FILENAME_DATE_ORDER you are using means something different: PAPERLESS_FILENAME_DATE_ORDER=<format>: Paperless will check the document text for document date information. Use this setting to enable checking the document filename for date information. The date order can be set to any option as specified in https://dateparser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/settings.html#date-order. The filename will be checked first, and if nothing is found, the document text will be checked as normal. Have a look at the first page of this post. We discussed changing the date order there.
  9. The online app store lists it as available (https://unraid.net/community/apps?q=paperless#r). I haven't removed it. So, I have to investigate once I'm home. Update 1: I broke the template with the latest update Should have checked before submitting the changes. Will fix it now and try to get the changes to the CA ASAP Update 2: I submitted the fix for the template. We wait for getting it merged. Sorry for the trouble guys Update 3: The template is available again
  10. I think concurrent access to a file based database such as SQLite is kind of a problem sometimes and results in issues like "database is locked" messages. When you are the only person using the paperless-ng instance this shouldn't be a problem though. I never tried running paperless with PostgreSQL and therefore cannot tell what's the improvement gain. I have no need to switch, because I have no problem with the SQLite database so far. Maybe @CorneliousJD can give some insides here?
  11. Glad you got it working. No problem, you are welcome. Creating this template was no effort for me tbh. Credits go to the new dev Jonas Winkler for improving paperless. There is no requirement for the document name. The guesswork feature you are referring to was removed in version 0.9.9. The Redis database is just used for checking if a document is finished processing. Make sure you replace the IP in the template with the machine running the Redis database. The documents are stored in the Media folder. Make sure that this host mount points to a share on your server with enough space for the documents. The documents metadata get persisted in a SQLite database that is stored in the Data directory. It is also possible to use a full-blown SQL database such as PostgreSQL rather then the file based database. The steps to migrate from the default SQLite database to PostgreSQL are outlined in the first page of this thread. Though, documents will still be stored as files on the mapped Media share. Only metadata is persisted in the database.
  12. Ich habe nicht die komplette Diskussion verfolgt aber UD kann ein Skript ausführen, sobald eine Festplatte eingebunden wird. Ein Beispiel findet sich im ersten Post des UD Threads.
  13. Have you stripped away parts from the stacktrace? Is this stacktrace from the web UI? Does the docker container log contain more information? For me the error "name or service not known" looks like a typically docker container resolution issue. I've seen such errors when you register or link a service that resides outside the container and the application tries to find it inside container. How does your Redis environment configuration look like? Any chance you linked something else with a symbolic name that is not known to the container? I also wonder why the container name is "enemy-ceiling-delta-wyoming". The paperless container name is fixed to paperless-ng AFAIK or am I wrong?
  14. I feel you. I run an English system too, because I prefer having technical terms in English. There is a feature request here to do so. Raise your voice.
  15. It is bound to your browser localization. Is it set to german?
  16. The environment variable PAPERLESS_DATE_ORDER of the original paperless meant something different. AFAIK the date format is adapted with the localization setting. Have you tried to change it to German? Also see this issue.
  17. Looks fine to me. Did you expose any configuration files from ProFTPd via a web server by any chance? Warning: Do not download random possibly malicious stuff to your working machine. Always inspect these kind of things in a safe env.
  18. Be cautious what you delete. From a forensics and threat hunting perspective it might be wise to have that stuff in order to figure out how the attacker got in and what he did to your network. Don't use FTP. If you really need something like this internet facing then use sFTP with key only auth at least, disable anonymous login, etc.
  19. What you see there might be bots scanning for vuln ProFTP services.
  20. Was that one internet facing too? Latest version or is that one vuln to a known exploit? Default credentials or too simple credentials? Anonymous login possible? Did those services run with dedicated users? Otherwise, the attacker might got a privileged user. Check the ftp directory and /tmp for odd files like reverse shells. You can also check the user accounts and ssh keys etc. because the attacker might tried to persist his access. Make sure you change all passwords on accounts that may use an exact password or an alternation (password, password123, p@ssword, etc. ) of it, because the attacker might extracted passwords and hashes from that box. I wouldn't trust that box any more and isolate it from your network. However, in case another host is already compromised that wouldn't help. It would be nice to find out how the attacker got access to the box. Otherwise, you will be compromised again.
  21. I was asked via PM how my home assistant integration with paperless-ng looks like. As stated in (3) I use the pre and post hooks to execute web hooks in order to check via home assistant whether the processing failed for uploaded documents. Thereby, I receive notifications about the import status. In the following you can find the scripts and automation: Pre-consumption script #!/usr/bin/env bash # https://paperless.readthedocs.io/en/latest/consumption.html#hooking-into-the-consumption-process echo Begin pre-processing script echo - Original filename: [${1}] curl -X POST http://<ha-ip>:8123/api/webhook/paperless_start_processing -d "{\"filename\": \"${1}\"}" -H "Content-Type:application/json" echo End pre-processing script Post-consumption script #!/usr/bin/env bash # https://paperless.readthedocs.io/en/latest/consumption.html#hooking-into-the-consumption-process echo Begin post-processing script echo - Document id: [${1}] echo - Generated filename: [${2}] echo - Source path: [${3}] echo - Thumbnail path: [${4}] echo - Download URL: [${5}] echo - Thumbnail URL: [${6}] echo - Correspondent: [${7}] echo - Tags: [${8}] curl -X POST http://<ha-ip>:8123/api/webhook/paperless_finish_processing -d "{\"filename\": \"${2}\", \"correspondent\": \"${7}\", \"tags\": \"${8}\"}" -H "Content-Type:application/json" echo End post-processing script Home Assistant Automation - alias: 'Job - Paperless Process document' initial_state: true trigger: platform: webhook webhook_id: paperless_start_processing action: - variables: document: "{{ trigger.json.filename }}" - wait_for_trigger: - platform: webhook webhook_id: paperless_finish_processing timeout: '00:10:00' - choose: - conditions: # No trigger happened before timeout expired - condition: template value_template: "{{ wait.trigger == None }}" sequence: - service: notify.telegram data_template: title: 'Job - Paperless Import failed ❌' message: | - Import failed for document "{{ document }}" default: - service: notify.telegram data_template: title: 'Job - Paperless Import successful ✅' message: | - Original name: "{{ document }}" - Import name: {{ wait.trigger.json.filename }} - From: {{ wait.trigger.json.correspondent }} - Tags: {{ wait.trigger.json.tags }} Unfortunately, the automation contains a little issue. When you consume document A and document B at the same time and document B is finished before document A, then the automation notifies success for document A. I had no time yet to look into this, but wanted to share the basic idea any way.
  22. Change "[IP]" to the actual IP of your Unraid server or the server that runs the Redis service i.e. or something. Localhost would be inside your docker container causing the "connection refused" error. Let me know if that helps.
  23. Do you have Redis installed as container and configured in the paperless-ng template?
  24. Backup ist ein Thema bei dem man wirklich sehr viel Zeit verbringen kann. In einer finalen Ausbaustufe empfiehlt es sich der 3-2-1 Backup-Regel zu folgen. Bevor du dir aber aber Dinge wie Offsite-Backup und unterschiedliche Speichermedien Gedanken machst, solltest du ein solides lokales Backup deiner Daten haben. In Unraid hast du verschiedene Arten von Daten wie z.B. Anwendungsdaten, VMs, deine persönlichen Daten, etc. die zu sichern sind und unterschiedliche Eigenschaften aufweisen. Nicht für alle Daten ist immer die gleiche Backup-Lösung geeignet. Beispielsweise machen konventionelle inkrementelle Backups für große VM-Images keinen Sinn, da sich diese häufig in wenigen Bits verändern und dadurch in jedem inkrementellen Backup erneut aufgenommen werden. Der erste Schritt ist zu entscheiden, welche Daten du sichern möchtest und basierend auf dieser Entscheidung eine passende Lösung zu wählen. Für ein inkrementelles Backup deiner persönlichen Daten auf eine USB-Festplatte kann ich dir dieses Skript von @mgutt empfehlen. Dazu benötigst du außerdem das Unassigned Devices (UD) Plugin, um deine externe Festplatte anzuschließen und das User Scripts Plugin, mit dem du das Skript ausführen kannst. Sobald du dein lokales Backup eingerichtet hast und es eine Weile läuft kannst du dich dann im näcsten Schritt über ein Offsite-Backup informieren. Das Offsite-Backup muss nicht immer eine Sicherung zu einem Cloud-Speicher Anbieter sein, sondern kann auch beispielsweise durch eine Festplatte realisiert werden, die du regelmäßig bei einem Freund oder deiner Familie austauscht. Falls du zur Thematik Offsite-Backup Fragen hast, gebe ich dazu gerne auch mehr Informationen. Ich habe schon ein paar Iterationen hinter mir. Bei der externen Festplatte solltest du darauf achten, dass diese einen echten internen SATA-Anschluss hat und nicht direkt auf die Platine gelötet ist. Sollte die Platine nämlich nicht mehr funktionieren, kannst du die Festplatte dann aus dem Gehäuse entfernen und einen regulären SATA-zu-USB Adapter nehmen. Ist das nicht der Fall, hast du keine Möglichkeit mehr auf die Daten deiner Festplatte zuzugreifen. Weitere Anmerkungen zu Backups: - Ein Backup sollte regelmäßig überprüft werden, ob es wiederherstellbar ist (z.B. mind. am World-Backup-Day) - Ein Backup sollte aktuell sein - RAID ist kein Backup, sondern zielt auf Verfügbarkeit ab - Meiner Meinung nach ist das Kopieren (synchronisieren) deiner Daten ohne Versionierung auf ein anderes Medium kein Backup, da fälschlicherweise gelöschte Dateien ebenfalls in deiner Kopie entfernt werden
  25. Dear paperless-ng fellows, we now have a dedicated paperless-ng support thread. Come over and share your setup or get help with your paperless-ng instance. See you there.