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Everything posted by DontWorryScro

  1. ok can anyone chime in on a specific 2.0.4 build that plays nice with the most amount of private trackers without getting you banned/blocked/timedout? Give me your favorite tag! TIA Edit: tho i guess the real issue is they're all dev versions. No stable version. So I'm up a creek.
  2. Does binhex/arch-delugevpn:2.0.3-2-01 support all this next gen, updated servers stuff? My current experience would suggest no. But maybe I'm just misconfigured somewhere. Ive been through the FAQ up and down, though.
  3. I'm using v.2.0.3. I just dont want it updating to :latest where it's bleeding edge new before trackers have a chance to whitelist the latest iteration. So I suppose I don't mean old old. And though I did read that they shut the legacy servers down on 10/31 I just connected to the old DE-Berlin about an hour ago so maybe they haven't technically pulled the plug yet.
  4. hi PIA user here, according to Q19, i need to get latest docker image but i dont want the latest and greatest delugevpn, if im understanding correctly. i want the older version of delugevpn that i run that makes the trackers i am on the most happy. when clients are too new they get blocked on trackers. in any case, i keep trying to do the thing i see in Q20 with the multi end points cycling through but every time i start up delugevpn it wipes all but one of the endpoints out leaving it to just a single end point .ovpn file again. ive tried all the next gen stuff and renaming from privacy back to privateinternetaccess and back again and nothing works besides me trial and erroring, one by one, the older ovpn files until one finally connects. im confused how so many other people are up and running without a hitch on the new servers...
  5. ive got this exact same messages. was there ever a solution?
  6. Once this is set up and with the express purpose of this being an always on irc, should we be excluding this docker container from auto updates?
  7. huh weird ok yea, it was a combination of things i had to do to get it to work. would not work on firefox, works on chrome, and using http, not https
  8. im having this exact same problem. log shows its stopping at the same point as yours. changing between browsers fixed nothing for me. nor did going in incognito mode to ensure its not a cache issue. also confirming http vs https. whats goin on here?
  9. Same. Did I read that a recent Plex version broke GAPS and we're supposed to revert? Which version should we revert to in the meantime and how to go abouty doing this for first time GAPS installs? Edit: Nevermind, i just needed to make sure it was strictly my ip number. no "http://" and no ":32400" added to the end of the ip
  10. updating the port worked. though i had to go into advanced to manually update on the upper webui field. too thanks!
  11. this still working? I updated to Unraid 6.9.0-beta22 and I see Deemix "green" an showing as running. But when I try to go to webui it's now "Unable to connect". Tried changing port number to no avail. Something change or break on the Unraid version change?
  12. Decided to add an old SSD to my UD's to use as a Plex appdata drive for the metadata. Precleared it. Formatted it xfs but when it finished there is no filesystem on it and Mount is greyed out. What am I doing wrong? When trying different things I try to remove the plex_appdata partition just to start fresh but I get a "Fail" message as a result. My UA Settings for good measure:
  13. I updated to the new repository the other day but started noticing that it was showing up as "not available" in the status column of the docker list. It still launches the webui fine and i can run searches and complete downloads. I'm just not sure why it's not available. I imagine this means I am no longer able to get any sort of update?
  14. Yup it seems to be in a holding pattern at the moment.
  15. I seem to have it up and running but it looks like i need to reset up the sharing folders and all the options... essentially it resets back to default every time i restart the container. is there any way for it to retain its settings? what am i doing wrong?
  16. is there a step by step guide for the newbiest of newbs to get soulseek up and running on an unraid docker container?
  17. How do we update to v3 when using the binhex container? will binhex/arch-sonarr:preview work?
  18. Edit: Nevermind. I figured out that I was underpowered using a 550W PSU. Jumped to a 1000W and flawless since. This ever get solved? I've been experiencing similar. Starting to think it's not that I had a bad PSU like I initially thought but that my 550W is maybe underpowered. Or in my case also potentially a bad UPS. Oddly enough I have the same exact UPS as you. I've switched UPSs since last night. It is now sharing the same UPS as my desktop PC for the purposes of trying to isolate the failure point. No reboots since but it's only been about 15 hours. knock on wood. I went ahead and put in an order last night for a 1000w EVGA G+ from B-stock sale to absolutely eliminate underpowering as a possible culprit. New CPU arrives today. I've already replaced 2 motherboards and RMAd the previous EVGA SuperNOVA G2 550w. If none of this helps me solve wtf is going on I'm throwing in the towel and chalking it up to being a walking magnet.
  19. I checked for updates on all my docker containers and updated all before realizing I should have confirmed I wasn’t updating deluge prematurely. Now I’m erroring out everywhere because it’s too new and not whitelisted anywhere. Can I get a step by step guide on how to roll this back?
  20. Is there some version of Deluge that is at "2.0.3-2"? I've got a certain tracker allowing 2.0.3-2 but apparently not 2.0.3 Color me confused.
  21. Sometimes I need to STOP ALL in Docker because I need to do this, that or the other. When I'm done doing what I was doing it'd be nice to have a one button push or at least the option to set the default behavior of the Resume All button to be that it resumes all the containers that were previously running or were toggled to Auto Start as opposed to a blanket ALL. I have certain containers I only start on an as-needed basis but remain stopped as default.
  22. i didnt scour this thread since page one. i can tell you though that the info i posted was not in the video like you claimed.
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