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Bought a key and attempted to install it, but getting Basic.key ... ERROR (4)


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Looks like I need to change the usb key. I have another 16Gb key brand new. I found this procedure: https://wiki.unraid.net/UnRAID_6/Changing_The_Flash_Device


However, my circumstances are slightly different - the key was never installed because of the problem, so in the context of the link, I'm slightly concerned I will not have the option to replace the key, only to purchase or trial. Can someone advise?

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The fact that the key was never installed is irrelevant - it is just that it is bound to the original GUID.  The licence transfer will simply count as your one ‘automated’ transfer allowed per year.  It is only if you need another transfer before a year has elapsed (or you encounter a problem with the transfer) that you will need to contact Limetech by email to get them to help.

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