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Hi everyone, 


I'm having a series of issues with my server that ended up in a horrible event where I thought I had lost all my data, but it looks like it should be ok (you can read below if you are bored). At any rate my dockers and vms are not showing up in unraid but the files are in my cache drive and the shares point to that:


I had to make that vm to make this post (my old VMs are gone), now that I think about it the mover might replace my old libvirt with this when it runs?



Any help would be greatly appreciated it! Oh if you want the long story as how they disappeared:





1) one of the disks in the array goes offline contents are emulated 

2) I get a new video card and decide to run 2 vms with individual gpus

3) I fix the issue with drive from problem 1) it comes back online but parity must be rebuilt 

4) VM has a fatal error, I stop the parity check, restart the pc. 


Then I come back to disk from problem 1) shown as green and my parity shown as a red x. Yeah my parity and the drive from problem 1) switched up. I tested a bunch of data from disk 1) it looks ok I guess I will re write the parity as now my parity drive shows as a blue square (a new drive). 


At any rate I don't think I have any other options other than re writing the parity and making sure the server doesn't restart before the process is done =/.

Edited by RaidBoi1904
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14 hours ago, ChatNoir said:

Hello, it might be helpful if you can attach your diagnostics to your next post. (Tools / Diagnostics)

I totally forgot, here it is! I'm running RC2
Also i did allow the parity to continue so whatever was on drive 1) is now canon i guess? 




(I keep editing trying to erase the extra images and it wont let me, pls ignore the image spam)







Edited by RaidBoi1904
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2 hours ago, Squid said:

Apps - Previous Apps, and check off what you want should fix you up.

Oh that is so awesome! thank you guys (@Squid thank you X4, this is the fourth time you help me fix an issue!).


Squid Is there a similar button for VMs? not that it matters much but if there is id love to know about that too, thank you!

Edited by RaidBoi1904
vm question
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  • RaidBoi1904 changed the title to [solved] DOCKERS AND VM DISAPPEARED
  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] DOCKERS AND VM DISAPPEARED

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